It's over for Burgercels

1  2020-02-27 by MoistLanguage


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40% is truly an amazing, diverse statistic. Even r/science jannies are on their way to the 40%!

It's the best statistic

Maybe make providing healthcare an actual priority, instead of using it as a way to exploit the working class for material gain?

These trends will just keep going otherwise.

Nigga how is free docs going to make you less of a fatass?

boyoyoyong looks exactly like this except he's a strong as a silverback gorilla.


It's everyone else's responsibility to care for me, not my own.

Unironically if I ever get stabbed or something I'm just gonna patch myself up if I don't bleed out before I'm able. If I ever break a bone again I'm just gonna go buy a brace for like $30 instead of paying a doctor $3,000 to give me one. If I ever get a terminal illness I'm just gonna go rob a bank or two and throw wads of cash around downtown. Only reason I'd go to a doctor is dental work and maybe surgery. If people were tougher and stupider they'd just take my approach instead of going crying to a doctor for every little fucking thing. Maybe if people stopped being such simps for doctors and medicine doctors would be forced to charge more reasonable prices to get any clients.

These are the same people who cry when their doctor tells them to lose weight and then make a five page antidiet post about how weight has nothing to do with health.

No talk, just gibs.

It's my lack of doctor that forces me to eat cheeseburgers for breakfast.

Let doctors proscribe fatties that’ll fix it

Someone even said they wanted free personal trainers, forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't even think the most generous universal healthcare systems provide personal trainers unless you need physical therapy for an injury.

These people just want an excuse to be fat, to make it society's fault. "I'm fat because I don't have free healthcare/housing/education/food/personal chefs, give me those first then maybe I'll think about not being a fat lard"

Lol you can’t help fatties, I deal with them all day as a healthcare provider, they are worthless, fat drains on society with 0 self control who refuse to take any role in their own health. It’s always someone else’s fault their little sausage fingers stuff food in their gullet. Even with personal trainers I’ve seen fatties get fatter.

The best are the people who "totally started a diet, i swear" and then you look at their weight chart and see that they actually gained 10 lbs. You aren't tricking anyone, fat, and nobody has time for your games. The scale doesn't lie.

Dieting isn't even difficult. I was getting a little bit heavier than I'd like so I literally just stopped buying junk food like chips and whatnot, already lost 5 pounds in just a couple weeks. I'm not technically overweight anymore (180 pounds, 6' male) but I want to be super lean and eradicate my miniature man tits, so I'm aiming to lose like 15 more pounds. Won't be difficult.

Lol you can’t help fatties, I deal with them all day as a healthcare provider, they are worthless, fat drains on society with 0 self control who refuse to take any role in their own health. It’s always someone else’s fault their little sausage fingers stuff food in their gullet. Even with personal trainers I’ve seen fatties get fatter. If I get forced to cater to the fucking cows even more than I already have to I’m going into DMV worker mode. Make y’all bitches wait forever while sassing you’re for being a drain on society.

That behavior is common in addicts before they get involved in group therapy. Basically, we need fatty court.

One day is Allah wills it

reminder: many fascist dictatorships had mandatory exercise programs

and commies either did the same or just starved their people


the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

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If we harnessed that energy we could start the most profitable company in the history of man. Thousands of workers toiling round the clock, for no compensation whatsoever...

/r/drama will singlehandedly revive the cotton industry

Obesity is a Republican conspiracy to keep the social security trust fund solvent.

wtf I love republicans now

if 80% of the population is overweight, and 40% is signifcabtly overweight, we have to start considering human beings are just bad at being around too much food. Which makes sense when you consider famine was the real killer for most of the history of life.

I think the biggest barrier to making big strides in this area are the public health idiots who think if they lecture people enough it will suddenly get better.

And the Europeans are still further back because they have spiking obesity rates, but they're too busy comparing themselves to America and feeling superior to realize they're not that far behind.

Pretty good take, a bit of a seriouspost at first but you brought it back when you called people who work in government ‘public health idiots’ and made fun of the europoors

/r/drama comment reviews

The same junk food was around in the 70s. It's our standards that have dropped since then. I wonder why though.

Check out this search. Just keep scrolling and scrolling

Now this one

It's strange how those petty stories propagate all over the internet like that. Almost like it's propaganda.

Let's not forget this..

It's not just the media though. A lot of dietitians are pushing Health At Every Size too. Here is a short list. Hmmm I wonder how two could be related though.

That's the kind of dedication I expect from a woman with bulimia. Or a man with bigorexia. Is this a cry for help and or steroids?

I just don't like seeing fat people. It's gross 😫

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. It's over for Burgercels -,

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America is fat

I’m sure I read an article like this as some breaking news every month.

Friendly reminder that fatties aren't people.

Well luckily not for long, and not happy people


Genuinely astonished that the figure is as low as 40%.

C'mon, burgers, those are rookie numbers!

40% is for obesity, 80% is overweight.

Who the fuck are these scrawny slackers and why haven't we eaten them yet?

That means by not being fat you're in the top 20% of men. Thin incels (thincels) have finally achieved their dream.


Day of the spatula when?

Can I get some american fat transplanted into me? I really need it




Slavery for mayos and niggas needs to be discussed in order to forcibly change these numbers. I'm willing to bet most of these fatties are women.

Just put down the fork. How is obesity even real?

I have really really solid and thick bones (my wrist circumference is ~8 inches). I am not even close to being fat or obese yet my BMI is 33.

Yes, you're the size of a small cow because your bones are just that thick.

I have a wrist circumference of about 7.5 inches and have a BMI of 24.4. Wonder how that's possible. OP definitely isn't obese. Though I wonder if they know fat can grow on your wrist too...?

What healthcare is needed aside from a personal assistant to follow you around all day slapping burgers & donuts out of your hands?

Maybe the access to a personal trainer or dietician? Maybe also better education on food.

this fucking country i swear

Amerifats are indeed fat. Oh my, who could have ever seen this coming?