Worldnews jerks themselves dry when PM of an unimportant country says Europe is better than USA

1  2020-02-03 by aduketsavar


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  1. Worldnews jerks themselves dry when... -,

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finland and denmark actually have great country setups. Basically zero business regulation and extensive social invesments. But they are only possible because of two things:

-very small and concentrated populations

-homogenous society

both things america will never have.

And both things they're actively trying to change lmao

this all foid finland gov't is going to be fucking disastrous


Wait, it's all foid? I'm assuming this was an intentional choice. Who would be ok with being led by a woman, let alone all women. These men have strayed from Allah's plan.

Not all women. She leads a cabinet with twelve out of nineteen being women.

i would eat her god damn ass hole

  • Donald Trump

shes a psychopath right? every pic ive seen her in she has a dead inside smile

Are any of them trans?

Dude, one of them has such great milkers it's not even funny

i remember during the /r/athist days of reddit when people would circlejerk about how sweden was a paradise. now libs act like sweden is as real as the muppets because sweden is a middle east country now



Denmark is actually pretty based on immigration. They have been rejecting even their 500/year UN quota. That's probably changed with their new PM, but they are very much not like Sweden on this.

But they don't invent shit. Which is the point of the article. In a global sense, they are free loaders, from multiple angles. Militarily, medically, technologically


But they don't invent shit.

Nokia would disagree


but they didn't invent shit except for a shitty phone company that hasn't been relevant in almost two decades

no its mainly just the oil. those fuckers have made more money from their oil reserves than they could ever spend, so of course they can afford massive social welfare programs

lmao Finland literally doesn't have any oil and Denmark accidentally forfeited almost all of theirs. Do you hear "Scandinavia" and mentally correct to "Norway"?


you mean russia? 😎

West Karelia

This needs to be a thing we use to trigger e-finns.

Finland isn't even part of Scandinavia.

americans fucking hate when you gloat about homogenity lol

theyre all like "omg why cant we have healthcare"

tbh I think it's more about 70% of their population being overweight than it is about diverse people shooting each other

-can rely on the USA to develop its drugs and heavily subsidize their health care

-can rely on the US for a security blanket that provides protection for trade (not to mention bullying from countries like Russia) while creating an atmosphere where worries of economic disruption is relatively low, i.e. stability

Are burgers the jannies of healthcare?

"Why cant we be like Scandinavia and be small all white communities?!?" - the woke left.

They’d be surprised on how boring those countries are

is this satire or is this sub really filled with right wing yanks speaking absolute bollocks

im not even right wing, i just dont like the Nordic circlejerk on reddit.

Circlecope then 😎

Only soyim use "yanks" these days matey, it's "burger" or "mutt" now you nonce

He might even be 🤢🤢🤢... a bong 🤮🤮🤮

Gross, I would Ironically support hitler if he wanted to nuke bongistan

We nuked the wrong island in WW2.

TBH, if I was British, I'd be too Queen-Damned emarresed to show my face in public right now.

Only fags I see use yanks are self-hating Amerimutts trying to hide their nationality.

I'm not quite sure wtf a 'soyim' is, but is that because yanks take exception at being called that?

goyim and soyim and i'm not a yank


Crikey mate don't hurt yourself with that disgusting crumpet speak. I'm sorry you weren't born in the greatest country on earth, America

hi there europoor, welcome to our sub! enjoy the bussy

You sound like an intelligent person who totally has reasoned and thoughtful responses for why the views you don't like are bollocks.

Please, stay and share more of your ideas.

!ix-nay on downvoting the lolcow, ding-dongs!<

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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downvoting the lolcow

what the fuck happened to this sub?


Everyone line up and poop into this bong's mouth.

ugh, -18? man, people really be out here downvo



ew ew ew BONG EW GET IT OUT 🤢

Stop downvoting the bongistan lolcow you rightoid faggots

Imagine getting your economic info from a website that hasn't been updated since 1991.

Hey, don't fix it if it works

Name one good thing that has happened since 1991.

The Waco siege.

this is actually hard

Did you forgot about OJ making Brentwood safe to walk again?



Birth of MasterLawlz

Casino: starting Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci.

Lots of people have died.

Pewdiepie started his YouTube channel and started radicalising youth

Natty seltzer came out

The 2004 mind warp.


Finland doesn't actually do anything though. They just exist mooching off American technology.

Even Finnish memes are knock-offs of American ones.

I mean, benis xdddddd

t. mutt salty about prööh

not liking spurdo sparde

dafuqs wrong with ya

This is the biggest Americope talking point, but we really ought to give Russia free reign over Scandinavia as a lesson to the rest of the dirty yuros

you mean ... let them be finlandized?


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Sorry, won't happen again.

it’s almost like when you don’t have to spend money on a military, gets tons of money in foreign aid and leech off other countries invotations you can afford socialist policies

i think usa gets a lot out of their investment in their military though, their dominant global military presence means diplomatic leverage and influence over trade with other nations and stuff which has been a big factor in growing their economic and industrial power.

a good example of this i think would be the strength of their currency due to the petro-dollar, which wouldnt be a thing without their projection of force and influence over oil producing countries in places like the middle-east

you type like a fag and you're shits all retarded

this is true

i just reread this sober and want to kill myself

I'm actually impressed you linked NBER, that's 3 steps above a drumatist

Amerifat cope.

Europoor seethe

its easy to be a welfare-heavy state when you don't need to worry about funding a military. NATO has your back and NATO is basically the US military.

The Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark don't don't have a minimum wage at all because they are so highly unionized. "The unions there felt that a national minimum wage would interfere with collective bargaining, and it might even bring the price of labor down," says Chater.

Nordic countries prefer to have a collective agreement between unions and employers as the reference point for wages, not one set by the government. In some cases, particularly in Denmark, Chater says that has led to a very strong degree of cooperation between employers and workers. "It's quite harmonious. There's a balance in the level of compromise."

They're not fucking cuddly.


Their basic safety net is basically keeping human capital from breaking.

This is a good thing.

to advance as a nation, you need a larger cuckolded nation to be your pay pig. the modern response to imperialism

🤮Finland🤮 not even part of scandinavia lmao



a homogeneous society

hmm i wonder why

The weather sucks, Finnish is impossible to learn, and Finns are possibly the least approachable people on the planet.

but they are so happy tho

I think they're pretty SAD

Based and Trump pilled.

I’m gonna play democrat and ignore the evidence you just provided because it doesn’t fit my agenda. Also you’re a racist for trying to correct me.

Very well then, suck my girldick, democrat.

.... I’m a terf Democrat.

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.

that certainly explains all these shitty suicidal detective novels they keep producing

This but ironically

T. Finn

I think cold weather really does correlate to lower crime rates. Ain't nobody going out in -10 robbing people.

Yes, and there's extensive evidence that cold weather makes one want to keep oneself safe.

By murdering every Indo-European that entered their lands.

The Indo-European fears the throat singer.

I thought Finland didnt exist?

It does but I wish it didn’t

Mate your points seem to be based entirely on racist assumptions. You’re suggesting that America’s problems are due to black people and immigrants, and everyone can see how absurd that is. And you’re citing a 93% white statistic which isn’t even that ‘homogenous’, to use your language.

Imo ship like 10k black Detroit poors to Finland and see how long they hold that statement lol

There are statistics floating around that show who pays the taxes and who gets the taxes and it matches the racist assumption

Oh yeah I use that stat to prove that basketball americans have been receiving reparations from white people for decades now. They get to survive because white men pay taxes essentially

Blacks btfo why even get enslaved lmao just don't come to america bro

Based and Kanye approved.

Exactly! Tyrone stabs Du'quan for purely socioeconomic reasons bigot 😤

Yes but which stats

Reminder that 50% of Europeans and 80% of asians have literally 0 contact with blacks their entire life. Why are all the crimes in democrat strongholds and the southeast usa rather than finland?

This is completely false if we count seeing them on the Internet or TV as contact.

But that's all fake

It would hold more weight if the President of Croatia said it.

Finland isn't in Scandinavia. Finngoloians should be thankful they're even considered Nordic.

No More White Woman 2020

Not really. America is the only developed country that can't handle their diversity. To the point that you have to pretend we're homogeneous ethnostates.


Finlands largest minority group are the Swedes at 5% of the population. Second largest are Russians at 2%.

swedes and ruskies arent people they dont count

Working in Finland sucks. It's why such a high percentage of expat workers compared to their total number (around 20%).

Like if you are a business owner there, chances are you or a family member has to work overseas to fund your business.

Also...conscription. I think the average American would lose their shit if conscription was employed across the board like in Finland.

Their social safety net is great. So what you want to do is work in the US for the first 20-30 years of your life, then retire in a Nordic country and live off of everyone else paying exorbitant taxes.

This is pretty much what their expats do.

I think it's now up to six months of paternity leave. It's impossible to fire a shithead.

Conscription isn't so bad if you aren't involving yourself in wars all the damn time.

Finland is involved with Iraq and Afghanistan....

But not really in a way that meaningfully affects your basic conscript.

You still have to interrupt your life until your term is up. Doesn't matter if you got kids, a job, college, whatever...

It does suck. Americans don't have to worry about this because the majority of them are two fat. The isn't the case in Finland. Obesity is not seen as a social positive.

ITT: burgers seething 😂😂

They better be careful, if they get too heated they might have a heart attack 🍔

We're not all weak like bernie.

That's just dramatards in every topic tbh

Needs more thinly veiled tranny thirst tho

Protip: Everyone saying "homogenous" in the comments is both hugely racist and can't spell Sámi.

Sàmi kid LMAO

The Sami are literally running a scam. They're exactly as "indigenous" as every other Finn, they just live out in the sticks. It's like if rednecks started claiming status as an "indigenous group." I mean no disrespect to them, they masterfully exploited academic language to their own benefit and now they get big subsidies and legal carve-outs to operate industrial reindeer herding operations.

It's like if rednecks started claiming status as an "indigenous group."

Damn that'd be fucking hilarious.

Crakkkas smh 💅

All I see is a marginalized child of color.

I’d gladly give up half my income if it meant being actually happy and despite being taxed at 50% being able to afford a home and a family

I only want to spend my money on funko pops and not have to worry about anything else! :D:D :D

american healthcare is expensive

european health care costs 50% of income

But it's freeeeeeeeee*

*: Just have to wait months for an appointment.

*And leave with another disease because European quality healthcare.

Fuck it, I’d browse drama even if it wasn’t funny just because my fellow burgers here don’t spend their whole day talking about how much they hate burger town

I’d gladly give up half my income if it meant being actually happy

Then do it you faggot, anyone can pay extra taxes, have fun and be happy but keep your fucking hands off my income and my guns.

No, I mean other people pay 50%, not me

Found the pedophile lolbertarian.

I’d gladly give up half my income if it meant being actually happy

The people who say this all make like 20-30 grand a year and know that they end up wayyy ahead under a system like that.

“Fuck you I’ve gots mine!” Classic burger boomer. This is why your country is closer to a third world shithole than any developed country. Enjoy your gofund me when your dad gets ass cancer.

you're goddamn right i am, why should i give up half my pay to supplement the income of art student failures and minorities?

I’m sure you put a lot into the system wagie 🙄. The best part about burgers who say this is they don’t realize they’re the ones who take the most out of the system. The upper middle class and wealthy are heavily subsidized in the form of mortgage interest deductions, tax exemptions for health insurance, 401ks, Roth IRAs and college savings plans. But I don’t hear anyone bitching about those subsidies except for economists who realize how distortionary they are.

complains about people getting tax deductions

doesn't complain about the 56% of burgers who pay 0 taxes

ok galaxy brain

I’ve had this argument before, and it’s bullshit because those “56”% still pay consumption taxes, into Medicare and Medicaid and payroll taxes. They’re even vids debunking this myth because rubes keep spouting off this bullshit

Nothing you just stated changes the fact that the taxes are overwhelmingly obtained from the group you just criticized as being "heavily subsidized". You are full of shit.

Knowing daddy he will probably fuck Finland's economy over somehow and I'll be happy to see it

daddy's ideological inclinations < his lust for mayo gussy

all this girl has to do is put a blond wig on and role-play as his daughter and the US will probably give even more money to Finland

OP is just burgers mad x24

Foid’s not wrong. More competitive economy too - especially for small businesses.


Where every child no matter their background or the background of their families can become anything

like a child bride 😍

Only thing worse than the Statement of that foid is the unironic cope of you amerifats.


I'm not a burger but I don't have to be a burger to defend the greatest country on Earth

Based and freedompilled

Ah, free Duke Nukem roleplay

Imagine seething this hard because you’re a Eurofag.

I want this socialist gussy and Trump meeting together so badly

Living in Finland sounds pretty rad, ngl. Competent school system, cheap healthcare, everyone is antisocial and minds their own business, and endless saunas

Except no-one goes outside and everyone has Seasonal Affective Disorder.

it's one of those places that sounds awesome from afar. But it is so bereft of any life once you run out of the few things to do; you drink yourself into an early grave. Like Australia, Alaska, Kiwistan.

And a 51.6% tax rate, which doesn't matter to you bc u r a poor.

Author Brandon Sanderson made an appearance in that thread. u\mistborn

imagine having a young woman run your country

whats she gonna do mandate instagram ass shots


This sub needs to purge rightoids. We've swung off our center.

God I hate Mayos

I wonder how finland would cope if USA decided tomorrow to invade and conquer them and then genocide them for shits and giggles.

You will always be an Amerilard.

Considering I'm not a Burger, how can I will always be Amerilard?

It's a picture with wojak.

Damn the Euros are hitting never before seen cope levels ITT.

There are allegedly around 6.5 million Finns, right? That's out of a 7.125 billion humans. That means Finns make up .0912% of the planet.

That's not 9%—that's point zero nine percent, less than a percent, less than a tenth of a percent. To put that another way, 99.9% of the planet are not Finns.

How do we know this? Government censuses.

Now, the best government censuses have a margin of error of at least 1%. So Finns make up .0912% of the planet, plus or minus one percent.

In conclusion: there is a 50/50 chance Finland doesn't exist.


Im seeing a lot of amerilard cope in this thread. In the name of radical centrism I suggest we acknowledge the facts that the Nordic countries are a lot better to be poor and middle class in, have much better social safety nets, healthcare, education, social mobility and mass transit. That being said the USA is much more dynamic economically, has higher wages and lower taxes and a lot better to be rich in, there’s no equivalent of Wall Street or Silicon Valley in Finland.

imagine the seething if US cut all contact with finland