Science says soybois are something different.

1  2020-01-18 by tiptopkitkat


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Also excess estrogen.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Science says soybois are something ... -,

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But then why are Asians so thin?

Lack of meat and dairy.

Japs are cucked for being stuck on their island.

Chad south koreans and northern chinese I mean Mongol rape babies are the tallest asians because they actually eat dairy and meat instead of fish and birds constantly.

Don’t Asian diets feature a lot of meat? Where did you get that from

Plus Japan is literally the highest in per capita egg consumption for the entire world so they ain't lacking in animal protein.

You can't be cucked by having your own ethno-island, full of ninjas and shit.

Ninjas are cuck peasants, samurai are the real deal

Ah yes, fish and chicken, famous for being so low in protein and fat.

I come to r/drama for race science and armchair diet advice

I got ya covered. Fried chicken causes gang violence. Fact.

Don't believe me? Eat some and find somebody wearing different colors than you while daring to exist near you.

It's the paprika.

Much like a crack dealer, the Japanese don’t get high on their own high fructose corn syrup

So much cope in those comments.






At least there's some honour in being a jannie (for free) on that sub to keep the discussion somewhat serious and science based. Imagine doing it to make sure people don't say mean things on a doggo sub.

Imagine doing it to prevent the discussion of potentially uncomfortable scientific truths

Imagine doing it because the only thing you'll do for free is be a dick.

Imagine having the need to defend soy

feed mice shitton of fatty oil

mice get fat and diabetes



Uh oh looks like that soy oil is taking effect!

HahHah ahh good stuff lol

So much cope in those comments.

How are is it to just not eat soy lmao

Pretty fucking hard considering everything in a package has soy oil in it these days.