SRDines pleasure themselves over how great their sub is. Someone mentions r/drama.

1  2020-02-04 by Turgnibil


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. SRDines pleasure themselves over ho... -,

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Friendly reminder to any srdines coming over that you are actually terrible people who are wrong about everything, ~β˜†uwuβ˜†~

Implying SRDines (God forgive me mentioning the disgusting slugs' names) would even come here.

When they come, I'll be ready.

shakes bottle of astroglide





Yooouuuuu peeeeeeeople

I'm sure they regularly lurk and secretly wish that they too could experience the freedom and euphoria that is dramaposting. But alas; that stick up their ass feels too nice

Now Can yourself!

Wow rude.

you don't notice any smugness on this sub when you agree 9 out of 10 times, but when the rare 1 comes where you don't agree with SRD on something, its like the smug takes a quick and hard turn from being invisible, to beinf literally everywhere and in your face

So close. SO CLOSE.

if they could just pull the dicks out of their eyes, they'd see it

Giving a lot of length credit there my guy

Too bad they are too busy seething about rightoids and circlejerking over it.

What a dung-heap excuse of a subreddit Drama is.

I guess the few users they had moved on from asking each other to post ass nudes straight on to transphobia, considering the top posts there.

far be it from me to agree with a srdine but there has been a noticeable lack of bussy-posts lately

Lol they downboated you. I hope you’ve learned your lesson. Also I’m pretty sure word on the street is that SRD is the new hotbed of transphobia. I mean have you seen some of their flairs?? No transphobia in this flair, SRDines. 😎😎

ironically πŸ‘πŸΏ transphobic πŸ‘πŸΏ flairs πŸ‘πŸΏ are πŸ‘πŸΏ still πŸ‘πŸΏ transphobic

πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ‘†πŸΌ THIS, SRD. Be better.

It’s a bummer that it isn’t her nudes anymore, but the benis is implied.

Why are you using mayo emojis? 🀬


They are off-mayo. πŸ‘†πŸ»vs.πŸ‘†πŸΌ

Can you not recognize your own complexion anymore? This is what the message boards do to people. πŸ˜”πŸ‘ŽπŸΏ

Mexicans are still mayos. Even I am not free of the original sin. πŸ‘ΌπŸΏπŸ‘ΌπŸΏ

🀭😞 There is a specter haunting the New World.

Spics are white. In fact, everyone who isnt a specific line of sub saharan african is literally cumskin adjacent.

If your skin isn't vantablack then fuck off mayo.

This must be remedied inshallah


Christ what a dork

life must be tough when ur too pussy to use all the cool insults bc they might offend somebody

hahah they called the shit dung

This to not offend people from shithole countries etc.

We're still waaaay better than Drama, so there's that at least


SRDine's don't understand that dramatards immediately thirst after any troid that shows up here, even if they upboat terf posts.

dramatards thirst after terfs as well, simple as that.

Radical centrism is fantasizing about terfs getting dicked down by trannies.


"Ass nudes" actually sounds worse than "bussy" somehow

It's been pretty lame recently. No good seriousposting, nobody hyping up the mayocide, no one wanting bussy, it's all about the election and how disgusting mayo foids are.

Blame the admins for the mayocide rules and blame the jannies for banning all the MDEtards who'd otherwise be sperging out about shit daily. Also the no politics automod made Pizza run off, I think.

My fellow dramanauts, we must allow SRDines into our borders or we will not survive!

id rather we die 😷

Srdines did nothing wrong

They exist

They can't help being tarded though.

LET THEM IN πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜πŸ˜ Drama diversity is our strength

SRDines should have GPS trackers installed in their bodies so that we can know where they are at all times. God forbid you're ever out with your kids/nieces/nephews and one of them might be within one mile of your family.

The other word on the other street lately is that they have a lolbertarian infestation, so this is really just conscientious parenting.

Ew. I suppose this GPS scheme could be done by a private company so the pedotarians couldn't object.

I was thinking like star armbands maybe

I miss that one week noahgettheboat was good, and not just /pol/ humour or things that would shock a mothers book club

also, hey my dudes, got any ass nudes?

yeah plenty of anime lewds pm me

Kaara had normalized degenerate UwU posting

and thats a good thing

So a cringe subreddit, the type of sub thats focuses on feeling superiour to kids or "degenerates", attracts terrible, judgemental people and devolves into posts that 90% of the time either make mountains out of molehills or ones that just make shit up as a fuel towards "lesser" folk.

How thick can you get?

in other news, water is wet

holy shit, these people are so boring

You just now learned that SRDines are humorless whiners? The only people worse are AHS posters

Imagine not feeling superior to lesser people lmao.

That's the irony though, SRDines are the cringe sub that feels superior to others

Like yeah they're actual shitty people but is this level of smug really good for your brain.

Finally they understand.

Also something that never fails to make me laugh is anyone criticising arr slash drama, someone replying with the copypasta and unironically getting upvotes

Any SRDines reading this thread are welcome to DM me so we you can say you talked to an LGBT person once and impress your other cissy SRDine friends.

I'd wager most SRDines code switch when talking to black people

Hell yeah.

Same goes for me, this seems like it could take a group effort.

SRD is just r/drama without the ability to look itself in the mirror and acknowledge what it actually is: a retarded faggot. That's why they have and always will be the inferior cheap knock-off version of drama. SRD is the loose blown out gussy to drama's tight bussy.

SRD is the same as Drama but from the opposite end. Drama is full of seething rightoids and SRD is full of coping leftoids. The difference is that Drama embraces the horseshoe so the occasional commie mingles with the radcentrists and the Ben Garrison crew. SRD had the same crowd years ago but their seriousposting and their lame fucking attitudes drove them away.

Tl;dr - SRD failed due to a lack of bussyposting