some crazed man obsessed with the film "Hancock" starring Will Smith just threatened my wellbeing because I made a post four years ago saying I felt it had a wasted premise

1  2020-02-05 by MasterLawlz

I opened my messages to see a strange user threatening me with death. While I assumed this was just a typical /r/drama message, this user has apparently never posted or commented in this sub.

this is what he sent me

evidently, this person is REALLY passionate about the film Hancock, and even said so here

but he got really mad at me because of this post I made in /r/movies a really long time ago

Interesting character. Out of all the times death has been wished upon me, this has got to be one of the most nonsensical.


Im going to kill you, have fun for a day life you have left. 😋

He targeted MasterLawlz.


This is probably a ruse just so you can show off you got 5,000 points on your /r/movies post.

getting thousands of upvotes in default subs is easy

but getting 66% upvoted on /r/drama and hate mail from a dozen users? now that shit's hard but rewarding


Isn't there a sub for that already? (I mean excluding r/Drama)



Snally soldiers rise up o7

Also r/TeamEd_ButteredToast (RIP). 😥

man, we are a bunch of faggots aren't we

There was the PK defense force, but now he doesn't get into the shit outside of chapo.

I wonder if he ever finished that economics degree that was starting to take too long to be real.

When shilling goes wrong.

Maybe you should start looking at the credits for the film, see who is pissed that it didn’t catapult their career as a key grip or some shit.

Lol how did a lawlz post get like 5000 karma in /r/movies.

some of my nonsensical rants have gotten attention in other subs too

this one went kinda viral for a little bit

Back when lawz posts were good :'(

they were never good


it might be dumb but it's entirely accurate

Unironically correct about Hancock it's like they got scared halfway through the movie

I feel like it could have been one of the best superhero movies ever if they just stuck with the idea in the first half. It was actually hilarious and he had good chemistry with Jason Bateman before the movie turned a corner into total stupidity

how dare u... uve just brought hell down upon urself and u dont even know it yet... watch ur back ,kiddo..

well i just went down a rabbit hole in the thread lawls posted, and some people in there posted in the original script. apparently in the original script, he slowly loses his sanity and eventually rapes someone, kills people, including the entire police force, and the movie ends with him sadly attempting suicide with a police gun only to fail.

like jesus christ lol.

TBF it sounds pretty hamfisted, but with a bit of patching up it would've definitely been better than what we got.

well it sounds really weird to me because the first half is so sort of light hearted i guess, however they ALSO changed the entire script, even the first half, to suit will smith. he apparently his people change every single movie he appears in to have lots of snappy catch phrases and "that's what im' talkin bout" kind of shit.

so imagine the original had hancock as a much harder character in the first half too without all the dumb comedy and one liners and sassy black man attitude etc.

Would've been pitched as a black comedy then or something rather than a cape film.

the last page ends with the little boy walking in on his parents fucking. what the hell is that

I think the same thing happened with that Chris Pratt/ J-Law space movie. Theres a good premise in there, just too much executive meddling

I guess you can give props for the curveball in latter half but it's not even an interesting curveball.

Jews did this


  1. some crazed man obsessed with the f... -,

  2. /r/drama -,*

  3. this is what he sent me -,

  4. even said so here -,

  5. this post I made -,

  6. /r/movies -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

National hero

Are you sure he isnt just an alt of a drama user?

I assumed that but it doesn't seem to be the case

Maybe it is will smith himself

Jaden then


Best lawlz post yet. Great moves. Keep it up.


I love that this is a legit, two year old account with a few thousand actual internet points, proves that this is 100% sincere inbred crazy and not some lamewad troll.

The playout between Hancock and Mary was unique and interesting.

It wasn't subtle, but the storyline that she was somewhat stronger than him, and was trying to protect him all along was interesting, and the whole story was a unique twist on the superhero genre.

You better start lifting


My grandma went from having 4 months to a year life expectancy to maybe the end of this week overnight. Kinda shitty, hopefully Lawlz doesn't leave this world too.

Delete your account to protect yourself


Reported for being suicidal

I figured it would be your stickies that got you killed tbh

lol but no one on /r/drama is going to kill him.

he may be retarded, but he's one of us.

idk man, there is this weird dude here that is really into taxidermy. Just wait until he's bored of animals.

Don't talk shit about the only good mod we have

Did you have a fun day?

Haha. Imagine being radicalized by someones simple critique of hancock hahaha.

Hancock fuckin sucks and anyone who thinks it's good is a child.

I thought the review was accurate.

Lmao did you create this Hancock fan account just to make your posts more interesting?


You either wrote this or someone else did

Im Not Even joking when I say it’s my favourite movie ever, I letterally spend hours scouring the internet just to find mild references to it, the prison fight scene will stick with me for life, also I’m insane. Bananas and baboons bitch

Its similar to how a poorly made movie introduces a character. Instead of letting his actions naturally explain his motives, intentions, feelings etc they just come right out and have him announce them without even being asked. Its obvious

lol I thought it was weirdly forced too but I hadn't thought of the movie Hancock or that post I made in a really long time

dude is just weird

Maybe it's some kind of long con a dramatard is running? Some kind of meaningless troll. Or maybe its wil wheaton

fun fact, he got bullied off twitter altogether lmao

You were obviously right about him being a child

hancock's trailer is the best capeshit movie ever

it's just a drunk hobo will smith flying around breaking shit while "move bitch get out the way" plays

Lawlz, he even knows what city you live in now.