A legitimate 1-month, 1441 comment and counting flamewar in - appropriately enough - r/autism

1  2020-01-19 by AnthonyCumiaPedo


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Mental health experts could probably study this thread. Congratulations patso. In a sub about autism full of autists you manage to be the most severely autistic. This is truly mind-boggling. What's stranger is that you can't even slightly see how insane you are. You genuinely have some sort of mental disability to continue to engage.

You're fat too. But you also can't see that. Reverse body dysmorphia on top of the autism and of course retardation.

Pretty good pasta right here

I'm a fan of the simple "I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay."

That is truly great in its simplicity.

You genuinely have some sort of mental disability to continue to engage.

Well ya, he's autistic. Stupid fuck


Best snappy quote candidate

Immediately thought the exact same thing when I read it


Yes, child. Criminal. Death threats are criminal.

I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay.


I took a random scroll down the page and the first sentence I read said "I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay." and now I'm crying laffin

such a powerful line it's actually insane that it was stated unironically

Going forward, it will be my personal motto.

those wacky autists


Lmao autists are the fucking kings or queens (male) of making drama.

snappy please

U have to message justcool393

Mod now

This but unironically


Oh wow. Incredible. That’s the very same Patrick Tomlinson who sperged out so hard he got the admins to shut down r/OpieAndAnthony

Wait WHAT? I didn't even notice it was that Patrick Tomlinson. Welp I'm not surprised that a spaceshit author would be this severely fat and autistic.

Wow, I actually had a twitter spat with this guy a while back over the truth of flat earth. I'm glad that he's still sperging.

I just Tweeted asking him for advice on how to beat women. I'll have a golden /r/drama thread in a couple weeks, if he doesn't block me.

This fucking cunt

Actually it was an obese vape stealing heroin junkie janitor SpaceEdge that shut down the original subreddit. Don't give fatrick credit for that.

What’s with the “child” thing? Is that just a constant affectation of how he talks?

Like a year or two ago, Fatso Pat said Norm MacDonald wasn't funny and has since been at war with the hundreds of now banned O&A subs. At some point, during events like the banning of his 100k follower Twitter for 7 months, the rating bomb of his book release on all amjor platforms, the harrassment of local businesses he frequents, and being called a fat cuck who threatens violence against women and an alleged pedophile possibly a million times, his brain has been left rotted and all he can do now is call people child, pay his lawyer to file tens to hundreds of false Reddit DMCAs a day, and write literal essay length twitter threads about being persecuted by morning radio Nazi's. And he's deserved all of it.

It was like, January 2019 that the Norm thing happened

  1. One of the first comments in response to him calls him a child
  2. [autism black box]
  3. He starts repeating it for the rest of the thread

You literally told your Facebook followers to commit felony violence against women, which in itself is a felony

No, child. I did not. And no, child. It is not. New account, huh? Got another one suspended for harassment and abuse, I suppose.

Yes, woman abuser, you did. Here’s the archive (which is admissible in court even though you tried to delete it): archive is/MAj7N Abusing women is a felony, as is telling other people to abuse women.

Felony territory, this is some good drama

god i miss the OnA subreddit

Is r/Autism the new r/Drama?

Same Same, but different

r/drama is r/autism's retarded tranny cousins.

OP picture, why did the guy sperg out so?

Norm MacDonald’s retarded brother lmao

That is a massive forehead...

Phrenologists did morning wrong

I fucking live for this shit

Hello child.

This post makes me angry at how good it is. You casually found what is likely to be a top 5 post of the year.

Such a childish thing to say from such a childey child child, child.

His profile and Twitter are great. Grade A sperg.

lmao fatrick made it to drama

quarantine soon I guess


wasn't this motherfucker on the opie and anthony subreddit?

he was and he's one of the reasons it got cucked by admins

yeh that was bs

i liked that subreddit

What was that sub and what did the retard do?

I assume it was about the show at one point, but it turned into a sub about the creator's lolcow brother and other shit. The farms has a good thread on it.


No kidding. I was going to see what else he had posted before that but he made so many replies in just that single thread that I didn't want to waste anymore time just clicking next. Imagine how long that took him to do. You can tell he's autistic just from that.

Like bruh how low functioning is this retard? Like me but hit with a fucking shovel on a regular basis as a kid.

holy shit I can't stop laughing

Childish response tbh.


twitter profile pic

“Myatt daymin”

Autism is the most renewable energy source.

"Can there be two presidents"

Fucking retard

Imagine thinking a good post makes it to the top

Not about foids, troids, or browns?


Despite what the seething progressivecels on here say posts about foids, troids, and browns are great and are posted here for good reason.

It’s like the blue meth of drama. 99.89% purity 👌

is this some sort of fentanyl-american thing? i've never heard of "blue meth."

It's a reference from Breaking Bad. Not sure if they have that in not-america.

Lol of course they don't. How the fuck you think they going to watch Breaking Bad if they don't even have T.V.'s?

I always imagine the Euros have those big tube TVs.

Britbongs don't count, they basically became U.S. political and economic slaves after big daddy George cucked them out of the new continent. They might get our hand me downs but those savages definitely still don't have HBO.

Euro's may have t.v.'s but they are too dumb from drinking all the lead water from their 2000 year old plumbing to know how to operate them.

We just pirate all American shows, tbh, mate.

sorry that I don't CONSOOM daytime television disneycel



Easily top 10 posts of the year, holy shit.

This post has just vanished from the sub. Are the fucking jannies sperging out again?

reddit.com user I_will_bum_your_mum/hidden

Here tardo

It's not listed there either. Whatever, as long as it's not gone I don't care.

It's not removed.

Good. Sorry, I just don't trust anyone who works for free.

This is art.

"You are part of a criminal campaign. You are under investigation by the police. These are facts."


Uhoh Johnson, looks like a reddit user just called him fat and gay. Send out the SWAT team!

I'm not reading that, but I assume it's good

Such a childish thing to say from such a childey child child, child.

New snappy quote pls

This is an excellent find, child.

Autism runs deep with this one

Patrick posted himself to r/standupshots. r/autism sounds perfect for him.





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Speaking of autism, I found out you can ping if you are in the Century Club (for users with more than 100000 karma).



You are the most boring user on this site.

I'm gonna need someone autistic enough to read all this in order to care.

No, child. I did not. No, child, it is not. No, child, I did not. And no child, I did not.

And I don't live in Michigan.

My favorite Patty quote.
