Ghazelles discuss the Depp question

1  2020-02-03 by SnapagatortheCroc


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  1. Ghazelles discuss the Depp question -,*

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Well a surprisingly large percentage of sane ghazelle comments, even if the usual femcel suspects are writing retarded essays

So, wait, we trust the cops now, over a gay woman who said the cops only got hostile once they realized the two women were gay? I mean, cops are 80-90% conservative Trumpie white males who murder innocent black people and protect the murderers, plus 40% of them admit to committing DV themselves, but they're reliable over gay women now?


wtf I love cops now

They are looking for any reason to dismiss this issue. We are observing levels of cope that shouldn’t even be possible

Amber heard is gay now? Shit, when did Johnny Depp become Joanie Depp?

Bi erasure smh

Gives me anal angst, tbh

Day of the lion when?

I would say this is too retarded for satire, but there it is sitting as a serious response in one of the worst subs on the site.

While i'm not quite sure Depp never abused her, it's pretty clear this was, at best, a mutually abusive

Top post lmao the fuck

I agree. Mutual abuse is absurd when it’s obvious Heard was a clear victim of emotional abuse

Honestly, to me, Depp's denial that he abused Heard is more incriminating of Depp than any of the evidence Heard has put forth at this point

AH: Johnny Depp abused me!

JD: No I didn't.

Reddit: This obviously means he abused her.


It's basically an established "fact" in feminist DV discussions that abusive men frequently claim to be victim as a control tactic or something. The Lundy Bancroft guy - the big feminist go to writer on this issue - pretty much says most men claiming to have been abused themselves are actually the abuser trying to demonize their victim.

These are the same people who responded to ZQ driving a man to suicide by saying she was the real victim of his suicide.

Kafkatrapping is the term for this, I think

Seems more in line with DARVO than kafkatrapping. Kafkatrapping, IIRC, is accusing someone of something that's unverifiable and then using the emotions that the accusations generate as evidence of guilt for something that cannot be proved.

Lmao it reminds me recent debate where Bernie denied that he told Warren that woman can't become president and then host asking Warren what she thought when Bernie told her that she can't become president cause she's woman.

I saw that too. Fuckin' ridiculous.

Depp is a white male and the lady is white

Its pretty clear who the abuser is

Good morning

It continues to amaze me how retarded people are that they spend so much time wringing their hands over people they have never met or will meet and whether they have lied or not.

How is Jew Dank doing?

I havent seen her in ages. Pretty sure sheepdank ran off with her

Caelrie trying so very very hard to control the narrative, and pulling rank with xir own opinions, while telling others to keep their opinions to themselves.

Can't have them gaining self-awareness.

So many sub-human shit-heads in that thread bending over backwards to convince themselves that the victim is still somehow to blame so they can carry on hating him.

What a bunch of fucking ghouls.

Caelrie? More like Calorie because she’s a fat fuck lmao

lmao "mutually abusive" yeah sure ok mayoactresswink.jpg

For like 3 months max, if at all? Then start them all up again? The only guy who even got "canceled" was Louis CK, and he admitted his guilt! But now his career is right back on track after a whole, what? 6 months?

louis's a cuck for admitting wrong-doing ngl

Also I love how he’s an example of sexual assault when he asked for women’s consent to fiddle his diddle in front of them and they said go ahead. Foids and avoiding responsibility, name a more iconic duo.


If you're a guy and you get abused by your girlfriend, you become the girlfriend in the relationship, and you deserve to be abused.


The research is currently "contested". There are older studies showing mutual violence that is pretty darn prevalent. I couldn't find any peer-reviewed studies about the newer train of thought, but iirc many (most?) experts in this field believe that mutual abuse is incorrectly defined and what we have thought of as mutual abuse in the past is actually something else. In other words, with physical violence the current train of thought is that most mutual physical violence is instigated by a primary abuser, and the victim is reacting/defending themselves.

In emotional abuse, it is thought that mutual abuse is almost non-existent. Considering that physical abuse is basically always accompanied by emotional and verbal abuse, it's important to identify one person as the primary abuser (i.e. the one who is dominating the other emotionally). Abuse is about power and control. If abuse is present, that means one partner is dominating and controlling the other. They cannot dominate each other mutually. However, there is a very slim possibility that two controlling people might get together and be evenly matched, each vying for control of the other. This is rare, of course. Even in cases where both people have been abusive to other partners in the past, one of the abusers is likely to get the upper hand and dominate the other.

Codependency is its own thing. Abuse can happen without codependency and vice-versa, or they can occur together.

Gamer_Jack_Gameson has some interesting points.

I'd counter - 'true' abuse is very very rare, whereas toxic shitheads are pretty common and they very often hit each other.

And a lot of people in the domestic violence industry are self-declared 'victims' like Heard, I wonder if they have any vested interest in claiming that women can't be victims, and that just because they're shitty people they didn't deserve to get pimp-slapped.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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