Galaxy brained western male quits his job to take 4000 milligrams of Benadryl, ends of on dialysis with permanent brain damage.

1  2020-01-20 by SwansonsJohnson


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I found this more wtf than anything else. Why tell us this?

His brain’s all scrambled. Dude’s not thinking straight anymore.

Is it evidence of brain damage because he's sharing non-sequitur information, or because he enjoyed Cars 2?



Why not both

And beans

Big thing is that it doesn't say whether or not it was his favorite before the giant trip. Did he become brain damaged then start to love Cars 2, or is it that only someone whose favorite movie is Cars 2 would take 4g of Benadryl?

he took 4000 mg of benedryl. I'm not convinced this dude ever was thinking clearly.

Could be a relative of MasterLawlz.

Liking movies like Cars 2 despite seeing better movies means that you're based.

I think it just means you have permanent brain damage.

This whole story seems like bullshit. He starts with bad spelling and a childish manner of speaking at the beginning but then he sort of forgets about this act half way through. His vivid description is too well-written for someone with brain damage.

I'm inclined to believed hes playing up the brain damage a little, but he might be retarded enough to both be brain damaged in certain ways but not to the point of being a vegetable. Just because he's hamming it up doesn't mean he's entirely lying.

I believe his brain is fucked and he is just acting wierd because of it. Even if he’s not consistently wierd.

That's my point, yeah. You can have brain damage and still be deceptive.

if youre on a near death days long trip youre probably not going to remember the times and details of it either

I was thinking that too. His sense of time is ridiculously on-point; even if he's not really sure of or wrong about the exact minute he still seems very lucid for someone undergoing that much supposed drug use or subsequent brain damage.

Probably only likes it when he's tripping.


Maybe he's the guy who was eating beans during the movie

Mod him

This gets thrown around so much these days and I’m guilty of it myself, but unironically please send this motherfucker a mod invitation. God I wish I could ping.

Yeah we need more brain-damaged mods.

thank god he is american, imagine if other people had to pay for his treatment

He said obama care covered it.

Thanks obama.

Dang, I was gonna comment that. I'll do it anyway.

Aftermath: Quit my job for this trip and still unemployed. No insurance but i got Obamacare which covered a part of it.

Thanks Obama.

Thanks Obama for letting him live so that we could get this post

Unironically people take worse care of themselves when they don’t pay for their own healthcare so yes we’re going to get more shit like this as the world heads that direction.

I mean, it is consolation I guess.

And that’s a good thing!

Unironically people take worse care of themselves when they don’t pay for their own healthcare

Imagine being lectured on healthcare and chronic fatness by an American.

Unironically people take worse care of themselves when they don’t pay for their own healthcare

Yeah, that's why there's all those fat people in Scandinavia.


Because Americans are so healthy

Literally what you pay in health insurance has almost no relationship to how well you take care of yourself. It's a black hole of wall street profits with every rising premiums. The parts of it that penalize you for being unhealthy penalize you just as much for getting cancer randomly as being fat or whatever.

t. seething mutt

Your tax money is funding druggie drama and that's a good thing

I literally said that

Shut up, no one asked.

is there any proof he's american or that he needs treatment?

The taxpayer still pays for emergency services regardless if he has insurance or not.

The taxpayer doesn't pay for shit, nothing in the government is funded by taxpayers. The treasury credits government agency bank accounts and prints bills as necessary to fund their operation, they do not wait around for IRS tax receipts to come in nor would they ever at any point be dependent on that for their operations. The government is a public entity owing duty equally to all citizens, it is not the property of taxpayers. One who pays taxes owed under the law is owed nothing besides the lack of a prison sentence. A taxpayer is a non criminal, nothing more, nothing less. Non citizens are taxpayers, and they are owed no more or less than any other non citizen.

Also you're retarded, all emergency service costs are born by the hospital. It is a sunk cost for hospitals.

thanks for giving us your mile long theory on the government in response to a simple fucking statement that you barely disagreed with

You do pay for his treatment, do you think it just came out of thin air.

I am on Dialysis and have permanent liver damage. Permanent brain damage and cognitive reduction Reduced brain size Irregular heartbeat

Don't worry dude, everyone knew you had brain damage before you took enough benadryl to kill a tiger

The reduced brain size was probably there at birth

Everyone thinks they're the clever junkie until they drug themselves retarded.

You can loading dose dinitrophenol. You just gotta know what you're doing.

Why do these retards confuse “having an epiphany” with “giving myself fucking brain damage”

When you're retarded, everything feels like an epiphany.

I'm gonna need this quote framed.

In big script letters and then pasted to the wall like “Live Laugh Love”

I don’t see the world in the same way because my brain has atrophied thanks to attempting to kill myself with baby drugs

I used to take 50mg to sleep and would still get scared of the potential brain damage in the long run. There was a woman who took 2 each night to sleep and now is barely coherent and wears diapers. And here you have a whole sub dedicated to people megadosing it.

why didn't you just take melatonin

It worked the first time and then afterwards it would make me stay up 3 days straight.


How much did you take? There's almost no increased effects* above 0.3 mg, but for marketing reasons nobody sells less than 1mg/pill and oftentimes much more, which can mess you up I guess.

*: No increased effects on time to falling asleep according to all research, but that's when you're already lying in bed. I noticed a difference between 0.5 and 1.5 that's basically that I can ignore 0.5 while interneting, but not 1.5.

I immediately noticed a difference when I switched brands with a supposedly similar dose. I guess it's a crap shoot how much is actually even in the pills. But for me it doesn't make me drowsy, it makes me alert 7-8 hours later. Weird stuff.

Yeah, that's weird, according to when using melatonin to adjust the circadian rhythm (as opposed to a usual sleeping pill) you're supposed to take it 7 hours before the time you are intending to go to sleep.

This is unironically probably better advice than I've gotten from all my doctors for the last 20 years and actually explains a lot about what's been going on with me. And yet the admins want to shut r/drama down. 😒

And imagine the kind of advice we'd be able to give if we still had pinging 😭😭😭

I can still give you great advice via pm

Rey kissed Kylo. That's my advice.

Is the author of that blog the dude who has a fanbase of rightoid longposters?


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He wrote an "anti-Ne*reacti*nary FAQ" and an "anti-Libert@rian FAQ", but it turns out that these things work in a somewhat unfortunate way sometimes:

Scott Alexander walks into a Starbucks and asks the barista for a recommendation. The Barista suggests the popular new Blood Coffee, and explains how it is made from beans purchased from Congolese warlords to help them fund child armies. Also there is blood in it. Scott is a bit taken aback, but is reluctant to condemn as stupid or evil a drink that so many people find appealing. In an effort to expand his understanding of coffee tastes, and ultimately to more effectively explain why drinking Blood Coffee is a mistake, Scott spends the next 15 minutes making the strongest possible case he can think of for drinking blood coffee. When he is done, the barista asks if he knows what he will have. “Well”, says Scott, “I think I’ll take an espresso, but tomorrow I’ll be back to make the case against Blood Coffee.” Scott leaves, and everyone in line who heard his argument orders a Blood Coffee.

Not really. Scott himself is a chronic longposter, but he’s a lefty, and so are most of his fans. I like him.

I've found doses over a MG to often be less effective. I buy 3mg pills but often just take a bite off of them.

Most stuff has dosage that's geared for seniors. Get 10mcg tablets rather than 10mg tablets

nobody wants to be black


Why didn't he just go for a run and beat off?

I took two each night for years and I'm fine. AFAIK there's been no link to any sorts of brain issues besides one cohort study that established a link to dementia. This would only happen when you're very old, and that type of study cannot really prove a causul link anyway.

Also shit doesn't even work after like two nights in a row.

I have been doing that (1 or 2 per night) for decades. My doctors always reassured me that it wouldn't damage my health. Turns out they were wrong.

What happened?

I got really worried but can't sleep without it. I'm not sure that it has cost me enough IQ points to notice.

Fucking junkies. You're suicidal? Try this drug!

Holy shit he took 6x the minimum lethal dose in humans (10.1 mg/kg) and survived wtf. It probably helps he puked a bunch of it back up but that's still insane.

It was pretty rough but he probably dinged a bunch from all the xp he got out of the ordeal. I think he may be near evolving into his next Pokémon.

Benadryl americans

lots of ways to trip without destroying your body lol

Not like this lmao. You dont come all the way back from fever dreams like that.

If you know how to stare into the abyss with out dmt or fever dreams hook a brotha up

Salvia Divinorum.

But beware it's not a happy go lucky trip like acid or mushrooms

I forgot all about doing snaps of those. Thanks for reminding me.

I feel like it's the same nightmare fuel as dhm but with out the sedated part keeping you from freaking

How ethical is it to recommend salvia to someone who apparently hasn't heard of it before?

I'd hardly call salvia staring into the abyss. Infact I'd almost go as far that you have to be close to death to stare into the abyss.

The light is a trap. Do not continue if you see it. Work your way back to where you were in this life.

good luck with salvia then

I remember my first joint too Sagan.

Lol I did it without knowing what it was. It was hell.

10/10 would smoke again

The /r/drugs motto!

I included a warning, and salvia's pretty harmless, the trip is over quickly. it's not like i'm telling people to try Datura

salvia's pretty harmless

i mean, it won't kill you but i wouldn't call it harmless. it can fuck you up psychologically.

I decided to avoid it after watching videos of people jump out windows and shit.

good, if you have a 'breakthrough' then there's like an 80% chance that it's going to be hellish, e.g. turning into a piece of paper that's being shredded

Stop being such a square, snally. Being turned into a piece of paper that's being shredded while the universe becomes alive and starts to laugh at you demonically builds character.

its fiiiine just get someone to hold him down so he doesnt jump out the window lol

lol I just posted this. I was thinking about it but then watched a video with some kid just sitting on his couch doing salvia and decided to jump out a window through the glass. Hard pass on that.

yeah im all for ingesting substances for a laugh but that shit seems like it really fucks with your self control

people just go off

I mean dmt gives you fever dreams and doesn't give you permanent brain and liver damage.

No just an overwhelming urge to make obnoxious artwork and talk about "machine elves."

Here's a good rendition of the "machine elves" for those who are curious:

Check out the artist's other work, they are all directly inspired by DMT.

DMT can be quite creepy, by the way.

Bunch a mushrooms

Why can’t these people just do better drugs?

Permanent brain damage and cognitive reduction Reduced brain size

If you notice a behavioral change its because i had an epiphany on dph and see everything diff now

I'm sure that's the reason

If there's one kind of drama I want more of, it's druggie drama.

Be the change you want to see



Why can't these retards to regular psychadelics like normal fucking stoners. Just drop some acid every now and then. Its less likely I make you/worsen schizofrenia then weed is, will still let you pretend you had some crazy visions that make you better than everyone else, and wont give you fucking brain damage/liver damage. But then again, these are redditors, so it was over before it even began.

Parents need to start making their kids drop acid, so their little retards don't start using reddit and doing retard drugs, like DPH.

if they want to go full retard they should just smoke sage or something so they can be like "yeah i use alternative drugs"

I mean if they really want to go alternative they can do crazy shit like peyote, if they can find it. There's a world of unreliable barely tested chinese labchems. I knew one chick that did to much sativa and became permanently retarded. But doing dph till you become a vegetable is peak wh*toid bullshit, theres better, cheaper, and safer drugs out there that are only slightly harder to gdt a hold of the paint fumes these speds keep taking.

Please tell me that retarded girl is hot.

Yeah. I had a thing for her before she became retarded, and years after she became retarded she started hitting me up. I couldn't do it. She went full retard, and I'm not into vegetables.

I know it's the internet and you could be lying about the whole thing, but god damn that is some real shit.



"Stats" the benadryl didnt work sadly

I feel like this has to be fake, 4k is past certain death in almost all cases, but his post history looks legit. If true he was pissing literal neon pink

Theres a case on pubmed of a guy taking 20k and surviving




If you notice a behavioral change its because i had an epiphany have brain damage on dph and see everything diff now

"If I'm different its because I had an epiphany".

Coming from a guy who's only cultural touchstone for his entire trip is an episode of Spongebob.

And Cars 2, did you not fucking read it?


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No insurance but i got Obamacare


Obamacare = healthcare

Don’t dox me, here’s my name age employer and position title.

Also, I don't work there anymore.



Doesn't want to be doxxed. Pointlessly posts place of work.

11:00 ish: took 80 pink caps, throat got tired of swallowing so many so i almost puked

I don't want to give advice to druggies, but couldn't be have just broken open all the capsules and mixed the powder into a glass of water?

The quick release of mixing it into powder may have resulted in a quick release from the mortal plane. That and the active ingredients are often super nasty-tasting.

the active ingredients are often super nasty-tasting

Probably to keep retards from doing a bunch of it at once.

The fuck is DPH ? I've been taking drugs for the good part of 10 years and I've never heard of it. Is it particularly american ?

Diphenhydramine. It's the antihistamine active in a lot of allergy medications and sleeping pills.

I had no clue people used this to get high until I read this post.

Man my dad has super bad hay fever every spring and he takes strong af antihistamines every year, spends a week stoned out of his mind sleeping all day or watching television with a blank look. Doesn't look too fun


Brain damage confirmed.


I read that at first to imply he was a steel mill worker. I was going to call bullshit on his story, as steel workers are constantly getting drug tested...but this has to be just a scrap yard so frankly, I am surprised he just doesn't get his lockjaw treated and trip balls the easy way...

It’s Benadryl it’s not something that would come up on a drug test.

I don't think someone starts off with lethal dose of Benadryl.

The guy claims he is a steel worker....he was working at a dump.

There is a big difference.

Thank fuck I stopped at 500mg when I tried Benadryl tripping in my teens! Its a pretty lame drug. All I remember was a long night thinking I was getting eaten by bugs, twitching, seeing satan's face in the tree outside, and giggling children whispering in my ear.

Sounds like a great experience, I now understand why you would fry your brain to live something like that.

LSD is a little harder to find than Benadryl, but it's a little more insightful and positive IMHO.


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12:40-5pm?: I don't know when the white space ended but now im in the middle of the road. Its reality, not some surreal dream. I see a shadow man about 300 feet away so I start running. I chase and chase but he never gets closer. Eventually i stop out of tiredness and suddenly the sky opens up and a gigantic black mouth just swallows me whole. What happens next is that om looking at Reddit, no joke. I cant see my own body, i just see a giant page that displays Reddit. I scroll through all the pages and all of the titles and comments make no sense, like "Trump reveals the reveals the reveals the truth about reveals" Eventually the screen fades and i feel vomit again, i can feel it bit dont see it.

Imagine ruining your brain and liver just to fantasize about reading reddit.

This is whose healthcare Bernie Sanders wants you to pay for.

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Put him on Joe Rogan.


AGE 28




HEIGHT: 5'10


Yep, only his last name would identify him, not the fuckton of the other info he posted

You'll have to take my word for this because i dont post any personal information about myself.


Making yourself mildly retarded by eating a mountain of allergy drugs is the galaxy-tier version of self-immolation.

The best part is he comments on his post saying he missed him and was glad he was back. Peak autism