Trump is a lot of things, hilarious is one of them

1  2020-01-12 by escargott


Qtards: Trump is fighting all the deep state kiddy fiddlers

Trump: "I'm buying your kids, too."

Wow I almost thought this was something Drumpf actually did. Thanks Snopes!

Why did Snopes feel the need to write an article about this? Lol

Do you even bro?

Trump said he had a stack of burgers "one mile high" for some sports team at the white house.

The Washington Post decided to fact check his claim and literally did the math and concluded that it wasn't possible for a mile high stack of cheeseburgers to fit inside the white house.

You know when people repeat that line about Trump saying 30,000 false statements since being elected or whatever? This was counted as one of them.

Sweet Jesus.

A comedy sketch featuring Donald Trump "buying" two children was shared as a real news story from CNN.

literally the first line of the article

This video never aired on CNN

Literally the next sentence

and it was shared as real news. and presumably some people fell for it. This is literally the point of snopes

The point of snopes is keeping the hookers sex workers paid.

That's part of the title.

a subtitle is part of the article

Why did Snopes feel the need to write an article about this? Lol

Because they don't cover real stories. Only outlandish things or cherry picked content that people know aren't true.

Cus people are stupid and need it explaining

apparently CNN reported it as a real story

This video never aired on CNN

Literally the next sentence

imagine reading

ah you're right. Snopes annoys the shit out of me so I almost never read past the first sentence or two.

They didn't play the video. They still reported the "story".

Idk where this sentence is going but I’m still waiting.

Why does CNN go out of their way to play into rightoid stereotypes lol

Ur retarded

Fap fodder for their base.


So that people who love Snopes can defend it by claiming "see they even took Trump's side on this one"!!!!

If Trump (or anybody else) were to purchase children, it is extremely unlikely that the process would be accompanied by a laugh track.

They also said it was an SNL sketch but it’s clearly a Jay Leno clip. Stupid Snopes can’t even get the facts right in their ridiculous article.

SNL "type" sketch.

L "type" sketch.

oh yeah, that Live variety show, always known for its sunny outdoor pre-recorded sketches

“While we have not been able to identify the exact source of this video, audience laughter can be heard at several points, indicating that this was a sketch on a Saturday Night Live.”

"While we have not been able to identify the exact source of this video, audience laughter can be heard at several points, indicating that this was a sketch on a Saturday Night Live 

type of show:"

Read after the ad.

the brain of your average dramacrat is allergic to fact-checking and competent reading skills

Rightoids are so mad at Snopes they can't even accept an article that is good for Trump apparently.

BTFO by reality. Trump IS buying children and vehicles with America as his blank check.

The issue is why is Snopes doing in depth fact checking on what’s obviously a comedy video?

Snopes' job is a narrow facet of the Political establishment. They add legitimacy to the idea that Trump is a child abuser. A proper propaganda diamond may have hundreds of facets.

And much more likely Epstein would be involved.

It seems he is trying to garner libertarian support.

The McCafe threat is real.

McDonalds coffee is trash

Okay that’s pretty funny lol

Drumpf is literally killing children at the border and you think its funny?


Total chad 😳

Based yes man-ing? On my /r/drama?

Rightiods have zero compassion that's why they vote for fascists

Shut up.

I'll remember your user name when unironic rightoids are goose stepping down the streers

I said shut up, retard.

Literally no one cares what you said.

I don't care about your existence.

Imagine caring about existentialism

That’s called psychology and philosophy. More people should care about them.

I'll be one of them, better run white boi


This is exactly what you need to upvote.

Hey Drake In Real Lyfe...we get it, you are black.

Not wrong.

You are such a sad cunt lmao

It’s hilarious. Honestly children that aren’t aborted should not have a chance to live

Conservatards literally wish the world is the hunger games

I heard the hunger games is pretty big in Africa.

Drumpf is literally killing children at the border

What is this chapo nonsense

him killing children at the border still sounds funny to me

Drumpf literally out there personally shooting kids as young as 2 crossing the border.

Every time lmao

It takes a rightoid to really rile the rightiods up

Oh damn, Corporal has evolve to have the capacity for sarcasm.

Dead brown children dont deserve sarcasm

Remember you have to tame the tiger before you let him out of the cage.

So brown children are animals to you?

Depends on the flavor.

thai food is pretty yummy, and they have caged tigers. can this count?

Corporal hicks is kind of a private Pyle if ya know what I mean.

The real Corporal Hicks was no leftoid beta like this guy.

I think you don't know what literally means.


Fuck off

best SNL sketch i've seen from last year

could you not have a found a better quality version

Trump's warmth and charisma radiates through even the worst cellphone recordings of vhs taped tube Television.

This is why he's President.

Donald Trump bought all the bandwidth

What's wrong with a cellphone recording of a 1997 PC playing the video on RealPlayer?


nope, this was considered high quality back in 2003. 144p

Tell me you didn't predict things will go this ways 4 years ago

Where's this from? Actually funny lmao

Snl maybe?

i'm pretty sure it's the opening for the Comedy Central roast of him?

Seeing as how the video on Snopes was blocked by NBC, confirmed.

Jay Leno Tonight show 2003 it was him appearing right before the apprentice came out on NBC so he was hyping up that tv show.]

you could tell because of how young Mickey Day (the photographer) was and he worked as a sketch writer for the tonight show in early 2000s.

thanks for clearing that up, I was really confused as to why Michael Day was in this sketch since he's a current SNL cast member and plays Trump Jr.

Michael Day is the 11th oldest cast member and the 3rd oldest that has been a cast member for more than 5 years. he's actually as old as colin quinn was when he joined, in case you wanted to know how much better white people have gotten at aging. the wall is at 50 now.

It was from Trump. It was something he said.


Evan.. Evan can I get a fact check on the fly? Someone link the snopes confirming this acksually happened.

gg no re

Drumpft has surely gone too far this time...

The walls are closing in

I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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DAE le'Drufph is HITLER

GAWD you are so fucking biast, i cant believe how downt he drain the sub has gone! when the sub was first stated there used to be GOOD content now i cant even enjoy a tRump post without SOMEONE bring politics into it

the mods need to get there shit together. you know what, I'm unsubbing and going to SRD where they KNOW real drama

I'm unsubbing and going to SRD where they KNOW real drama

even as a joke... too far, man


Leave faggot

Ok sorry

They don’t want me either, can I come back? You can sire my children.



Canned him, damn near killed em.

if I had a dollar for every pixel in that video, I'd have 50 cents

Sir, this is a wendy's.

> le tired meme

Almost like I was using typical Reddit fag language on purpose.

> almost not retarded

so close

Almost like I was

You sure are buddy 😜😜.

> it's almost as if

Wow, I don't care.

Wow, I don't care.

subscribed, followed and upvoted

Wow, I don't care.

Decided to reply though 🤔🤔

Retard argument.



Okay chud.

Post hog

Post Hog in Chud

who hurt you

Yikes, my sweaty summer child

zoomer meme


I laughed that was good

How long ago was this? Had to be almost 10 years as he is acting like he knows what is going on.

Damn, amazing what limiting your sentences to five words will do. Good work Daddy, you should have skipped politics and worked in entertainment.

Why not the same time? He's giving the country double value all while donating his piddly salary to bums.

If he was going to be a double threat I'd rather the other be something he's relatively comptetent at like tennis or golf.

He seems pretty darn good at not nuking the world

Wow. Uniquely qualified. How long has it been since we had a non-doomsday president.

Finally a lib owning up to Trump's greatness.

> a lib

My tax bracket says otherwise.

Here in Western Canada our tax structure is better than yours.

Boom. Roasted by the Alberta Advantage.

Donald trump is genociding white children as well!? He is putting their safety at risk with a stunt like this! The windows aren’t even rolled down, #resist

The number of sites I had to temp whitelist in NoScript to watch this shit was too damn high!

Never had this problem with Streamable before. Must be getting a lot of traction with the gullible, so they’re trying to max profit on it.

Dude r*dditors lmao

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Trump is a lot of things, hilarious... -,

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Wait the photographers in that video look similar to the guys who did this David Blaine sketch

its the same people. those guys in the sketch were like the sketch crew for the tonight show back in the early-2000s. thats why the video is so low quality.

I wish he was the pope

4K ultra HD

How many MAGAfaggots are in this sub now that mediocre sketch, not even written by Trump, gets 250+ upvotes?

This is really fucking cringe.


Only a mentally ill unfunny leftoid would find it cringe.

Lots of projection going on here.

Your stupid buzzwords mean nothing. It's objectively funny and I don't like President Trump. Seethe, cope and have sex leftcel.

Untrue and non cis-het.