Drama over porn in r/Communism

1  2020-01-12 by LiberalKiwi


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state licensed porn artists


you got a loicense for that, bruv?

A vagina moves from private property to public property there



They have seized the means of reproduction.

Your butt will be ruled by a dicktatorship of the proletariat.

“Your pussy will be socialized”-CTR

>Removed, Removed and Removed

Wow, this sub is just like real communism!

How do these people think they’ll be the vanguard of a revolutionary movement?

It is because wokes and elitists are major narcissists. This innately isn't an issue, coming from a narcissist myself. However, the issue is that they believe that they will be strong enough, smart enough and adaptable enough to lead a revolution but not only that, but also comfortably live their life post revolution as "uniform designers" or "party politician" (remember that chapo thread?).

This is all without support from the proletariat btw, because as much as Chapos envision themselves as being supported by the masses, they are the furthest thing from it.

I believed and still believe in causing a revolution in adherence to my political ideology, but I like to think that the difference between me and chapocels is that I'm not one to scorn the proles, even if I am a bougie myself. And my participation in politics isn't rooted in self-gain, like the chapos, as I'd rather much be something simple like a farmer, if a successful revolution were to occur.

These people are worse than woke Twitter.

Got that post revolution chapo thread handy?

I don't have it on hand. I only recall screenshots. You'd need to ask around, but I believe it was r/Socialism or something quite similar to chapo.


Mackinnon and Dworkin are zionists who aren't worth listening to. Shut it, coomer.

🐎 👞

Even if they weren’t anti capitalists they were essentially the epitome of sex negativity and even they weren’t against erotica since no one was being trafficked lol

Horseshoe theory proven correct again.

Btw, the regressive views of LGBT people is an exaggeration and is anti-communist propaganda. Sure, Stalin technically criminalized gay people, but only actual pedophiles were charged with the "crime."

The absolute state of leftoids

Like how does someone buy into this shit and never read a fucking book. The fucking political party in Russia that is the unofficial spiritual successor of the Russian Communist Party has official apologized numerous times for the crimes that Stalin and the the party committed against minorities, including homosexuals, while they were in power.

That's so very rightoid of them. I keep seeing horseshoes!

Just wait till you see them cope about the Molotov Ribbentrop pact


no matter how many times i see leftoid shit i'm always shocked at the word count. it really is incredible how consistently they write long unhinged rants about shit that nobody will read except for the people that already completely agree with them.


There was disagreement in the thread though and they were referencing from the post so that doesn't appear to be correct

It’s funny Bc Cuba is known for its prostitution

Idk why they're worried. Once they overthrow the bourgeois they'll be drowning in puss. Nothing gets gussy hotter than spending all day typing paragraphs of shit no one reads.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Drama over porn in r/Communism - archive.org, archive.today

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But also, commies and not letting you have control over your own body, name a better duo

Lolbertarians and thinking that ejaculation takes your life essense.

ejaculation takes your life essense

That's just common sense.

May pastor said it was releasing demons. You can't both be right.

The demons are your life essence.

Suharto didn’t go far enough.


Communists tend to be pro choice so that doesn't seem right

Having sex on camera is bad but killing babies is good.

Abortion has a positive societal outcome. Porn doesn't. I'm very averse to criminalization though. I don't think we need more people in jail. Porn should be actively discouraged and regulated strictly. I dont have any moral issues with people fucking on camera, the main issue is the way they're treated. Compare the abuse that is rampant in porn to the freedom women enjoy because they have can choose when to have children

I also find it funny to believe abortion is killing babies and the only thing you about it is vote every 4 years

Abortion has a positive societal outcome.

Less black people is a good thing? Cool it with that racism sweaty.

I also find it funny to believe abortion is killing babies and the only thing you about it is vote every 4 years

I don't vote, I'm not a retard.

I mean 13 percent...

Black women aren't the only ones getting aborted. And in the US that has to do more with poverty than race. Regardless abortion isn't an American or African issue alone. There's women and therefore abortion in every country regardless of its effects on the black population

I don't vote, I'm not a retard.

You just virtue signal about dead babies but can't even bother to vote for them. I think you're mental incapacity is why you aren't allowed to vote. Don't project that on to voters

If you seriouspost one more time I'm going to suck my dad's dick. I don't want to have gay sex with my dad but you're forcing me into this. Don't you dare post another serious comment, especially not before 3pm when he has to leave.

That's how you justify your homosexual urges. By pretending you're forced into it

Don't we all, though?

Makes it much easier to accept.

You're right, if I had been voting all these years nobody would have gotten an abortion. I see the errors of my ways.

Tiller's killer had a more coherent view on abortion than you do.

youre a fucking idiot, do you know that

You're incapable of distinguishing between a symbiote and a group of people? I think all the screen-time and dopamine fried your cognitive functions, mister.

True communism cannot be achieve with Wymen anyway. Just think about it.

biggest brainless consumers, never get any remorse to make a 8yo or 80yo vietnamiese working 14 hours a day if it mean accumulating 20 pairs of shitty shoes and bags at the end of the year.

create tensions all the time in a mixed society, at work, at home.

fell for capitalism tricks if it's trendy, like nazism

When we will build artificial wombs and communist engineered robot cat girls it's over women, a true Brotherhood of the World will emerged, like a giant male only lockeroom but trying to reach for the stars.

They made a movie about that.

Gay Niggers from Outer Space.

Fully automated luxury gay space communism is the only true communism.

Why is it reactionary? Its ideological content is. It objectifies - or more precisely, commodifies (primarily female) bodies. It dehumanizes women. It is the reason why you have white people going around fetishizing Asian women.

If they carry this through to it's logical end point and advocate for banning all weebshit, I may have to become a communist.

It's funny how bussy is always left out of the picture when it comes to the "porn is bad because muh degrading wamen" argument.

Also makes me lol at all the tankie furry artists on Twitter that would have their sole source of income outlawed if their perfect communist utopia was ever realized. >v<

Porn is bad because it degrades other men then. Putting unreal expectation on bussy and dick

Yikes, that sounds like incel talk sweaty Óvò

Wish it was but sadly enough I cant secure a white masc 4 masc on grindr, only ethnic bottoms 🤢🤢

Now for the infamous FAQs:

"But what if I film me and my girlfriend having sex with the consent of both parties?"

First of all, if you have to ask that, your girlfriend is most likely imaginary. I don't know about white amerikans, but in my part of the world, nobody does that. Uploading sex tapes is considered a form of humiliation, and thus it's a punishable crime. People have committed suicide over this. No one who has healthy relationships would ask their girlfriend: "Hey can I upload a video of us having sex?"

Has this bitch ever browsed pornhub's verified amateurs? Cause people absolutely are doing exactly that. Never underestimate mayos.

This must mean white amerikans by definition can't become communists

Well they're about where the extreme right is on this issue, the Grand Farrier at work again.

"But what if I film me and my girlfriend having sex with the consent of both parties?"

First of all, if you have to ask that, your girlfriend is most likely imaginary. I don't know about white amerikans, but in my part of the world, nobody does that.

I just can't wrap my head around this statement. I've literally known couples that do exactly this


I don't think they go far enough, all Penis-in-Vagina sex is inherently demeaning to women's bodies. Consequently, there was no sex in the USSR and they were categorically against it.

Based commies dunking on coomers.

Getting that revolution one degenerate essay post at the time

confiscation of the pornographic materials and the means of producing them

Goddamnit. I'm going to have to start remembering my degenerate coomshit fapfics and reciting them out loud like Homeric epics.

In the era of pornographic prohibition, non-government porn goes underground.


Lmao the fact that that sub even exists is fucking sad