"A large majority of our sample reported ... some degree of sexual motivation for being furries (99%) ... sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals and sexual arousal by fantasizing about being anthropomorphic animals were nearly universal."

1  2020-02-11 by thowaway_throwaway


Imagine being an ambitious little undergrad, signing on to be this author's research assistant, and then getting this as your publication.

Academia is kinda a MLM. Climbing up the pole is considered to be prestigious.

So they probably had to really suck up (to a professor with an interest in furry sexuality) to get the gig.

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  1. This Post - Outline

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Furries are individuals who are especially interested in anthropomorphic or cartoon animals (e.g., Bugs Bunny). They often strongly identify with anthropomorphic animals and create fursonas, identities of themselves as those anthropomorphic animals. Some practice fursuiting, or wearing costumes that resemble anthropomorphic animals. Furries have been portrayed as sexually motivated in the media and popular culture, although little empirical research has addressed this issue. If some furries are sexually motivated, they may be motivated by an erotic target identity inversion (ETII): sexual arousal by the fantasy of being the same kinds of individuals to whom they are sexually attracted. Furries with ETIIs would experience both sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals and sexual arousal by fantasizing about being anthropomorphic animals, because they often change their appearance and behavior to become more like anthropomorphic animals. We surveyed 334 male furries recruited from the Internet about their sexual orientation, sexual motivation, and sexual interests. A large majority of our sample reported non-heterosexual identities (84%) and some degree of sexual motivation for being furries (99%). Male furries also tended to report a pattern of sexual interests consistent with an ETII involving anthropomorphic animals. Both sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals and sexual arousal by fantasizing about being anthropomorphic animals were nearly universal. Furthermore, male furries tended to be sexually aroused by fantasizing about being the same kinds of anthropomorphic animals to whom they were sexually attracted, with respect to gender and species. This sexual motivation and these unusual sexual interests do not justify discrimination or stigmatization.

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Hey, this was originally made in a reply to a seethepost I made! I think it was about rent control or zoning laws or some shit

Imagine being autistic enough to remember a post lmao. Take some Xanax so you can't remember the past 24 hours.

Lmao look at this nigga having short term memory. All the cool kids are getting brain piercings so they can't remember anything.

I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. "A large majority of our sample rep... - archive.org, archive.today*

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No shit. Furries get the wall.

Um sweaty...

This sexual motivation and these unusual sexual interests do not justify discrimination or stigmatization.

They can tell me how it is but aint no one but jesus can tell me how to live mmm mmm

It absolutely does. A nigga who wants to fuck Bugs Bunny or Scooby Doo deserves nothing but hatred and disgust

Ok but what about Judy Hopps or Lola Bunny?

Ngl lola bunny was a bad bitch when I was a kid


Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?


Judy Hopps is the exception

Yes they do justify them.


We could reach a compromise and send them to reeducation camps.

I'm glad we have the media to tell us what does and does not warrant discrimination or stigmatization.

A scientific journal

Kero and the zoo crew,defied that to your grandma.


Soon kaara will be replaced with a new mod that does not have a degenerate disease

I can easily fill that role.

Let's see your resume

Funny how the animalfuckers want walls, guillotines, and gulags for everyone else, when any real revolution would start by some poor cletus yeehaw offing them first, as a "dip your toes in the water" type, because no one would give 2 shits about the furry fucks who tried to rear their livestock.

Since when were furries politically aligned one way or another? Wouldn't they be closer to libertarians who ask "what if the dog consents"

Furries tend to disproportionately align with the extreme ends of the political spectrum.

Horseshoe theory proved...

Authoritarians gonna authoritariate


I don't yet have a hoof fetish.

Based on my observations it seems to disproportionately skew to one side. There seem to be less than two dozen Nazi furries, and I think a good portion of them are just in it for the uniform fetish.

I've said this here before: the extreme ends of the political spectrum appeal to people whose lives are so shitty that they find the idea of cataclysmic upheaval comforting. That happens to include a lot of furries.

So which way are they gonna break? You'll get a few Nazi furs (and that makes sense in a way, since the Nazis themselves had a ton of barely-hidden degenerates in their ranks, including Hitler himself who is said to have been a major coomer) but your average furry probably is smart enough to know that he'd have been garroted in Francoist Spain/force-fed castor oil under Mussolini/shot under the Third Reich, so the far right isn't a very appealing option for them.

How about religious extremism, then? Furries probably would have been burned at the stake by the Spanish Inquisition and hanged for buggery in Colonial Massachusetts, so Tradcathery and Born-Again Protestantism are out. The only difference between Sunni and Shi'a Islam as far as furries are concerned is that the Saudi authorities would behead furries while Iranian ones would probably stone them. So no Islam either.

That leaves communism and anarchism. Both ideologies are great for angry, unhappy people who want to make empty threats. Communism probably appeals to the less (sexually) depraved but more vengeful subset of furry, because they get to fantasize about being party bosses and decking their fursuits out with medals while sending Chad the Jock to slave away in the phosphate mines (being a furry probably wasn't/isn't tolerated in any tankie society ever, but those societies were so culturally insular that people can make themselves believe whatever they want to about them). Anarchism probably appeals to the real sex-freaks among the furry fandom, for the same reason that libertarianism appeals to lolicels: there'd be no worldly authorities to stop them from acting out their depraved desires.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Horsefuckers are the only sane ones.

That's the story of every commie revolution.

Jokes on Cletus, I only browse furry porn in incognito.

I'm reporting you for LGBTQF-phobia.

The "Furry" Phenomenon: Characterizing Sexual Orientation, Sexual Motivation, and Erotic Target Identity Inversions in Male Furries.

There are female furries??

Only troids.

I'm pretty sure I've seen a censored picture of a female furry singing on a stage with her cock and balls hanging hanging out the bottom of her miniskirt.

Theres a clip of it, was at rainfurrest though im pretty sure using that shitfest is cheating

I totally forgot about that bit of drama.

Female identifying.

Hey, supermid. When are you posting on r/lol again? I miss you


Not completely sure actually. I'd guess somewhere within the next 2 weeks or so? Some RL stuff has been killing my motivation to do anything stressful, so I've avoided League in favor of Guild Wars 2 recently when I'm playing something.


Only female ones are troids

I personally know a few female furries so yes

Female or "female", though?

born with a vagina

X) Doubt

Yes I went to college with two.

Research shows that at least 99% of water is wet.

Only ninety nine?!

The rest is ice.

No shit, that's why it's called a fetish

"It's not sexual."

  • furries, trannies, pup play homos, all other kinds of sexual degens

My local troon circle, including myself, I'd say transitioning was 90% sexually motivated. The other 10% are lying to themself.

I might be AGP but at least I’m not a fucking furry though

He is even worse than a furry, he is - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - a tranny.

I'm both... Please kill me now.

Post fursona :>

Don’t worry I have every other fetish


Seconding this for general LGB+Whatever circles. The most discomforting part is the evangelism that gets directed at anyone who so much as admits a not stereotypically masculine desire of any sort.

But its only boys

It's just like the gays.

Someone tried telling me crossdressing isn't sexual.


Degenerate is too kind

It’s funny because for me I have no interest whatsoever in pretending to be an animal, dressing up like an animal, having a fursona, identifying as an animal, etc. Yet my biggest turn-on is a bird with tits. (pun unintended)

Everyone in the furry subreddits say it will happen “soon enough” but I have been cooming to furshit for 6 years now and I have never had one moment where I think “hmm, I would like to be a dog”

Imagine my shock

sexual arousal by fantasizing about being anthropomorphic animals were nearly universal

Did the authors just discover autoanthrophilia?

Seriously though, no shit

Funny you have that anthro cat as your flair. You must be our second outwardly furry mod.

Don't you disrespect our Snally. 😤

all male, duly noted.

Shocking, remember kids ILFGBTQQ++ persons reproduce by assaulting children

Is this direct evidence that sonic made a lot of people furries?

The real problem was Lola Bunny from Space Jam. Imagine thinking making a 'babe' rabbit with a miniskirt and a rack wasn't going to fuck with the sexuality of easily persuaded children.

Amy Rose too, from Sonic. And Rouge the Bat. So not Sonic himself but the series.

Dig into the SatAM fanbase some day. In particular SonManic.

Sonic is a horrible, frothing mixture of autism, furries and completely bizarre hypersexual fixations. You will not find a more bizarre grouping of dysfunctional human beings outside the Rescue Rangers fandom.

The whole cult of gadget thing is really weird. For this one waifu in specific, a bunch of people go way overboard. Are there any other characters with this kind of weird ass following?

There are. I have seen the fly, zipper, and the fat mouse obsessed with cheese, Monterey Jack. In both cases it was part of a paraphilic autismo fixation that went well beyond the bounds of ordinary fetishism. Not the numbers, but they very nearly matched Ray Jones level creepy.

Renamon and Gardevior were the 2000's autism furry icons

I posted an unpopular opinion about furries and there were so many of those freaks responding to me I had to start blocking people cuz it was just too much. Reddit is a cesspool of degenerate animal fuckers.

letting furries bully you

I guess you could say I got... Mauled by animals.

Tbf it's just the spam that gets annoying. Nothing they say matters it just clutters things.


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was there literally ever any doubt

We always knew furries were degenerates...now we have the empirical data.

Now find me the the corresponding study for trannies and autogynephila lmao

If some furries are sexually motivated, they may be motivated by an erotic target identity inversion (ETII): sexual arousal by the fantasy of being the same kinds of individuals to whom they are sexually attracted.

Auto. Gyne. Philia.


