Absolute meltdown in thread about Heard abusing Depp. Can we mod them immediately?

1  2020-02-04 by MotorMathematician


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Absolute meltdown in thread about H... - archive.org, archive.today

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That data your honorless pussy father raised a pussy kid to not even have the spine to glance at?

jfc that escalated quickly.

Why does it sound like I’m reading a subreddit simulator post in that thread

Peak NPC

Why does she hate black men so much?

Wait, you need a reason?

Dude nigger lmao

The gf looks like an asshole but I bet she's dealing with all kind of shit with Depp being high as a kite 24/24h.

She should have beaten him harder. He's still acting like a pussy.

Am I mixing her up with another crazy broad, or is she the one that shat in his bed then blamed it on their dog?


Looking at the post history (I mean it's really something), I wanna say troll. It's just endless angry rants after rants.

But on the other hand these essays feel like a bit too much effort for trolling. Either way it's retarded.

I bet she would flip out if you used the FBI crime stats for blacks specifically



I'm a man. A REAL one

just a dude

Throwing a rather typical mantrum.

Doubt that

A real one? Transphobic much?

Tbf, this website jerks itself into a bloody-dicked vortex of inane smugposting every time a "men tooooooooo!!!" story comes along and it is absolutely insufferable.

men truly are the women of the sexes


1,000,000 women get raped.

“Yeah, sure but there was that one guy who got raped 3 years ago, but we don’t talk about that. Maybe rapes an issue across all genders? Stop being such a feminist” -


Maybe nothing's inherently important? Maybe there can be no down if I choose to never accept an up? Maybe everything you feel is real??

A lost generation

Lmao you are right, defending foids from imaginary millions of rapes while shitting on other men in hopes of somehow, some way getting a single crumb of pussy definitely isn't being a redditor at all, you hero of the people

I’m gay, so I have no reason to care about these incels. Stop serious posting.

You might as well tell the sun not to rise.

God damn idiots ruin this subreddit. Straight men must be transitioned into women.

Nah it's just Pol invictus & all the other rightoids that take this sub too seriously

you're right, let's everyone make new accounts jerking off our favorite /r/drama mod. fucking fag lmao

Tldr 😴

You’re hired!

He is stupid for caring about anything ever, but people replying "ok boomer" and comparing him to bideo bames are way worse.

ok incel

if amber heard started hitting me and yelling at me I would probably bust in my pants WEW

same same, like imagine ppl believe this is a bad thing

A victim of what? You need to learn to bring your point across because no one understands what you're on about.

translation: everything is an argument i must reee

Men are the pitbulls of gender

Why do people think writing a page long rant on internet is going to achieve anything?