I trolled SRDines with absurdly obvious bait and they still ate it.

1  2020-01-08 by TeeEssDoubleU


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I actually tried to and sent her a nice PM, I figure her mailbox is probably full of people trying to kill herself so it will probably get mass deleted, but if it doesn't it will probably be appreciated.

Hope she sees it bro

God I hate SRDines so much


Fetishising black men as "large cocked bulls" is absolutely racist.

It's perfectly fine but don't try to act like it isn't racist to film those scenarios. The ones where the weak lil blonde girl falls into bed with the brother's/dad's/bff's black friend(almost always an athlete). She will almost always dirty talk about, "this is the largest cock I've ever seen!" For extra points throw in lines about how it's stretching her out.

A lot of women in porn will NOT do interracial because of the crowd it appeals to. It has nothing to do with attraction to black men. It's a fetish and kink and it's absolutely racist. The crowd it often draws in is toxic in many ways, especially to women.

Edit: it's craaaazy how the folks replying to me all have super racist post histories. Just no explanation for it!

FWR is insecure about his small penis

Fetishising black men as "large cocked bulls" is absolutely racist.

Ah shit. My wife who loves to fuck black guys is a racist

Dude, why did you marry a racist?

She thought I was sexy because I'm messican.

In all fairness, the warning flags were there

Gringos man.

Not a good look bro. Hope she doesn’t see this.


Getting pissed off when you see a interracial couple but woke

Unironically. I got more pushback from leftist friends and family than my conservative half when I was dating a black girl in the form of hand-wringing over fetishization mixed with her friends tutting over the white man stealing their women.

That's because in leftoid interracial relationships the foid is in control so she inevitably picks a low-class mate. In rightoid relationships it's an upper middle class/upper class Basketball American attempting to lighten his gene pool.

Fapping to mayo foids getting blacked while writing down complaints on how the black actor is a victim of institutional racism. Man, these mayo moid SRDines are into some next level cuckolding shit.

so if you dont like blacked.com youre a racist but if you also enjoy blacked.com youre a racist for fetishisng black penis????

Tbh I'd actually agree with this one. I know someone at college who's thing is that she only dates and fucks black men. The entire reason why basically comes down to the fact that she sees black people as being stupid, violent thugs and it pisses off her dad.

And this isn't even me speculating, girl straight up admitted it to me. Granted, this really just applies to racial fetishes, not just interracial couples.

I mean dude bussy lmao

A lot of women in porn will NOT do interracial because of the crowd it appeals to.

I thought it was the opposite - there are a bunch of racist coomers who will stop watching a porn star if she does interracial. So porn stars avoid interracial porn to avoid alienating part of their fan base.

Meh. I identify as Black-below-the-belt.

Doing God's work

I thought they downvoted you because they saw through the blatant shitpost but actual reason was that they have several extra chromosomes.

because they saw through the blatant shitpost

That’s never happens

The day srdines have self awareness is the day drama will shut down


I don't have the patience to make new accs just for srdines

Fetishising black men as "large cocked bulls" is absolutely racist.

And here my retarded ass thought you were born with your sexual perogitave. I guess I'll Saudi myself off the roof for choosing gay it.

Hehehehehe good shit

Someone needs to post the snappy quote about how if pornhub is suggesting cuck porn, you're probably a cuck.

Yeah that was the idea behind it. Wouldnt a normal person be suspicious if another tells them about being on pornhub several times a day and a 'scientific pornhub algorithm'?

music manager’s daughter

C-cool it y’all.

They really should change the name to r/kvetching or something

How dumb can people be

Blacked.com is racist -- I've seen enough to know they use racist stereotypes.

Blacked.com is basically unavoidable on the pornhub network. Their videos are pushed hard on all those sites.

Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

It shows up in my search history all the time too

Really makes you 🤔, huh?

The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


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Lol amazing

And they're still going?

That's impressive, sort of.

They are really going hard to bat for a sex worker they don't know. Having actually known some sex workers those who are normal are the minority, the majority seem to be hot messes.
