Remember MAGAcel refugees, assimilation is important, step one: take the bussy pill.

1  2020-02-27 by -M-o-X-


Don't downvote lolcows please

This is actually a Burger King ad.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Remember MAGAcel refugees, assimila... -,*

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It's actually a suppository 👌👌🍑🍑

A 13inch one

We need to build a wall and make MAGAcels pay for it. Only MAGAcels who submit bussy will be approved.

boomer bussy



That pic always reminds me of that old SNL commercial for Oops, I Crapped My Pants adult diapers

Imagine the smell

I'm sure there's plenty of MAGAcels who would keep those drawers under their pillow so they can sniff them at night.

Keep going

Donald brap


Daddy got that beef

bussy ages exquisitely

I'm pretty sure the senile boomers of T_D hate this sub for being "lefty cucks" last I checked.

Idk why everything thinks people who post in T_D are all boomers. I post there all the time and I’m 23. I’m sure the majority of people there are around my age. Boomers don’t use the internet except for Facebook.

Ok boomer



It's obvious that you post in td. And I mean that as an insult.

Top kek 😂

nice meme from the 1800s grandpa

Kek is one of those things that you just cringe to read

It’s not really that hard hitting when you’re the only one sperging our

The Spanish flu killed 50 million people, and you somehow survived.


Being 23 and acting like a boomer is far worse.


He's going to be one of those people who get Alzheimer's when they're like 50.

I feel that it is true, so it must be

lmao gay. also don't downvote lolcows you animals.

I don’t want him to think he’s right though :(

why do you hate fun

Encourage it. The same way you encourage people to become troids lmao.

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Stop. Downvoting. Lolcows.

TD poster


Bussy or GTFO

Have you considered getting a job?

Have you considered sucking my tubesteak?

Lol no you're the bottom here

Also notice that their response wasn't "I have a job" because they don't 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

no one can find it under your fupa :(

The mentally undeveloped are included as well.


Lmao imagine being 23 and being brain cucked by boomers.

Ok boomer

The senile boomers created a huge brain drain over there. It used to be interesting/edgier when everything was meme magic and Shadilay. Diversity of thought went down a lot too. Last few years its been mostly conservative facebook memes and the occasional fent garrison pic.

It's a shame honestly because at it's peak it used to really make people seethe and was great for drama.

Should build a wall anyway, it will attracts birds I promise.

How dare they, we’re clearly centrist cucks

To conservatards we're commies, to libtards we're fascists.

Oh the sacrifices that come with being an enlightened centrist cuck.

I just donated $200 for the community cuckshed. Somebody match me!




Manlets OUT! OUT! OUT! 👉👉👉

I'm not a manlet I'm 5'5

When do you plan on transitioning?

shortie troons are the best, like Michael J. Fox in a dress.


stop falling for bait here, whats a MAGAcel?







Involuntary celibate Trump supporter.

Ahh so an incel that supports trump. Duh lol. Gotcha

It’s ok newcel ur learning

Whats a newcel?

a bussyboi

Whats a bussy?

A boy's hole where if you wanna get in you have to pay the troll toll.

Lmfao, nice

Lmao you’re retarded and you’ll fit in just fine here newtoarrslashdramacel

Nah, already left this odd space. Too toxic for moi

Stick around you’ll notice the unironically ironic ness. It’s literally only toxic in the case you have thin skin and take anything seriously. Agenda and serious posting is highly looked down upon because no one cares about your shitty opinion and radical centerism is and always will be the only correct way.

Okay fine I’m back lol

Based. Now stick around and start bullying the other residents 🤗🤗🤗

... ...whats based? Lol

YOU are. For sticking around! Most newcels just clutch their pearls, posting in other subs how they pretty much survived the Holocaust by browsing here after a couple no no words were posted here. They literally think this place is an altright neonazi hangout spot. I’m a gay left leaning faggot who comes home to his boyfriend each night and have gay sex with him. This sub just calls out bullshit, left or right, and ironically posts about it with not even a smidge of seriousness. I’m actually at critical seriousness levels rn so yeah post your bussy for me as payment for my sacrifice

Lmfao jesus christ bro

All this and more on arrr slash drama 😍



MAGAcels, I’m looking for a new Mayo twink! Ironic inquiries only;)



They told me it was a choice so I better seem them all bending over once Pete wins

Is everyone on this entire website either a homo or tranny or both?


Yeah sis. 💅

Yes and that's a good thing you massive faggot.


Ew, you’re gay AND European?

You said European twice.

Hmmm idk, Western Europe is pretty gay but Eastern Europe is almost suspiciously straight.

Czechhunter is real, the only true European cultural landmark left.

I'm straight in real life, but I pretend to be gay and trans on the internet because I believe in assimilating into the online culture.

Same reason I get aids when I go to Africa 😍😍


MAGAcels I know you’re scared, just relax and bend over, give up your bussy to your drama overlords

This is haram, they should both be trans cuties.

They are, bigot.

Is that the property brothers?

Implying they didn't already for daddy

jewarab kissy before bussy fun time!

That this this link is paid for by aussie taxpayers makes it even more fun.