A t_d poster dies. /r/DeadRedditors has to decide if this is a good thing or not.

1  2020-01-20 by jason_frg


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Not surprisingly, one of the guys celebrating his death is a Ch@potard.

I mean the dude was a fat alcoholic and probably died from cirrhosis in his mid 20's, quite an accomplishment.

Probably a release at that point.

The absolute state of burgers.

Fentanylesians and a pathetic disregard for their own health go together like Korean girls and plastic surgery.



Everything I said in that thread is objectively true.

Hi nauttyba, thanks for showing up. Can I ask you a few questions?

  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your favorite subject in high school (or middle school)?
  3. How old were you when your father left your mom?
  4. Do you have any interest in joining the anti-work movement, such as as-described in /r/antiwork?

Thanks for your time.

  1. 28
  2. Probably English because my teacher was dope as fuck and didn't care if we slept or just left mid lecture.
  3. They're still together but for the memes let's pretend they split amd he left her for someone that isn't German or something idk you workshop it. Mention bulls that'll get you upvotes.
  4. I need to peep that sub sounds funny

Thank you for asking

Imagine thinking that you're better than a fat rightoid alcoholic who drank himself to death and then coming out and admitting that you're German. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ At least if someone was born human they had something to lose.

If my child came out as a german I'd be hugely disappointed

We really need genetic testing that can identify that kind of defect while it's still early enough to abort.

Star Wars The Phantom Menace is the most disappointing movie since my son came out as German.

That sub was way less funny than I thought. I prefer shit like /r/cigarettes and other subs full of autistic people. Do better.

we understand that some people deal with loss by lashing out. just know, r/drama stands with you in this trying time

Thank you


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Yeah it does

Why couldn't Bomber Harris have taken out your grandparents? πŸ˜”

Clearly wasn't skilled enough.

Good sport

Do it again.

The fuck is this gay pic, faggo?

It's a kitty cat, dipshit.

Well, it's a gay cat

>Using gay as an insult

Smh my head peep these microaggressions. Yikes sweaty, homophobic much?

Shut up gaylord


Been in the hospital for the last month with renal problems.fat kid needs to lay off the wings and booze for a while.

Oh this poor soul, may he rest in grease πŸ™πŸ€‘πŸ˜Ή

Also a femcel and a capeshitter

Tbf most of the retards said they might not agree with his politics but are saddened that he croaked.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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Imagine dying lmao

This comment made by not being a druggie and living to the ripe old age of 80 gang

I probably don't agree with his politics that much and still am glad that a fentanyl-cel won't live to collect Social Security, and I'm a retard.

Everyone has their rock bottom and I hit mine a week ago. I have been sleepwalking and I’m pretty sure my CA is causing it. I will go to sleep in my bed and usually wake up in my bed. This time it was on my tile kitchen floor covered in dark purple, extremely painful bruises. Also have balance issues I can’t go to rehab right now because I’m a Medicare agent and this is the time I make all my money. When I try to quit I get I get the wierdest hallucinations. As I type this I being smiled and waved at by owl.

Just another fentanyl American. πŸ‘»

hmm it seems like ppl who are aggressive and politically obsessed online invariably have fucked up irl lives πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

You forgot to say unless they post here.

We're aggressive, not politically obsessed. Unless aimless mayhem is a political view. Then we do great praxis.

Aimless mayhem in /r/drama sense is the only true political viewpoint.

Including mcfluff lol

not naming names 😳😳😳

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. A t_d poster dies. /r/DeadRedditors... - archive.org, archive.today

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Mercy death. Man was a fatass alcoholic bunchaqueers fan.

Yeah, I always try to find the good in everyone but I couldn't find any in his comments. Maybe he had some good in him, maybe he only lashed out because he was hurting, but maybe he was just a monster. >I guess I'll choose to believe maybe one day he could have changed. As an alcoholic myself, I know how much it can change you and make you a mean bastard. Maybe he wasn't always like that. Nevertheless, a man has succumbed to alcoholism and died an early death, so RIP.

Is it possible for r*dditors to be any farther up their own asses?

niggers be writing off a whole-ass person because of some garbage comments on an irrelevant website lmao

bottom text

Imagine thinking people who vote for a different retard than you are monsters. Bottom text

The Prophet (PBUH) says that those who delight in the death of others should be beheaded by the family of the deceased they dishonored. May Allah judge those justly in this thread and others.

What a weird sub

That's obviously one of us lmao


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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And America gets just a little bit greater.

Why do people have to be so nasty to others, even into death?

To be honest, if I’m nasty to you in life I think it would be demeaning to us both for me to change my act just because you’re pushing up daisies.

I hate how people act like dying means you're immune to criticism and whatnot. Like fuck you, if you're a piece of shit then I'm glad you're dead and I will continue to say how much of a piece of shit you were if the subject comes up.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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White people deserve death


I'm objectively correct

I like this guy

Must all that liberal empathy we keep hearing about.