Zodiac Killer accuses Bloomberg of owning media, many ears begin to burn.

1  2020-02-19 by unrulyfarmhand


Jews did this


  1. Zodiac Killer accuses Bloomberg of ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Tread lightly, Snappy!



I can't wait to see President Bloomberg shake hands with President Erdogan

President Bootyjudge shaking hands with President Bolsonaro would be pretty funny but this is a close second.

Bolsonaro used to be gay and have homosex though, they'll have a lot of common ground!

Don't mention that water Mellon seller here!

Wow. Very anti Semitic Ted. Not good!

There is nobody, and I mean nobody, more corrupt than Mayor Bloomberg. He's not racist or much of a misogynist to my knowledge, regardless of the dumb things he has said. But the guy will buy off or pay off anyone to get what he wants.


Quick have your dad shoot him like he did to JFK lmao.

Rightoid Twitter is about the only set of people that’s more retarded than woke twitter, that thread is full of absolute geniuses.

one thing that IMO makes wokies slightly less worse (its very close) is that they are not claiming to be victims 99.9% of the time, like nobody is into victim narratives more than cons, they talk about nothing more than them being victims

"the mainstream media is against us, I cannot tell people that I am a conservative in a super blue state, universities oppress us, the government oppresses us, Hollywood oppresses us, celebrities are mean to us"

they are not claiming to be victims 99.9% of the time


well the rest of the time they claim that other people (read not privileged mayos coming from rich family) are victims