Fatties cope

1  2020-01-10 by CapeshitterCOPE


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Fatties cope - archive.org, archive.today

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More people die from complications of anorexia

She dances while playing flute

Someone is eventually gonna have to tell burgers just how much activity constitutes an active lifestyle, and how many calories are in snacks. I don’t even know what to say to that first comment, I guess if you only count people that actually suffocate from their own fat she’s correct.

It's massive misleading coping for sure. Like lmao bitch leading cause of death in US is heart disease.

Fatties are retarded and repulsive

It also causes cancer, which is the second leading cause of death lmao

They forgot to mention:

Coronary heart disease

Type 2 diabetes

Cancers (endometrial, breast and colon)

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triplycerides)


Liver and Gallbladder disease

Sleep apnea and respiratory problems

Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)

Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)

Reproductive disorders (obese women have trouble having children and obese men have reduced sperm counts)

Blood clots in the legs and clots to the lungs Varicose veins and swollen legs

Respiratory problems, including difficulty breathing with small amounts of exertion and walking

Fat accumulation in the liver and cirrhosis

Some forms of cancer, particularly cancer of the uterus, breast, prostate, colon and gallbladder

Heart disease was literally the single thing they listed lmao

I wasn't going to bother editing a copypasta, you think a shitposting subreddit is worth my time?

Two choices:

A) educate the fats on healthy food and exercise

B) round up the entire city of Houston and state of Mississippi onto a heavy duty cruiseship and harvest their fat to power America’s streetlamps without fossil fuels

Carbon saving from the pop reduction, and a carbon neutral fuel, that's double dipping.


What about the 40%?

trannies make up like 0.01% of humanity... their 40% is a rounding error

Lizzo doesn’t burn off a single McDonalds meal at her concerts. Fatties using the “Buhhh she so active” cope tells me that they have done little to no research on what calories in and calories out means.

Exactly. If she was active enough she wouldn't be fat. Ignoring that though a healthy BMI is a lot easier to maintain from eating better than exercising.

That first one is so far from reality that I wouldn't even know where to begin.

300,000 people die every year by the most conservative estimates and the number 1 and 2 killers in the US are highly associated with obesity upping your risks for them. Absolute galaxy-brain take there.

HAES sweaty. Those are listed as heart attacks, not snack attacks. 💅🏻🤦🏼‍♀️

There really is nothing to be done about it. Addiction and denial.

More people die from complications of anorexia

I thought it was pretty common to keep yourself safe?

how many calories are in snacks

Tbh it didn't seem to be the calories... It's the added sugar.

Nearly impossible to get obese from meat. Other issues sure.

It’s scary. A package of Doritos will cost you 200 calories. That’s like 1/8 of the daily caloric allotment for an average woman, and you KNOW how tiny and unfulfilling those snacks are!

Conversely, you have to run nearly an entire MILE to burn off 200 calories. Most people don’t come anywhere close to doing that on a daily basis. Working out is a great way to build strength, but weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the squat rack.

But isn't there actually a kernel of truth to that one tweet? Dancing and stage performance, esp. at lizzos weight, should burn as much as running a few miles.

Which begs the question, just how fucking much does she eat?

Every time she orders postmates, she calls in and says she never got the food.

The only alternative to obesity is anorexia

Fatties aren't people

I hate fat people but combined with my solipsism and narcissistic self-loathing, I have promoted them to primary antagonists in the internal struggle I project onto the world around me in my hopeless search for purpose.

my solipsism and narcissistic self-loathing

I relate to this so much I can't even tell ya

They are second only to gypsies.

Based and crusadepilled


If other people have agency why don’t I find them interesting

Braphog representation in music is a good thing.

Braphogs are for belly rubs and feed fried food, not for lewd.

If you don't feed your lolis healthy food they turn into lizzos.

"Lizzo spends hours every night singing and playing the flute during > intensive dance cardio"

I had no idea how much Lizzo and I have in common

They severely overestimate how many calories she burns

Literally all fatties do. And the fatter they are, the more they overestimate how much exercise they do. Besides, even 3 hours of intense exercise (a standard that Lizzo definitely does not meet with her "dancing" ) can easily be undone in 10 minutes of pigging out.

Idk man, imagine a normal person jumping around on stage in a fatsuit. That would seem draining as hell.
Though she probably devours a family pack of dunkin donuts after the tiniest amount of physical exertion, which is even more disgusting.

I'm going to trademark that idea and sell it.

Just let me dance and play my flute dude, it's all I have

Playing the flute like is this an SNL sketch or sth or does she actually stand there playing the fucking flute I’m confused

No, she dances and plays the flute. People pump this up by unironically saying, "I can't go up my stairs without getting winded" which is just sadness upon sadness

tbf playing the flute does take a lot of lung capacity but any reasonably athletic person could manage. I've met a lot of obese flute players.

I guess it trains muscles to breath out forcefully, it’s just a slightly comical image in my had.

Word? You also a fiddler on the roof?

Yes they call me The Fat Fiddler where I'm from ("He Whose Weight Most Roofs Cannot Support" in my native language)


I want all of those foids to one day be told they have a serious illness only for them to declare the passing of information a hate crime.

These are fat acceptance niggas fam, they already do.

i like how you never see fat men coping like this, because everyones secretly attracted to daddy bears 🤤

Lol. The fat acceptance movement in the US was founded by to moids.

So why is it only about fat foids? Lmao

Because foid drama is more entertaining.

Good point

Same reason #metoo became a good thing even though it started from a gay man accusing Spacey. Women are incapable of doing anything without there being a man to have done the actual labor for her.

Wasn't the whole Weinstein drama the starting point?

No, it was the Rent actor accusing Spacey, and then foids made it entirely about themselves and how hard it is to trade sexual favors for fame.

Checked it. The NYT published the piece on Weinstein's accusations on October 5th, 2017. And the first story about Spacey and Rapp was published on Ocotber 29th, 2017 by Buzzfeed News.


a foid movement that couldnt get off the ground (couch) until some moids did the work for them? say it aint so 🙄

Lizzo spends hours every night singing and playing the flute during intensive dance cardio.

This cope sounds just like marching band geek cope. I was in marching band in high school and college and while it does require some decent level of physical activity, it's often highly exaggerated by the people involved. There's lots of lazy fatasses in marching band.

There are fat sumo wrestlers too. It really comes down to if you eat like a pig, you're gonna look like one too

At least they can beat the shit out of you with sheer fat momentum


Overall, the authors found the percent of U.S. national medical expenditures devoted to treating obesity-related illness in adults rose from 6.13 percent in 2001 to 7.91 percent in 2015, an increase of 29 percent.


annual healthcare cost of obesity in the US is $150 Billion


fun infographic

Anorexia is not the problem


Heya buddy, seems like you're shadowbanned from Reddit :v

I'm so fucking sick of the profat bullshit. I was nearly 400 pounds, size 52 in pants and it fucking hurt to move. Something about losing 120 pounds might have made me realize how much we normalize this behavior and how dangerous it is for us as a whole. I've lost 4 friend's due to obesity issues and started making a change so I don't have an avoidable death. How many of my friends have to fucking die before 35 do I have to bare witness to before any of us admit they all died because no one wanted to just say we're all fucking obese?

I like being able to walk into any clothing store and walk out, I like having more energy every day, I like how it feels being able to jog for a hour every morning. Telling severely obese people that this lifestyle is fine is literally KILLING them and shouldn't be defended, period. Tell them their decisions are bad and they need to seek help if the typical avenues aren't doing it for them. If we can afford to eat the way we do (or did in my case) then we can afford to get help that isn't killing us when we redirect our massive food consumption to mental health.

For anyone wondering 6'6 420 (kek) 54w 4x shirts > 270 (still shrinking) 38w xl/2x shirts.

Honestly very proud of you dude keep it up.

How are you handling the excess skin? Is that something you'll get surgery for down the line?

I've been doing it super slow over the past two years so my excess skin isn't a real problem. You can crash diet like a lot of people which is fine, but the excess fat was always my biggest fear to lose weight because I don't know what looks worse. A lifestyle change for me was what I needed, next to no soda, coffee and water, more outdoors time + daily pilates and cardio/home weight training.

Hang you thought about getting surgery to remove that excess skin?

All the same, congrats, man. You did good.

Good job dude, very impressive

Serious question. Is it better to be slightly overweight as long as you live relatively healthily and are able to perform physical tasks without laborious stress, or is it better to be slightly underweight?

Depends on the climate. If it's hot, it's better to be underweight.

Slightly overweight, as your body is better able to bounce back from illnesses.

I saw something today about how Adele has lost 100 pounds really quickly since her marriage broke up. Hmm, if she'd lost that 100 pounds earlier, you think maybe... no, couldn't possibly be.

If fatties spent half the energy they do coping and put it into exercise, there wouldn't be any fatties

Why do the wrong artists always rise to the top?

It used to be about the music, man.

If there's going to be a larger black gal in the spotlight, it should be these two gals.


You aren't burning calories when your fat jiggles after you stop moving

This could actually be good. The more fat, lazy, incompetent people that can barely stand for 15 minutes tops and can only climb 2 floors of stairs without keeling over, the better I look by comparison. The less people I have to compete with, and all I have to do is not be a complete fat POS.