Hey guys, check out me new Bernie 2020 beenie.

1  2020-02-16 by Kaiser-romulus


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  • greasy dirty glasses

  • broken teeth

  • living in a shit shack

Yup, thats a bernie bro alright...

Finally you post and it makes sense

We need more Bernie posts, there's plenty of Bussychug and (((him))) but not enough Bernie.

How do you textualize the sound of vomit hitting pavement

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This is the person who calls you a fat loser on Reddit

Hypocrisy doesn’t actually make him wrong.




o hai

Also that literal retard probably calls people slurry autistic.


Im guessing free health care covers dental.

I am ashamed of being a berniecel.

This is some mean.

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Hey guys, check out me new Bernie 2... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Wtf even is that thing?

It's a beanie.

Bernie Bros Cope

Sounds like a decent novelty account name! Cant believe no one grabbed that yet.

The reason your insurance premiums are so high

Don’t make fun of me bro. #FEEL THE BERN

I don't like making fun of ugly people. I feel bad for them and hope they find an ugly woman to spend their life with.

I was trying hard not to comment on the looks but that's at least 5 yikes from me, dawg.

I don’t like it either. What I do like is making fun of people who have no idea how to take photos

Brother, you are back!

It's good to be back. 🤗

How long was your ban?

Wasn't banned just busy.

Busy with bussy?


But now I'm back in all my autistic glory.

You gotta do it like you would your emails. Check them right after you wake up and spend a half hour responding to them all. Then you don’t look at your emails all day and if anyone asks why you’re not responding to an email remind them it’s 2020 and you’re on slack, WhatsApp and texts are still a thing to imply they’re a dumb ass boomer who’s past his prime and no matter how many women he dates he will never find love like he did with his first wife but she’s gone now and you know this because you and her talk in DMs on Instagram.

Would you like to tell a story grandpa?

I’m not the old man in this scenario


I generally agree but that post shouldn't have 3k upvotes in the first place.

So what you get is a severely goofy looking motherfucker attention-posting and then a bunch of redditors coping on his behalf when the flies are inevitably drawn to the shitpost.

So what you get is a severely goofy looking motherfucker attention-posting

Maybe it's because it's the only way for them to get positive attention. I just find myself to dunk on him. He's not a deranged Chapo he's just some Bernie Fan.

Those are the same thing

Same. Fat people, however...

I am straight up stealing this joke.

But until they accept that that is their fate, they need you to firmly remind them of it.

That's Ronald Jenkees's retarded brother.

Already got a head start on eating the rich, I see.

Lmaooooo those fangs

I can see why socialism appeals to him.

Redistribute all the Stacy's

La Creatura del Norte

Friendly reminder he is into politics and plan to run for office. Get ready to cope over the awesome guy.

He like the fat cumtown host after 3 generations of inbreeding

So just the fat cumtown host?

I'm taking bets on whether that's an umbrella or cane handle in the background.

The good bet would be a cane. Many Bernie bro’s are “disabled” neets

“disabled” neets

Shit that's almost me. I unironically have severe PTSD and probably some brain damage but I'm not that retarded. I have a history of severe head trauma and I've been drinking since 10 AM and I still don't think I'm that retarded.


Watch as redditors try to be supportive to a fat ugly r-slur acting like a MAGA meme by talking to him like a child wearing a Winnie the Pooh costume

That's satire...isn't it?

Awww he looks extra special

These are the guys that rip on the MAGAs for being soys.

How can anyone take a picture like that and go, ‘Yeah, this. This is my angle’

I don't think Photoshop could save this guy from any angle unfortunately.

Forget about shops. Literally all he would have to do is close his mouth so those hideous snaggleteeth stop being visible. That alone would seriously make this photo less awful.

Sorry you don’t know what a chad Bernie bro looks like.

is that thing male though?!? could be a wendy

I see a girly bag and of course a cane.

🔥 Lookin fly and feelin' the Bern! 🔥

With fat people you never know.

Fat people like a box of chocolates.

They'll make your car interior sticky on a hot day

Not human.


Mf look like the guy from the mucinex commercial

That is his angle.

Op, they're going to meme you, they're going to mock you, and don't you let it bother you one damned bit.

Look at all the love you got in here. That's what counts. I'll fight for you the same way you'll fight for me.

That’s right. Stay in your echo chamber. Never stray too far from the cult.


It’s different when your cult makes fun of others.

I dont know, I think the trash bag with clothes in the background really sells this, the photo would have missed something if it wasnt there.

The wood paneling in what looks like a double wide is a nice touch as well.

Living my life I sometimes forget why faith is so important for the masses

Ty for the reminder