Reddit says KYS

1  2020-03-02 by freet0



And yet here we can't even imply it 😤😤😤😤

You can tho

in minecraft



Ban reddit

Does this mean we can say no-no words again?


I’m going to say one





by going to the sub where only doomporn is upvoted and sensationalism sells.

We did it reddit.

I actually get a significant amount of my news from /r/Drama, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Where else can you get all sides of the 2020 election?

all sides

Okay, let’s be real for a second. I love this sub dearly, and I wish what you were saying was true, but it isn’t facing serious colonization attempts by Bernie Bros. They all went to stupidpol months ago. It might’ve been Yang Gang Land for a while, but we aren’t going to see him again for at least four years. This sub has a clear pro-Daddy slant. Most of us aren’t members of the DDF, but the DDF drones are here in large enough numbers that they’re able to skew this sub’s content.

MDEgenerates are the invasion force and they aren't part of the DDF. They hate Trump.

Well we need more of them. Right now the DDF is multiplying out of control and threatening this sub’s culture.

I've been hearing you leftoid simps say this same thing on an almost monthly basis around here. Ever few weeks, one of you wetbrained morons will start a thread called "Has anyone noticed a lot of rightoids in here lately!"

You're a bunch of panicky fucking reactionaries.

They say they hate trump celebrate all his victories. They know deep down he represents the angry repressed White male American which they all are.

I wholeheartedly agree.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Reddit says KYS -,

  2. -,

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Fuck that go to /r/coronachan and upvote coomer memes with the cool kids

It’s funny because you can tell like half the people on that subreddit have an actual disorder.

There’s no reason why you should go into a full panic because someone at your job sneezed. That’s not a healthy reaction, even if 5% of the world was infected.

Nooo don’t kill yourself, your so sexy aha