Fat man attempts to eat dog. Shows up in reddit comments to defend himself.

1  2020-01-14 by 2Manadeal2btw


Sorry man. This isn't halal. You're going to have to remove it.


  1. https://streamable.com/tjhag - Outline

  2. https://streamable.com/s/fe4g2/qoeh... - Outline

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Kis immeq ya jahel.

Strawman and gaslighting are such ridiculous buzzwords, yet people still use them unironically...

It's literally why I unsubscribed from the washington post.

Journalism really is a meme. The internet killed it.

I fully blame twitter.com for the current state of journalism.

Certainly a big part

Twitter.com and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Jack dorsey needs to be locked up

No Craigslist killed it Twitter just raped the corpse

Daddy pissed on the remains

Both had valid and important meanings once, sadly. Online culture has destroyed them. Gaslighting in particular. It's gone from meaning a pattern of unstable behaviour that undermines someone's sense of reality to... "person disagreed with me!!!!!"


Those two terms did have more sensible meanings but they were exclusively used to win arguments online they were never important.


I think the poster misspelled the word and added an R.

So.. You are saying they are gaslighting you on the term gaslighting 🤔

Could someone explain to me why fatties are still allowed to vote?

Day of the salad bar when?

For fatties, the answer is never.

Day of the Diet. Clearly you've never seen what fatties make a salad into when they have access to a salad bar, they end up with 1500 calories of dressing.

You got me there, I don't associate with lardcels

I don't either but unfortunately living in burgerland has exposed me to their disgusting habits

Day of the treadmill looms

Wow, this is profoundly retarded on all fronts.

Wow, this is profoundly retarded on all fronts.

I get the entertainment value in watching some obese ameriburger slowly hit rock bottom, but why would people unironically support and defend him?

To feed him hope and make 'hit rock bottom' journey funnier.

To feed him

That would be enough

Children and morons

This dood got a gastric bypass and GAINED WEIGHT. Pathetic.

See: Chris-Chan

They're fake. He looked British before his surgery.

They're not going to stay white for long. Fatty still ain't gonna brush his teeths, not even the fake ones that need more care than regular teeths.


god this man is repellent

Half of his face doesn't even work lmao

One day karma is gonna hit you like a truck, I just feel bad for the damage that poor truck will take.

His wife left him, his parents abused him, his fans have heavily abandoned him, countless Youtubers hate him, his teeth all rotted out, he's morbidly obese. I meant, it's been "hitting" him for decades. Unless people really think being a gargantuan lonely miserable vidya streamer is somehow an enviable lifestyle?

Right, he's barely functional and the only thing keeping him afloat are some close friends who have got to be saints and his relative success.

Unless people really think being a gargantuan-weight lonely miserable food addicted vidya streamer is somehow an enviable lifestyle?

Do you think that anyone who would become a "fan" of this guy is well-adjusted or happy? This is worse than buying Belle Delphine's bathwater.

I don't really get what you're saying but I really doubt people are buying boogies bath water. He's probably not even selling it.

Redditors do

Love Boogie spergouts. He's so cute pretending not to care about what random netizens think about him.

He does this all the time. "I don't care what x people on y site think of me!" Then he still searches /fit/ for boogie threads so he can defend himself. He's obsessed.

Just says you are a chink and r/hapas and r/Sino would rush and defend you.

Think about it; fatties act dumb and you have to be pretty dumb to shovel food enough food in your unhinged jaw to get fat in the first place. So if fat has such a strong correlation with being retarded should the United States of Armrest be allowed to have nukes?

Anyone got that meme where he's bitching about a healthcare bill and then below is a picture of him putting chips into a blender or something?

I saw a similar one with the caption "I need healthcare, someone will have to pay" and a picture of him eating mayonnaise straight from the jar.

Day of the treadmill when?

I have to say, I'm on Team Fat Retard for this one. A cavalier is not gonna care that its skin got stretched a little bit. They're not that fragile. The only thing they don't like is getting their toes stepped on. That's when you get the ear-splitting bark and the "why did you hurt me, daddy?" stare.

No wonder you retards have problems with pitbulls. You have to bite your dogs to show them who's master.