
2  2020-02-11 by MasterLawlz


Based Washington was a man of culture. He had a wife to uphold appearances and had a slave to obscure his romantic side.

Was Washington secretly gay or something

Not sure. But people think Lincoln was,

First Joseph gets cucked by god and now Washington-Daddy?

Christianity is the story of a teenage foid that got pregnant by rape and then lying about it and claiming still to be a virgin just to avoid being stoned to death for having sex outside of marriage.

2000 years later and the white man's mind is still impressioned with the obsession of BBC implanting their wives.

All thanks to the (((Cult of Christ)))

Lol you made someone mad.

Some people aren't ready for the truth :)

Levantines generally aren't black.

Mary had Joseph import a bull (golden God) for her.

Where'd you think Jesus got his physique from?

Jesus take the wheel? Naw fuck that.

Jesus spot me while I rack up 200lbs

But God is

Yeah, God created Man in His image, and then one of those men, Yakub, created white people. Tfu, tfu.

Based and Middle East-pilled.

And now mayos think that Jewish Arab religion is their culture lmao

Is having a stepdaughter the ultimate cuckoldry?

You could divorce your wife and then legally have sex with your stepdaughter. So no. Just treat her like shit while raising her, so that she has daddy issues.

Libertarians out Out OUT!

Fully agree.

Ah yes the Woody Allen approach to dating.

Man of all the people that needed to get #MeToo'd I can't believe that child grooming fuck came out unscathed.

Ted Nugent did the same thing too

Ted "Jailbait" Nugent lmao

Do you think he fell in love with her while changing her diapers or when she starting going through puberty and grew some tits?

I learned (from a very reliable source that definitely wasn't this sub) that if you have a child of your own and a stepchild, then the cuck to alpha ratio evens out.

He was probably a fudge packer.

calling the first president of your country a cuck

Lawlz, your transition to SRDine is finally complete. Someone can this fucker.

... He wasn't the first. There were like a dozen before him.

he thinks being president of the continental congress is the same thing as being president of the United States

one of the worst uhmm atchkually reddits pull because it's not even correct

Hey man a weak executive is still an executive.

I may only make 40 grand a year, but I’m a Vice President at my local Bank of America branch 😎

Theres a difference between calling someone a thing and proving someone is that thing.


This makes me seethe, was George “If the coats red, hang. ‘em dead” Washington a fucking menslibber. This isn’t true just lies from (((them))) to tarnish papa.

Is being president the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being the President of the USA. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are governing, building, running and stewarding a country for at least 4 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by China. All the hard work you put into your beautiful nation- raising an army , enforcing your laws and regulations, cultivating your soft power, projecting force with a blue water navy. All of it has one simple result: your country is more enjoyable for the countries that will colonize her every square mile.

It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

*hits poipe

by China.

Fits more if you say "By the next guy to be president"

Lawlz, do you really have standing to call anyone else names?


Bold, mr. Ben 10

Shut up


Arranged marriage? He was first bussy.


Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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Lmao my family has roots from GWs adopted son

A traitor and a cuck

comorbid no doubt

GW couldnt have kids anyway because smallpox made him sterile

A surprising amount of your stickies have to do with cuckoldry. Why is that?

Stop trying to find a Freudian pattern in my behavior, you sound just like my therapist

I'm just saying there's a pattern. You seem to place a lot of importance on cuckoldry and that's not really something the average person thinks about.

Where do you think you are?

Don't hide behind the drama stereotype, Lawlz. You're better than that.

Founder of burgerland was a cuck. That explains why the cuck fetish is so prevalent there.

In the Roman Empire, the political class commonly adopted unrelated children as their own to continue the family line.
But this is the US lmao cucks!

As A Canadian, we don't have to learn this shit.