What is 13 but also 50? The answer may surprise you!

1  2020-01-19 by zhcyiDnein



What is 2% but also 15%? (/r/de hates this fact.)

!The first quarter 2019 BKA report stated that as a group, asylum seekers, refugees and individuals with no residency but can't be deported (German: Geduldete) are strongly over-represented as crime suspects vs. all other groups in Germany.!<

!This group numbers about 1.6 million people and the great majority arrived in 2015 and later. They represent 2% of the population in Germany but 11% of suspects in cases of grievous bodily harm, 15% of suspects in cases of deadly violence and 12% of suspects in cases of rape and sexual assault.!<

![Source: BKA](https://www.bka.de/DE/AktuelleInformationen/StatistikenLagebilder/Lagebilder/KriminalitaetImKontextVonZuwanderung/KriminalitaetImKontextVonZuwanderung_node.html)!<

Knew it before I saw it. I swear, krauts are fucking petulant manchildren when things don't go their way so they try their hardest to ruin it for everyone else smh

Germans are literally the "weaponized autism" of people. They sperg rage a couple times a century and the rest of the world puts them in time-out.


How do you think crime rates are measured?

Do you think, if we look at convicts instead, the ratio will be better or worse? Wanna know what percentage of prison inmates in Germany are foreigners?

the suspect rate can only be worse than the conviction rate lmao

No. You confuse total number with percentage. The total number of convictions can only be smaller than the total number of suspects.

The relative percentage of a group among all suspects can be lower than its relative percentage among all convicts.

Example for some hypothetical crime:

There are 1000 suspects per year for this crime, 200 of those suspects are convicted.

Of the 1000 suspects 100 belong to group A, and 50 of those 100 are convicted.

So 10% of all suspects belong to group A, but 25% of all convicts belong to group A.

Wanna know what percentage of prison inmates in Germany are foreigners?

If it was a higher percentage youd have posted it off the bat. I was talking about how youre posting, not the stats youre posting.

If it was a higher percentage youd have posted it off the bat.

Why do you think that?

but all the other cool dudes posting crime statistics talk about conviction rates tho

don't know how cool the BKA dudes are, but they're the official source

Propaganda Poster raus!


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you mean "agenda poster" 🤣🤣🤣


"Flamebait" 🤣🤣🤣


Well you know as well as I know that this is no problem at all because the majority of crime is still comitted by etnhic germans

Checkmate bigot :) (Just ignore that germans are underrepresented in crime)

Germans are massively overrepresented in scat porn (🤢) so it balances out.

Isn't that unironically true? Lol.

We truly deserve the rope lmao

Shut up trucel



This is why we need mayocide.


  1. What is 13 but also 50? The answer ... - archive.org, archive.today

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The last few times I've flown coast to coast in the US ive flown business class and it's worth it because by the end of my flight I'm not supremely annoyed and uncomfortable. It almost amazes me how much they've taken away from economy class in the last 7 years. A good example of this is: you used to be able to get the emergency exit seat for free, you just had to check in early and pick it, then it went up to paying an extra $30 for it but the last time I tried to reserve that seat it was an extra $300 each way which would have turned my $400 flight into $700. Add that to the fact that they nickle and dime you for everything and it's almost more affordable to fly business on a shitty airline. With business class you get priority check-in, priority security screening, usually 2 free checked bags plus guaranteed carry on space, priority baggage pick up, unlimited alcoholic drink and getting off the plane 1st plus other amenities I'm forgetting. Add that to the fact that youll never have to sit in the middle, you'll always have 2 arm rests and if you get on a smaller plane you may not have to sit next to anyone and it makes the choice super easy. Spend more money because fuck people they're disgusting

Also if you’re renting a car where you land, so often the difference between a “compact”(actually subcompact) and a “full size”(actually midsize but not in rental world) is a negligible amount compared to the fucking stupid amount of annoyance you will experience crammed into a Mitsubishi Mirage.

Tldr; you get what you pay for

An SUV Uber is only about $10 more too. I forget what category it's in though.


just fly the most ghetto way possible. take a bar of xanax, down a couple of drinks, kick off those shoes, and have someone wake you up when you arrive.

People who take their shoes off on flights get the wall 1st. If you're on a long ass flight bring sandals or house shoes, nobody wants to smell or look at your nasty ass feet.

day of the fungus when

What's nasty about programming socks?

Sorry I should have specified that clean socks are fine too. Op trigger a memory of proto boomer taking his shoes off on a 5 hr flight and his nails were green, like an inch thick and they smelled like dick cheese

How’d it taste when you lovingly cleaned them with your mouth

Speak for yourself 🦶🤤

Most ghetto way possibe... spirit airlines?

Good way to wreck your car after arriving.

He drives himself 😂🤣

I know right, totally pathetic

Stop being poor

Priority check-in, first to board, and extra room is well worth it. I can do coach for a couple hours and then I think it's not worth it. But anything 4+ hours I think first class is the way to go or like you said you don't feel like shit getting off the plane.


Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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I was expecting an /r/teenagers joke.

This is some sort of weird Nigonacci Sequence.

Ive heard that the FAA cherry picks these numbers to make some of the airlines look bad.

This is purely due to economic factors!

The rich were the real naggers after all.

I flew first class to Seattle and it was well worth it. Plus it's a business expense anyway. The difference was about $1200 IIRC, so not cheap for the average working schmoe such as myself, but if it's something you can swing, I definitely recommend it.

Based and Pareto-pilled

Not surprised. First class tickets are way overpriced.

Is this like the gamer version of The Number 23