TIL America is so overrun with furry perverts that the number one channel is called 'Fox News.'

1  2020-02-12 by SandorClegane_AMA


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. TIL America is so overrun with furr... - archive.org, archive.today

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How long did it take you to workshop this masterpiece, Einstein?

Epstein FTFY

Reconsider this joke and being alive.

Why the fuck can you post this while I have 10 million neverending requirements to textpost

One of you is a loser.

I guess it's me. Film club confirmed cancelled

Stop using the fucking redesign


Two people are standing in an elevator. One of them farts and everybody knows who did it.

Are you really sure it's just one?

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have you tried not using the reddit redesign?

I just use the app

Have you tried using way less shitty 3rd party apps?

Too much work. The app doesn't give me any issues and I don't care enough about some shitty redditard issues to change my ways

Why are the nerds upset by this?

You can't take the reddit out of some are drama users I guess

yikes, sweetie. that's an oof from me ya'll


this feels like something I would post, are you one of my alts?

What post of yours are you the most proud of?

none, they all fill both me and my family with deep shame

There is nothing shameful about doing what you love.

This is a lie bohemians and cucks tell to avoid a lifetime of shame

Do you really think they are doing what they love?

Rememeber the fucking Digi bowl?


No dox pls

Furries actually scare me. Because I thought it would just end with the gays, but human degeneracy really might have no bottom and I don't want the world to go down that rabbit hole. I'm scared.

So ... you are looking for a bottom? This is not the website for that, so you know, best fuck off.

Old ppl are the only ones left watching tv.

Old ppl watch fox.