Thai Airways employees BTFO some fat w*men

1  2020-02-08 by Gfuel_Sam


lmao not even burgers. Obese people are so gross.

Articles like this always crack me up because they're presented as if we should be sympathising with the lardoids but no-one except other lardoids ever do. All the normal people know how much it sucks to get seated next to these people on a plane.

Even non lardass foids support them. Really the issue is white women as always.

However, American Airlines does states '''if a customer's body extends more than one inch beyond the outermost edge of the armrest and a seatbelt extension is needed, another seat is required''.

Based American Airlines making the fatties get another seat

"After weight loss surgery." Jesus.

For once I take the fatties side in this. They they did buy bigger seats for themselves! Business class usually has space between the seats so they wouldn’t be bothering anyone. What else can you ask for. Putting them in economy made the problems much worse for other passengers

ye I don’t understand that either. It seems to imply that economy seats are more spacious than business seats.

You posted the darn thing:

Thai Airways said its business class seatbelts are fitted with built-in air bags which means they can't be extended

Literally too fat for the seat belt.

implying I read anything i post


Agreed, but it inconveniences fatties, so it's still based.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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The staff were shouting 'too big, too big' at us repeatedly. Rows of people watched as they measured us at the check-in.


Planet Fitness' lunk alarms should be repurposed into fatty alarms and placed all over public areas.

Airlines need to charge extra if a passenger is overweight like they do with baggage.

It should be part of the security check. Step through the metal detector and onto the scale. It beeps loudly if you're too fat.

I unironically think there should be a sliding scale of ticket prices where you pay less if you’re skinny and more if you’re fat.

Wait, maybe I'm reading this wrong, but this happened after the surgery?

Huhana, a social worker, says she won't fly again until she loses weight, to avoid the sort of traumatic experience Thai Airways put her and her daughters through.

Irrefutable proof that bullying works.

a social worker

Redundant information, all social workers are lard asses

But not all lard asses are social workers




also my parents are social workers

Holy shit, is it their jobs to take care of mentally ill neets like you?


honorable mention MUH GENETICS


Why go from Auckland to Thailand for the surgery?

Australia doesn’t have any good hospitals

That would be New Zealand....

That's how relevant you losers are does one not know nation capitals?


Your country is literally only known for

1) Lord of the Rings was filmed there

2) mass shooting of muslims

I'm not from New Zealand.

Wasnt there pretty much the same story a few weeks ago?

It's the same story.


based airlines making fatties sit in the back of the plane

fat rosa parks when

Rosa Porks