World's most pathetic comic author (not Dobson, Garrison or Bendis) outdoes himself; thread gets y'alled immediately

1  2020-03-02 by Frostfright


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does ww use a sword

Her dad is fucking Ares


Same guy, both are white

Ares is red actually.

Fuck you

Ares would’ve made a lot more sense

He fucked a human? Doesn't sound like him.

Zeus fucks humans all the time, what you are thinking of is that Zeus turns himself into animals to do it.

Brah what do i look like, Zeus's fetish tracker I got better things to do with my time.

I mean you user name is “Burn Notice Lover” so obviously you don’t if you like that show.

Just kidding but I only really watched it for Bruce Campbell as Sam Axe.

Is Kratos white? Or a black man with whiteface?

Both his voice actors/mocap were black

He’s black but wears the ashes of his dead family due to a curse.

Thats just what happens to black people if they dont use lotion

The God of War series was set in a post-apocalyptic world without cocoa butter, it's a little understood fact.

He's canonically Spartan, so both.

Worse. He's a Gr**k

Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. World's most pathetic comic author ... -,

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This is the simp that asks his wife for consent to give her a hug, and now he's telling his wife's son that his skirt is too long and that he's wearing too many clothes.

Really makes you think, doesn't it

Making your wife sign a consent form for oral sex and yet letting the state teach your kid to put a condom on a banana with their mouth at age 9. Leftists and libertarians have formed an unholy alliance.

Imagine how broken you have to be to make these comics lmao

wife sign a consent form for oral sex

Imagine having a wife that has a doctor's note stating Jaw-Alignment problems do to be endowed

That's a normal thing tho

Why would you need a doctors note for that?

That's what she showed me. Who am I to ignore medical advice?

Dude, not cool

Tell ME about it

condom on a banana

Come on man, dont just make up stupid shit to try to get a rise out of people.

Everybody knows they use bad dragon dildos for that these days.

A good chunk of his comics over the years are about how his wife doesn’t want him touching her or really interacting with her in any way.

his wife doesn’t want him touching her or really interacting with her in any way.

Damn how could this happen? I've heard on menslib that women prefer spineless simps and male feminists

Honestly I’m still wondering how he even has kids. I mean he can’t be stupid enough to believe he got his wife pregnant without ever having sex with her.

The comic is just his way of virtue signaling. It's a male feminist we're talking about here, dude probably starts the day roofying the wifeys breakfast cereal. That would explain the cold 1000 yard stare she has in the comics aswell

It's either that or cuckolding. There are really only two choices.

What a stupid question, his wife has probably fucked half the town.

He doesn't; his wife does

Where can I see more of his comments? I want to brighten up my Monday on the expense of simp humiliation




Wait, people actually read comics that aren't by ugo jesse?

That's some deep shit.

The only thot here is his son.

angry that you are not married and he is? cope harder, loser.

And the self insert main character is a bald, chubby dude with noodle arms 🤔

1000 yard soyface

Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus, Lord and Savior.

His character has only one face

eyebrows raised, eyes wide open, mouth in an "o"

All of you fools have never heard of our lord and saviour Jack T. Chick

Inshallah brother

I've got half a mind to start Chickposting for this sub.

Do it.

I will! Promise ya. But you kids had better appreciate this.

He was too good for this world. He was the boomer god

Corona can kill us at anytime now.


That would be aids.

They're all the same to Mike Pence.

we can only hope

Questions for the autists here:

Is it okay to let your daughter play-pretend as Superman?

Is it okay to let your son play-pretend as Wonder Woman?

thanks friend.



so your daughter dons a cape and says "Daddy look, I'm Superman!" and you tear it off her and scream at her that she has to pick a Disney Princess?

very based indeed.

Capeshit is not allowed in my household. Kids are grown and not degenerates, take a lesson.

No you tell your kid super hero’s aren’t real, and to get back to the sweatshop so they can pay their rent.

and you tear it off her and scream at her that she has to pick a Disney Princess

yeah and then I coom


Before calling anyone else pathetic look yourself into the mirror.

contemplate it

Cyka blyat

My posts are demand-influenced. People feel the need to positively influence themselfes from others. The idiot is a part of the social system and as such has a vital part to play in society as he provides the chance for others to look down on him as he's doing such idiotic things. The internet has desensitised the general public. Someone whos erratically yelling things isn't as off-putting as it used to be when the village idiot was doing that job. People demand weird content that is crossing the boarders of social norms. People putting their bathroom usage on social media seem to be what people want to see. Actually, they are weird, much weirder than most of the other content here. As you can see, this content gets upvoted. You may not like it, but this content is satisfying the need for which people come to this subreddit.

the two are not mutually exclusive

The only weird thing here is implying that there is something sexual about giving a kid a more accurate cosplay

No letting your kid be a tranny is weird.

But also I wonder what they think of superhero costumes like this Wonderwoman.



Every time I post this, you come screaming down into my replies pissing and shitting your pants

You're fucking right I do. I'll keep doing it until you get it right.

Sneed more

Shut up.

Kids should be staying far away from cosplay as well.

They will wear a mask instead.

But if they’re Cis nothing will utimatley happen.

Outside of the fact that Trans people will tell them “you’re trans” ad nauseam

Idk man he just wants to play wonder woman it's not a super huge deal inside the house

WW has always been a fetish character, she's only become OMG GIRL POWER relatively recently because women who would never be caught dead reading a superhero comic have decided that superhero comics should feature women.

The movies would have been so much better if DC made a logical decision for once and kept WW's character intact as a total bondage slut

Come to think of it....

Where is the Bentynil Content these days?

Having a ball.

Edit: Damn this comment got a lot of attention from conservatives so I just wanna edit it to leave this here

links to r/politics on roger stone getting 40 months? To own the... conservatives?

Kripposoft why do you defend pedophile comic makers?

We can't ping him. 😑😶😞

Like, Epstein got murdered in his cell after being caught having sex tapes with children on a child sex dungeon island... and he was a Democrat.

I feel owned.

but the adult telling the kid that their skirt isn't short enough looks weird to me.

Im gonna ignore the elephant in the room but complain about the chip on the wall.

The industrial revolution


Everyone knows there's a problem.

My favorite part about the guy is that his twitter handle is a more racist version of mooncricket, very obviously, and yet wokies swallow his bait line, hook, and sinker.

Do youthink he's just a massive troll? I hope so.

No, I don't think so, that's the funniest part.

The dad in these comics is such a boring Mary Sue pussy. I want to know what the author looks like in real life.

Damn, all the girls are cute and all the dudes look like recycled genetics.

Holy shit Sarah's Scribbles can get it.

Also the Fowl Language guy is a fucking chad.

And the guy who draws The Oatmeal is a fucking omegachad.

Girls make webcomics because they're """artsy"""

Guys make webcomics to show girls that they're one of the good guys that deserves the crumb


This makes the comic exponentially more sad to me because I just realized it's all real.

Imagine this person telling a young boy that his skirt is too long and it needs to be shorter.

Fucking hell.

He looks like a shaved chimp

This guys sucks so bad.

I wish this was a genius satire about a man failing miserably as a father and husband, the reality is just sad

the only comics that have ever been good are achewood and jerkcity

Hey guys, look at how much I don't care that my son's a weirdo!

So this is legitimately virtue signaling, right? Like, this is a comic specifically made to show how the author is totally down with the troid cause, with no other subtext or framing or anything.