The Day The Bussy Died 😫😭

1  2020-03-01 by Mick_mangina


The_Reason_Pete_Wins on suicide watch


Hey, I did that.

Why live?

Time to put you out to pasture πŸ„πŸ”«πŸ€ 


Just look at the flowers

Your reign of terror is over. Now forfeit your jannie card and resign in disgrace

not being a jannie


You sure you know what that word means, homie?

Cope and seethe.

It's over for petecels

don't worry bb he'll make a great midwestern senator/governor for the next 5-ish years and emerge as a party voice in the post-Trump era

He can aim much higher now, either as a lobbyist or consultant making boatloads of money or as a cabinet member if by some miracle the dems manage to win the election.

uses boatloads instead of buttloads when talking about Mayor Bussy

Man Snally come on

it's over

We lost two drama heroes tonight 😭

snally you old whore why don't you post kitty pics anymore

Too busy defending Hilldo's honour.

The Dems should be able to win this election. All of the polls say that this is objectively a very close race, the strong economy hasn't given Daddy the usual boost incumbents get, and that economy might not stay strong for as long as Daddy needs it to.

Of course, the Dems are the Dems, so watch them throw a pick when it's first and goal.

hasn't given Daddy the usual boost incumbents get


Trump has received more caucus votes at every state so far than every incumbent in the last 4 decades.

In just Iowa, Trump got 31,900 votes. Obama got 28,000 and Bush got 8,000. In New Hampshire, Trump got 129,400. Reagan got 80,000 when he was an incumbent before his re-election.

Those are huge numbers. If that isn't a bump, I don't know what you're looking at.

all of the polls

Oh. You look at polls.

That primary surge shows that this election is going to be a popularity contest. Daddy is betting that his runaway popularity with the DDF will have a net positive effect against his general unpopularity.

You look at polls.

That's the best we have.

No, the best we have is the numbers at the ballot box and who people are voting for.

Those numbers tell me he isn't as unpopular as you CNNcels are led to believe. In fact, those numbers show him to be incredibly popular overall.




Wrong again.

incredibly popular overall. Record breakingly so.

So approval ratings have been accurate for every president until now have been significant indicators, but for Daddy every single poll is wrongety-wrong-wrong.

you're literally in a giant liberal bubble.

I don't live in rural squalor, which I know is what you mean by "liberal bubble." But most Americans don't live in the boonies either.

So approval ratings have been accurate for every president until now have been significant indicators, but for Daddy every single poll is wrongety-wrong-wrong.

Again. Look at the numbers of people showing up to vote for him. Bigger numbers than the "super popular greatest guy ever" Obama.

And those are at meaningless primaries. If you think the numbers are going to go down when it counts you need to get your head out of the sand.

And we haven't even talked about how much money he's managed to raise for the GOP:

Raised: $268,310,254 Spent: $215,793,677 Cash On Hand: $76,018,138

compared to the DNC:

Raised: $103,319,342 Spent: $101,870,052 Cash On Hand: $10,121,416

I'm not trying to be rude, but you're suffering some serious denial if you think all the Democrats need to do is just walk it across the goal line. They are in for one of the most historic defeats in American history.

If you think the numbers are going to go down when it counts you need to get your head out of the sand.

The question is by how much those numbers can go up.

They are in for one of the most historic defeats in American history.

I'm not denying the possibility of a narrow Trump win. The matchup polls in the states that matter are extremely close, at least against every serious Democratic contender.

You're the one who's predicting another Reagan-Mondale blowout, so let me be direct: where do you think all of these secret Trump supporters are hiding?

By the way, google "US population in 1984" and tell me what you dig up.

The question is by how much those numbers can go up.

It doesn't matter if they don't go up at all because as they are now they are unprecedented numbers.

I'm not denying the possibility of a narrow Trump win. The matchup polls in the states that matter are extremely close, at least against every serious Democratic contender.

where do you think all of these secret Trump supporters are hiding?

What secret Trump supporters? They're showing up at the voting booths. I just gave you all the numbers.

It doesn't matter if they don't go up at all

Don't be stupid. This is objectively false. If "they don't go up at all" that will mean that nobody joined the GOP primary voters, and if that is the case then Trump can't win.

They're showing up at the voting booths.

They're showing up at the voting booths because Trump is campaigning unusually hard. No previous incumbent who didn't face a credible challenger has campaigned as ferociously as he is at this stage. Notice that Iowa and New Hampshire are swing states? That's why his team is campaigning as if Bill Weld were a credible threat. He wants momentum in the states where it matters.

Trump is going to lose because he's campaigning too hard and getting too many votes

You're a retarded leftoid of the highest order.

Now you're being rude. Good. This is /r/drama, faggot.

You're still wrong though. I'm not a leftoid, and that's not what I've said ITT.

Why do leftoids on the internet always deny being leftoids?

Why do rightoids on the internet think that everyone who isn't (a) a boomer or (b) a broke-ass hick is a leftoid?

As if all your takes in this thread haven't been boomer level nonsense about what the polls are saying.

And you're a leftoid because you walk, talk and quack like a leftoid.

"updoots" in Anno Domini MMXX

Ok boomer

Look at your screen name. And look at you whining about them.

This is a reincarnation account that I made after in like 2017 lol. I paid for my custom flair and I don't post anywhere but here, do you think I'm gonna give that shit up just because my username is a bit old?

You're just rolling down a hill of Ls at this point.

ok boomer

do you think I'm gonna give that shit up just because my username is a bit old?

I have no idea what you're going to do next. But it needs to be better than calling someone a boomer for using the word doot when it's literally your username.

Only if you read the tea leaves again and make another prediction

The numbers of people showing up at the booths aren't predictions. The predictions was your facebook level take about the Democrats being at "first and goal" and how they might win it because "the polls" told you so.

Then you can whine about getting downvoted when that gets BTFO.


Careful, your hip isn't as flexible as it used to be.

You have doot in your username and whined about getting downvoted on reddit. Boomer.


Funny how you accused him of being a "leftoid" when you support a dude Trump who even a bigger "leftoid" than Sanders is.

Fun Fact: Trump was a hard-core leftist until he ran in the Republican primary. He supports gun control, abortion, universal health care in his lifetime. Trump never vote Republican and support many Democratic politicians in his lifetime. It wasn't until Trump decides to ran for President he starts spouting Conservative beliefs.

Are you replying to shit from yesterday? What a fucking retard.



Also lol, every one of my recent comments ITT and elsewhere just went to 0 in like a minute. You actually went through my history, didn't you?

You think I give an actual shit about voting on your comments??

TDS is alive and well. Keep fighting the good fight. #KAG

Okay, let's look at the number of people that voted for tiny trump in 2016.

Trump: 62,984,828

Hillary: 65,853,514

Hillary got more votes than your "super popular guy" Donald Trump.

you're literally in a giant liberal bubble.

Says the dude living in a giant conservative echo chamber.

Its because he had an actual theoretical primary opponent in Bill Weld, so Trump was forced to spend money on the primaries and ask people to go vote for him. That didn't happen during Obama or Bush.

And look at the turnout for an opponent that didn't even matter. Now think of the turnout for when it does.

The point is he spent money getting people to go out and vote for him. He did advertising and does constant rallies when previous presidents didnt do that. Its not a surprise he got more votes when thats an active campaign goal to get high primary votes.

when previous presidents didnt do that


Absolute astronomical levels of COPE that can be seen from space

Ok retard


He's going to become a lobbyist or a major consultant because he had one failed presidential bid? Are you feeling a little euphoric in this moment?

He's a flash in the pan. Completely propped up by the DNC and nothing more. Leftoids were saying the same earth shattering shit about Beto. Look where he is.

He's going to become a lobbyist or a major consultant because he had one failed presidential bid? Are you feeling a little euphoric in this moment?

That's typically what congressmen and failed presidential candidates do when they retire from the spotlight, yes

Why is he going to retire from the spotlight? He's 38 or whatever. Also, he's a mayor, not a congressman. He's got plenty of time and space to move upwards if he wants.

There's no need to retire from politics because of one failed presidential run. He can run for Congress and the Senate or plenty of other things.

Who's going to hire him to be a consultant when he's done basically nothing in the political world? Even Holder said it about Beto, "No one's going to hire a guy who's only accomplishment was a loss".

The difference is that Bootyjudge hasn't lost an election that (a) mattered AND (b) sane people thought he might win. Beto has lost an election that met both of those criteria.

No sane person thought that Pete was gonna be the nominee, by the way. Had he been the nominee, he would have gotten slaughtered in the general. Being gay is still a fatal political weakness in America outside of educated, professional-class, white or Asian bubbles. Everyone with half a brain knows that this is true.

What does any of that have to do with the fact that he's not going retire and become a high powered DC lobbyist or consultant?

I have a serious question, who even are you?

sane people thought he might win.

On what planet do you live? No one thought a fudge packing faggot would win.

learn to read faggot

Go back to my post and try again.

Imagine effort reading on arrrh slash drama

inb4 Bussy as VP for Biden

Sorry bro. Please don't delete yourself. You're my favourite mod


Don't worry, I've got more

I'm telling the chadmins 😑

M-more what? 😳

Can we get the_reason_trump_won to dab on this nigga?

Buttiwave can still win in 4 years



Are we going to see your real account back soon?

I haven't decided. I have a new alt that I'll probably use for a while

Given your other jannietorial duties, I suppose it makes sense to lay low until Birdfart abandons her crusade against us.

Oh it's not that. Even on Quietus I really only mop drama. I'm surprised the account hasn't been removed from a couple subs, frankly

Still wrong, but less wrong.

I look forward to seeing more of you in the future.

Me too


Thank you for the request, reebokpumps. 1 of M_Messervy's last 1000 comments (0.1%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Feb. 10, 2020. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is -18.

1 case of genital herpes is still 1 too many cases of genital herpes. Also thought I had to spell out β€œcheck” too, don’t mean to call the bot.

Can I not hate the elderly and chapo without you up my ass, mom?

It's over for gimmick accounts.

it never even began

Local moderator discovers gimmick accounts are fickle.

Still plenty of mileage for this one

I'm gonna outlive you.

Yours will last through the end of Reddit.

I beg your pardon.

There will never be a shortage of Srdines who need canning. You're good.

It warms my heart, hearing that my work is appreciated :)

Another Less-Funny Trump Meme Fails Again

He was never off it


How did he drop before Warren?

Because he isnt a delusional white woman?

She is a POC you shitlord.

Just like every delusional white woman

Yeah a Piece Of Chit

β€œPiece of crap” was just sitting there you absolute retard.

Chit is funnier tbh. You gotta say it like a chollo

Elizabeth Warren is staying in to get the Bernie votes after the CIA uses their heart attack gun on him again and he finally croaks.

Also LOL :



heart attack gun

You don't actually believe this right?

let the man dream

Warren just got big PAC money bc some billionaire wants her to split the progressive vote

Exactly this. Warren is a shill.

Because Dementia Daddy got some good news in SC, so Plan A is back on, which means Plan B goes back on the shelf in the back of the medicine cabinet so Dementia Daddy doesn't have any distractions.


Because the creepy uncle offered him the veep spot if he did.

Fat (literally, she’s fat) chance.

From all the gimmick accounts this is by far the less realistic

F πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

jannshits will approve this drivel but not my bernie won account 😑😑😑

Because the other accounts are ironic not fanatical.

sounds like niggas coping because they know hes the real winner and my account would be the most effective

More like we don't need any normie Reddit circlejerk shit in here.

Bad enough I have to see Sanders spam on half the posts on all.

Bernie will never win.

he's winning right now and will never stop

But what about the popular vote? He’s losing that right now. No wonder he had to have the rules changed.

Because even unpaid Jannies know Bernie won't win



Lmao this didn't last long



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Too soon bussy, too soon

F to the only candidate that truly understands the allure of bussy. Our country is doomed. :<


I warned you this account didn't have staying power

All things must pass. Not even bussy is forever

Trump is tho, 5 more years

Keep the username. Bussy will rise again.

The homocracy is inevitable

Furries get the wall either way.

Someone bought him off. He’s gonna be VP or Secretary of State, I promise.

Either Mike or Biden.

I would guess Biden.

This probably means that all of the campaign cash from Pete's Fudge PAC is going into Biden's coffers now

Pete's Fudge PAC


Fudge PAC


This is what I think is truly happening

Anonymous sources tell me he has contracted the coronavirus.

Wasnt there a thread somewhere speculating exactly this yesterday? Hasn't he been sick for like 3 days?

I would never burn a source like that.

Bernie just dies if he gets it right?

Sen Sanders died months ago. His campaign is a psyops conducted by the DHS and BIG Pharma.

It's all in Q's latest release...

Everyone always talks about big pharma but ain't nobody ever care about my homie lil pharma πŸ˜₯πŸ˜–

I mean if booty just started showing symptoms he has already infected everyone in the democratic primary. Scratch bernie and bloomberg. Biden will probably make it though, he was challenging people to push up contest like a month ago which implies a higher level of physical fitness than most people would believe.

higher level of physical fitness

That, or rapidly advancing dementia

Or both. A demented presidential candidate challenging strangers to push up duels while on the other side a barely functioning ball of cocaine and cheeseburgers imitates cripples and spastics to the roaring applause of a tumultuous crowd.. It's gonna be glorious.

Why does it matter? The link works. Jesus christ don't you have something better to do? Society is literally on the verge of being ripped asunder by a plague of biblical proportions and here you are bitching about my formatting.

It doesn’t work. It’s not a link. Have some consideration for mobilecels.

I am literally on mobile and it works fine.

Oh wait you mean people who actually use the app? Fuck those people, that shit is gay as fuck. Zero sympathy. I will post my links like this from now just out of spite.

Imagine using a browser in current year + 5. Fag.

Imagine using http in current year + 6


Imagine not being able to read raw binary


I use BaconReader and it works.

It's fucking OVER;smid=tw-nytimes

It's funny if he wasn't gay he'd be the frontrunner.

He always liked being a little behind 😭

same with warren and being a woman :(

And a person of color

He’s not gay. Just look at how he interacts with his β€œhusband”. Also he said he would take a pill to not be gay if it existed. #PetesNotGay

You have a serious knack for getting me seething, yet you put in so little effort. It really makes me wonder...

Why even live

why even live

Good question! I have no answer.

if anyone besides him, and maybe even him knew his policy- maybe

🎡 I can't remember if I cried

When Bussygieg dropped out to help Bide(n)

Something touched me deep inside

The day the bussy died 🎡


That something was Pete’s penis

Nooooo 😭😭 you cant do this Mayor Bussy nooooo

I was looking forward to a Daddy vs Bussy debate πŸ˜” now we’ll never find out how he’d make fun of the fags

Bernie glassberg probably had his mossad agents offer him a tract of vacation property on the West Bank and a few billion sheckles to drop

As a manlet he should be used to rejection.

Gays are immune to manletism since they discovered the wonder of twinks

Are you saying manlet gays are always the lady in the relationship?

manlet tops πŸ˜‚

'I want to be brave like you': Boy, 9, asks Pete Buttigieg for help coming out as gay

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


The world was not yet ready, but that boy will usher in the homocracy when he grows up

Now which candidate will suck cock and eat ass and get fucked in the ass with cocks and eat cum



πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€Pete is goneπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€


Nice try faggot. Klobuchar 2020


Thank you for the request, CMDR-FusionCor3. 0 of RADIOBALLS's last 248 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

Eat cum and suck balls and get fucked in the ass by cock. The day I am a chapo is the day I off myself

it's over for Homocels

Lifefuel for stupidcels

Already got banned from r/Sandersforpresident for...

Saying Pete sucked


Why do these guys make it so hard to support the good guys?

And nothing of value was lost


You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. The Day The Bussy Died 😫😭 -,

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he must give Joe! his energy




Gay but not forgotten πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

legit cant believe he dropped out this early

we're approaching the point where JEB! makes his entrance, as the dark horse of all our dreams

Pete the cheat realized he couldn’t cheat all the way to president.

Lol why not just wait til after Tuesday

Edit: wait nvm, deep state still thinks joe has a chance so they're cutting him loose

The day the bussy died was when Harvey Milk got killed

Pete ain't shit compared to Stonewall era gays.

Harvey Milk was a centrist small business owner, not far removed from Pete Progressives only care about him because he was gay and shot.

Rip homocracy. It never even began. πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

Can someone explain why twitter was rejoicing over Pete dropping out the race and how it was a win for the lgbt community?

Because Pete is a neoliberal, and Twitter is full of commies.

It’s more complicated than that, but also, it kinda isn’t πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Well dramanauts, it's been real but this will be the last comment (unless Pete runs again) I make on this account. Goodbye, faggots!

Im switching over to my alt jaredgayffer27 in solidarity with Pete.


BussyPower 2024



Cya in 4 yrs

Enjoy your time at the farm, upstate. I am sure you will have lots of other animals to play with.



He's going to be Biden's VP

Someone pulled the buttplug.

And thus die our dreams of the homocracy. Homocracy 2024 inshallah.

Man who had no chance of winning admits he had no chance of winning.




Can't wait for the Biden vs Trump debates. It's going be fun watching two old senile men debating each other on live tv.


Biden was the final boss all along

So is Biden the new Hillary?

User was banned for amp

Imagine buying into MSM propaganda. Amp is good for you.

Let's be honest, the real reason he lost is that not a single person in the world could memorize or even pronounce 'Bootylegger' or whatever his surname is.