Sleepy creepy joe now has the best chance of winning the Democratic primary

1  2020-03-03 by LiberalKiwi


His test results were 100% fagginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.


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Wasn’t going to vote Biden but Klob mommy promised to shove a stapler up my bussy if I did 🥰🥰

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Sleepy creepy joe now has the best ... -,*

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the fact that this account doesn't even exist is the real 538

Ehh, I'll be happy to vote for Biden, but I secretly hoped Bernie would win just to show the fucking world that we would rather have a reality TV star win in a landslide than submit to Bernie's useless politics once and for all. I want a complete repudiation of all this Chapo shit.

Many people don’t realize this but joe Biden is pretty based for being a pedo. He could get the libertarians, and black people love him bc he was the first official White House mayo errand boy. Don’t count joe out, his stories about corn pop are actually better than dunking on people’s physical attributes.

I would love to see Bernie win the presidency just to watch as he tries to enact 300 random executive orders on day one and cause a massive constitutional crisis.

Most of the shit he is promising falls far out of the control of the sitting president. Its hilarious. He may as well as be promising his supporters he will get them laid if elected.

job guarantee = government mandated girlfriend

I hear ya. But if Biden is the nominee and doesn’t win, prepare for 4 more years of “Why Bernie Would Have Won” thinkpieces.

Chapos are going to start a third party or legit become terrorists like in the late 60s, mark my words

They’re going to do the latter no matter what happens. It’s like how people thought Daddy’s win would calm the rightoids down, but instead they went wild.

IMO A political win tends to rally up the fringe on both sides: George Bush led to crazies like the Westboro Baptist Church, Obama led to Black Lives Matter and the tea party, Trump led to Charlottesville.

Black Lives Matter didn’t get started until Obama was almost out of office though.

Trayvon Martin got shot in 2012 which was when that kind of stuff started coming up more I think, although you are right it started later than I thought. But the woke stuff really started to leave the universitys and take off during Obama's presidency after #Occupy

reminder woke shit took off within months of Obama signing off on a law that made it easier for government media outlets to operate domestically instead of exclusively for foreign press (and increased their budget), which is a total coincidence and not at all a way to propagandize the populace.

they don't have the balls to become terrorists, antifa wasn't able to kill anyone but a police horse (RIP), if you think chapos will be able to organise violent uprising, then you are a delusional LARPer just like them


Just give Bernie the VP before he dies imo. He literally only cares about healthcare, let the old man try working on that as VP and have Biden be President.

Bloombros, we were supposed to win! 😢

Bernie getting cucked again by the DNC is going to be the best for dramacoin.

DNC is going after Trump-Biden debate dramacoin gold.

I am gonna cash in all the way to November!

This the ultimate proof that the DNC is made out of dramatards

Democrats wait WAY too long to stop Bernie Sanders. The best they can hope for at this moment is a broker convention.

He sets his whole platform declaring a crusade against the rest of his party, i don’t think he expects any different. He gets richer each election with no effort and his supporters blame his failure on establishment plot against their populist hero. In exchange a senile soviet symphatizer doesn’t run for DNC. I don’t think anybody is losing here other than seething chapos

Noooo I have like 100 Bernie calls

I have so many lmao. Just be happy you've only got 100.

At least my VP Pete shares have gone up a few cents.

The real win is all those fucking novelty accounts going dark

Honeslty its so played out, I feel bad for the guy that made the first one

That was the Trump one, he's still riding high

No way man, he's the og and still manages to time his blankposts really well.

hes great


Bernie vs Trump will be the ultimate showdown and guarantee drama however it pans out.

tbh i dont want to take the risk of somehow bernie winning. Id rather commit suicide than bear the internet with 4 years of bernie bros smugness

/pol/ have had a constant 4 year long thread where they do nothing but fawn over Trump. It's not like the smug levels are going to be reduced whichever way it goes.

literally who the fuck cares about pol. Bernie degenerates that think that he will somehow change the world in 4 years have infested every corner of reddit. They are beyond cancer levels

They also consistently call him a faggot ziocon lmao.

I’m sorry, but they’re going to be smug regardless of who wins.

Yes but if either Biden wins or loses against Trump bernie bros will wage literal civil war against the DNC. Id rather have them focus their anger at those people than us.

You don't think they'll be smug if Bernie is cucked only for Trump to curb stomp a senile Biden? I can hear the "told you so's" now.

Yeah but that will also come with a civil war in the democratic party. Drama coin plenthora

No a brokered convention is better.

Lmao Bernie can’t get college hoes interrupting his speech off the stand, Trump would eat him alive

Why did sanders crash and biden rise all of a sudden?

Sanders, like Trump in 2016, benefited from a divided field. It turns out the DNC establishment might be less retarded than the GOP establishment because they got Pete, Klob and Steyer to drop out and they are pushing Biden. Sanders never really had the chance to win the majority of votes but he had a really good chance to win a plurality in a divided field (which he would then use to justify why he should be the nominee).

I hate serious posting, but whatever...

Basically it comes down to the fact that most of the democrat voters have a terminal case of TDS. Now, it's not their fault entirely because they've been egged on by their politicians and their propaganda arms in the media, but the net result is that the average voter is not voting for a policy or platform that a candidate has, but are instead voting for whomever they think is going to send Adolph Trumpler to the depths of hell.

Sanders and Biden are a great example of this. You have two candidates that have almost polar opposite ideas on what to do with two major issues (Health Care and Education). Now, imagine you back Sanders and really believe that his policies are the way forward for the country - if that's the case, are you going to all of a sudden start backing Joe Biden just because he won a primary in NC of all places?

Absolutely, not, right?

Anyway, what this shows is that a very small minority of voters are voting for the candidate whose platform they like the best, or even whom they personally just plain like the best. Instead, when polled they are saying they are going to vote for whomever the media is currently saying the front runner is, because they have to beat Donald Trump at all costs.

I know people are meming that Donald Trump is going to win 4 more years, but I'm starting to honestly think that he's got it locked down just because of how retarded his opponents are and how much they are focusing on feeding red meat to their most frenzied supporters instead of focusing on the swing state voters that ruined Hillary's chances in '16. Basically, at the end of the day, 'Orange man bad!' isn't going to move moderate voters in Michigan or Ohio or Indiana or Pennsylvania, etc. Hell, when it comes to states like Michigan and Ohio the Dems are very transparent in the fact that they are just hoping that their locks on the urban areas are going to give them the E.C. win, despite the fact that this didn't work for them in the last election.

It's literally like they've learned nothing at all.

I'm starting to honestly think that he's got it locked down just because of how retarded his opponents are

I mean hasn't this been clear since at least November 2016?

Its the same shit every four years. The entire reason why the GOP no longer has caucuses was because they were sick of Ron Paul running in the early states, looking like he was doing good, when in reality, the whole concept of the caucus causes fringe idiots to win.

People have to spend hours and hours in gyms and town halls yelling at each other. So in the end, the majority of people participating are crackpot, unemployed people. Once the states with actual primary voting, where you can get in and out within a hour, have their votes, the crackpots fall away.

The entire reason why Ron Paul stopped running for office every four years was because the GOP did away with these stupid things and crazy uncle Ronnie can't crack 1% with the non-InfoWars public.

For some fucking insane reason, the DNC hasn't figured this out. This whole script happened four years ago, when Uncle Bernie looked like hot shit in the beginning and then petered out once employed people got the ability to vote and participate.

But Sleepy Joe just announced to give up his presidential campaign to run for Senate, so Mini Mike will win after all.


You still can vote for the other Biden though.

Watching Trump call him retarded to his face on National TV is worth what ever consequences this will wrought.

I'm rooting for "No One" so hard right now. Give me a brokered convention.

This should be the official /r/drama endorsement

God yes. The seethe if Bernie loses normally will be amazing, but a brokered convention will be sublime. Bernie will lose a brokered convention, but the preceding rage and vitriol will be unprecedented. It may beat out 2016 post-election, but on a slightly smaller scale.

The cope and seething afterwards will be amazing and will have huge effects and the commies will be BTFO to where no man has been BTFOed before.


I got too excited at the idea. I'll rephrase.


Redeemed my dude

Brokered convention may very well lead to large scale riots.

It's truly what's best for dramacoin.

I live in Milwaukee. I'll try to give you gamers an update from the ground before I get shot, bike locked, or otherwise #cancelled from living.

I live in Milwaukee

I don't believe you. You're not drunk and its like..... almost noon your time.

You're not drunk

You don't know that.

Though in this case I am indeed sober rn, at work so I can earn money to buy more beer.

1968 Democratic National Convention again yes please

Back when the boomers were chapos.

It's all going according to the Brokered-convention-oops-thats-hilldawg's-music! Plan. Poor Joe never knew he could be so accurate with a shotgun. Screenshot this Snally.

God, I can't wait for Bernie to lose. First thing I'm going to do is go over to r/sandersforpresident and point out how I watched them get scammed out of their money AGAIN and how I'm about to go over to r/asiansgonewild to have a victory wank, and how I hope everyone there decides to match me!

I've got a terminal case of yellow fever and no amount of free healthcare can fix it.

This isn’t a certain thing: remember 538 predicted a Hillary landslide. We might still get commissar Sanders.

538 gave better odds to Trump than every other prediction tho.