ACLU sides with bussy racers

1  2020-02-13 by unrulyfarmhand


Trans youth belong EVERYWHERE.

Really? Even Tijuana brothels? What about concentration camps, do they belong there too? I guess that would qualify as everywhere. This just in: aclu wants to put trans kids in concentration camps.

Literally even on the stage in strip clubs according to some people.

Reading to children at a library would be a first step

Okay this is epic

What about trans adults? Are they dead fish?

Only 41 %

profoundly gay, unfunny comment

please try again

What are you talking about, that was the hot take.

They said it, not me. Take it up with them.

They hated gay Houston because he told the truth

Galatians 4:16

2nd Opinions 6:9


profoundly gay, unfunny commenter

please do not try again

Soyboy wokies are now so warped and twisted they're siding with trannies over actual girls lmao.

And they still, absolutely, believe that this will result in them getting to have sex with a real girl, someday, somehow.

Implying anyone cared about women's sports before this became a thing

Sounds like you're the one white-knighting, hun Óvò

Given the choice of two groups of girls to white knight I'm willing to be brave enough to choose the ones with real cunts, yes.

To complete the Mobius strip of argument, they won't fuck you either

That's okay, I can get laid without physically invading the girl's locker room.

Love that redditor seethe when they unintentionally admit they don’t fuck by talking about it as if it’s some unattainable feat

Raping your hostages doesn't count, you know.

Of course, I'm not some nigger.

Not being a white knight at all is also an option.

I bet you're the kind of asshole who if someone makes you watch a football game, you root for "both sides to do their best"

Nope, I'm fully in support of transgirls ruining sports for biofoids. úvù

So are you white knighting for trannies or do you just hate real girls?

I enjoy the drama that it produces and how it causes infighting between different sects of wokies instead of using it as an excuse to be perpetually mad on the internet

So you're just rooting for both sides like I said. BORING.

EDIT: Imagine coming to r/drama for any other reason than to get hyperbolically mad on the internet. How fucking sad.

Not embracing radical centrism

Why even bother? >v<

Real radical centrism means picking a side.

True radical centrism is both sides realizing troids are the enemy

clearly not a radical centrist, due to the fact you are indeed involved on one of the sides....

Until you become a sentient poopsock like I am, you're just another dumb tranny

He has rage boner for trussy pray for this rightoid

Drama is becoming far more partisan, thanks to the numerous leftoid mods you guys threw on the team for no reason.

To be fair, the current state of woke politics is largely the fault of foids and its quite funny to watch them reap what they have sewn.

White knighting for bio girls 🤮🤮 I only want that custom build vagina, the real one is boring and old, and I prefer high tech ones.

high tech

requires endless dilation

Technology develops fast so we will probably have an auto-dilating model in 10 years, what I'm looking forward to is the model with the lube dispensers.

Edit: Also the real one is a legacy model that will be worse and worse compared to the custom one as time goes on, while the custom one will always use the newest technology.

We still finger people's buttholes to do basic medical tests, you're overestimating medical technology and gonna be waiting a while. Besides if augmentations become better than actual organs everyone is gonna be doing it, not just troids.

Wait you really believe I'm serious about what I said? I'm just shitposting, too many agendaposts in the troid threads always, so the only way to combat is to shitpost.

Wait, do you really believe that I believed that you were serious about what you said?

You are a dramanaut so I can't be always sure, dramanauts believe every shit they are told.

This is the future I want to live in

high tech ones.

Literally just a flesh wound that is kept from healing by blunt objects

??????? 🧐

The method to make them is high-tech. Also there is plenty of new modules and functions that we will be able to add, when we will have a new technological revolution, like the smart phones and Internet were. This copypasta is perfect foresight into the future:

I'm trying😢 to get me some trans🤖 pussy 😺💦. Like shit💩 it ain't natural🌱but that coochie😛💦 be custom👌built🤖. Probably got some 🤟velvet 😍heated🔥interiors. Auto 😤lavender-scented🌸 lube dispensers💦 so that coochie😺 staying wet🌊 but not smelling🤢 like a zoo. Little robo🤖 hands🙌 that reach👋out and cradle🤲😍 your balls🏀⚾ while you hamming🔨 on that pseudo-snatch. A drain💧 vacuum for all👍the nuts🍆💦 you blast💥in there so you ain't🌀🌪️stirring your own porridge🥣 for round 2🤢. You guys🙎‍♂️be hating😪on trans🌈 people, even😮during their own🌗month, but there's all🌟kinds of potential there. Fuck💢all that normal🤢sloppy coochie, get yourself some trans🤖super💥 coochie. They're called🌈 trans because that😺 pussy be transforming👾your life.

My asshole is more of a pussy.

I hold bussy in high regard, but we gotta be honest that it's not like a pussy, but something way better.

Picking post op toid tussy over abusing sissy sluts. You disgust me.

Embrace the third position, women are gay and trannies suck. Caring about this is even gayer

I'm actually rooting for girls because the mass terfpilling of troids is going to drive them all terminally bugfuck insane and probably lead to actual tranny riots in the streets and that's something I want to see before I die.

Hmmm that is better for dramacoin...

Lies and slander, it's always been good eyecandy.

Literally this. I hope more trannies join sports so we can stop pretending woman's sports matters.

Why do you think Maria Sharapova is famous?

I dunno man, women's voleyball and tennis are pretty rad.

i want to feel the inside of your cloaca

Mfw men are now more persecuted than women because they can always pull the trans card.

Tbh if gotta choose between a offensive caricature of a womyn or a womyn the choice is easy.

ACLU doesn’t care about gun rights, an actual right in the constitution with literally the words SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

but dickgirls not playing sports? that’s some real shit

Stop seriousposting you fag. The ACLU has and be will always be on our side. Defending the rights of tranny neets to best women and nazi wagies to pontificate on the jq. They are the kings of radical centrism.

i am glad the ACLU is defending dick girls i just wish they defended my bump stocks too 😔😔😔

Even the ACLU knew bumpybois were a meme


The ACLU in Nevada does. I think they're the only chapter to do so though

With the suicide rate you should mix those two

Cope harder, gunfag. Not everyone wants to have their 2 year old toddler accidentally shoot themselves

lmfao at non guncels being so repulsive they’d make two year olds kill themselves if they owned guns


Learn reading comprehension, flyover




Yeah that's right, you tell him zoz

suck my dick, retard


Post vids with bussy

I thought libs believed in late term abortions? 🤔

i support late term abortions, but only if the parents are poor people

ur not liberal if u dont support infanticide cmv

Libs get late term abortions by adopting a pibble not handing a loaded gun to a toddler

wrong. its called the Terrible 2's for a reason

not even Robert Bork in the 80s (you know, the one that Senate rejected for being an originalist con) thought that the 2th amendment protected individual right to a own weapon, nobody did lol

but then conservative lawyer activists got together, and when you pull out the right dictionaries from the 18th century, use a bit of motivated reasoning and ignore the first sentence, lo and behold, people have a right to own guns that cannot be restricted!

activist justices on both sides are making up rights, not just libtards

Imagine thinking the Founding Fathers thought the 2nd Amendment was to protect the right to have 10 round magazines and a sad gimpy fin grip as opposed to keeping mayos packing to kill injuns and rebel slaves

yeah this is cool expect when the founding fathers OK’d a private warship and it was literally normal for everyone to own guns

that has nothing to do with second amendment, just because they had laws that allowed private ownership of some (or all) guns, doesn't mean that they thought its some natural right to roll your steamboat with shiny canons down the river (or whatever was gangsta back in that day)

all I am saying is let the people decide, not activist judges, who read their ideology onto the constitution, which is a position that has been uncontroversial with cons up to very recently

this is bait

whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.

this is bait

throneshit name

No one cares

Wat the fuck happened to the ACLU?

White Women


It unironically makes me seeth

They used to do cool shit like when they defended from Evangelical nutjob stay at home moms who wanted to censor everything. I guess they've run out of big issues to fight for after bussy became legal to marry so now they've had to find other shit to keep themselves occupied.


( o Y o )

What the actual fuck is going on in the world. Why are mentally ill men, squashing 70 years of women's rights advancements, the next civil rights frontier?

Women’s rights and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race as a whole

Troons are the jews of gender, “hello fellow women, why don’t you take a step back and let someone else run the show for a bit.”

It's precisely because of it my man. When men were in charge you just got lynched. With women now having a say we're literally still being lynched, but mentally, because that's how women fight, through so much gaslighting that you eventually just kill yourself from depression because you can't even tell what's real anymore.

that sounds pretty bad ass ngl

Beat those girls up

The inevitable conclusion

Based and ryona-pilled

It's my civil liberty to kick women in the face.



More like AC '14 words' LU

Man, who woulda thought that in the current year +5 we'd have biological men putting biological women back in their place.

Time is a flat circle. It was only a matter of time until men figured out how to beat women at the oppression olympics.

Cant beat em, join em.

If you took the entire ideology of r/GC and tore it down to only it's foundation, this would be it.

time is an arrow dumass learn quantum field theory its not hard

Time flies like a banana actually.

It's not a circle but it is a spiral


Thanks ❤️❤️❤️😘

Time is a flat circle

Obviously, that's why clocks are round

I stan this. Foids bout to be BTFO!

A person born a male that transitions to what society calls female shouldn't be anywhere near the sports of the opposite sex. They are still male biologically and this means a higher level of testosterone naturally. If a female were to take testosterone, they would be punished for cheating. There is a reason sports divisions are split along lines of sex. A male to female trans has a natural advantage over natural born females. So for the sake of fairness, transexuals must be banned from female competition. You can stick your social fairness up your ass, competition is about winning by natural ability, not winning by CHEATING. If they want to play sports outside of the sex they were born with, they need to create their own leagues as this is their problem, not ours, and as such they can't just cry and play the victim in this case. This is one battle they can't be allowed to win if you hold whatever sport you follow to any degree of ACTUAL fairness instead of the strawman fairness argument they have created.

one of my most BTFO moments as a foid in childhood was when a shorter male friend kicked the ball into from my perspective; orbit. Too stupid to get the full message back then, male pelvises can't have kids; but they can run and kick with an alien like power from my perspective.

if its any consolation women are totally superior in extreme long distance swimming, they can reach a high level of stamina and conditioning while maintaining a high percentage of body fat which makes them way more bouyant, thats a huge advantage for energy efficiency

this one niche event where it actually pays to be obese

girls rule boys drool



student’s name is Terry Miller

JFC this one kept “her” deadname didn’t “she”

Yeah it's totally normal for high school "girls" to be winning track and field events by multiple seconds.

In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

&gt;The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


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It's technological development, newer technology always replaces the old one because it's better. First foids are being replaced by troids, but after this cyborgs will replace troids with andvanced prostetic arms and legs that are better than the arms and legs humans have. And then the cyborgs will be replaced by robots, and no humans will be able compete against the robot overlords.


Felix Frankfurter, the guy who founded ACLU, would never stand up for this shit

tbh he was too based and didn't like any rights and just wanted for congress to do whatever

Once again, the ACLU doesn’t have A CLU.

ACLosers eternally BTFO

Ahahahaha you ever think if africa ever catches up to the west they'll be as fucking retarded as we are now

Quite the hill to die on

This shit is like the /r/drama equivalent of the WSB free money hack. LITERALLY cannot go tits up. We win regardless of outcome. Either troons get to compete with real women and blow them out of the fucking water replacing every record and stomping on decades of advancements in the fight to achieve equality and women's spaces, or the 41%ers get a smackdown and told that they have a biological advantage conferred by their sex and are relegated to competing in their own miniscule leagues, with their birth sex division, or not at all.

No matter what the outcome is, so many people are going to be furious. It's perfect.

The free money hack did go tits up for anyone who attempted it but i get your point

Heads we win. Tails they lose.

trans need a voice

Ffs, all they have are voices, very loud ones.