Super Tuesday Thread

1  2020-03-04 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat

Let it commence.

Will Joe beat Bern and lose the election?

Will Jeff sessions or the pedoMoore be the next AL GOP primary candidate?


Biden wins. Reddit hellamad.

Biden wins.

The general election, too. AnnArchist hellamad.

The general election at the nursing home.

At this point, the White House is and for the foreseeable future will be a nursing home, no matter who wins.

Trump, Biden or Sanders, the White House is a nursing home.


Coronavirus hellamad

Creepyjoe ain't gonna survive a debate

There will be only one winner of those debates. Us.

I'll admit it's possible. Since this all started I said that Biden was the only candidate who had a chance against Trump. Sadly, the only reason he has any chance against Trump is that he's Bizarro Trump. They're both doddering geriatric narcissists who can't speak in public and are never held to account for the crazy shit that comes out of their mouths. After wallowing in the schadenfreude of Reddit commies crying that Uncle Bolshevik was "cheated" out of his nomination again the general election is going to be a blast. I can't wait to see Trump and Biden one-upping each other's gaffes.

I'll admit it's possible. Since this all started I said that Biden was the only candidate who had a chance against Trump.

Likewise, since even before he officially announced his candidacy.

the only reason he has any chance against Trump is that he's Bizarro Trump. They're both doddering geriatric narcissists who can't speak in public.

That's not the reason why he has a chance winning, but sorta true nonetheless. Biden was an 8 year VP under one of the most "best" presidents in modern history and has spent his entire life in public service with relatively little real controversy. Nitpicking aside on his votes and exact policies, he's the most stable, experienced and reasonable person for the job.

And hopefully he'll give us more funny gaffes, for example, W's gaffes were at least funny, whereas Trump's nonsensical rambling is just sad.

he's the most stable, experienced and reasonable person for the job.

May God have mercy on us all.

Hopefully he doesn't.

8 More Years! Long live Donald J Trump!

Lmao 8 more years

God I can't wait for Biden to debate Trump fuck yes.

A Trump/Warren debate would have been better.

Warren is too reserved. It'd just be Trump dunking on her the whole time. Biden is as vitriolic as Trump so there'll be shots fired in both directions and possibly a fist fight.

It'd just be Trump dunking on her the whole time.



Technically he doesn't have to legally. If he was smart he wouldn't debate trump at all so he has a better chance.

Personally I can't wait for Biden to lose Trump in the general election. It's going be fun watching him lose both the electoral college and popular vote.

Can’t wait for him to win for the rightoid seethe. Already enjoying the lefty one right now.

Bernoids mad x24

Inshallah your account shall last another four years.

8 months until the beginning of Trumps second term


8 More Years! Long live Donald J Trump!

The Trump v Biden debates will be amazing. Hope they keep themselves safe from the corona.

Biden wins VA and NC huge, Boomerberg wins American Samoa (its over for tulsi cells) and Bernie is getting wayyy more male votes than female so the Bernie bro memes can come back out.

Whose got the reason_bernie_lost account?

American Samoa sounds based as fuck

Boomerburg had one staffer for like every 200 people who voted lol. Never mind one for every 80 people who voted.

absurd obesity % on that island

Highest obesity rate in the world

More America than America


Lmao pound for pound there's just more pounds of American there.

Boomerberg wins American Samoa

Does this mean it's not over for Bloombros?

Uhh Bloomberg has already admitted his only shot at winning is contested convention and leaphopping Biden and Bernie.

I refuse to see any realty where Bloomberg doesn't get to call Trump a poorfag.

Don't worry hes going to get delegates so he gets to give a speech at the convention and can run a bunch of attack adds.

Bloomberg is there simply to run ads because the DNC is too broke to do it themselves. They had to outsource their own job to the very type of guy their entire platform uses as a scapegoat for their base.

The DNC and Bernie both have money for fuck ton of adds. That being said Bloomberg is a actual billionare and could drop trumps net worth on adds just to flex on trump.

I'm not talking about personal wealth. Only trailer trash count the amount of money in another man's wallet.

The DNC and Bernie both have money for fuck ton of adds.

Bernie has $1 million in outside cash. Trump has $35 million in outside money.

The DNC has barely any cash ($10 million) on hand when compared to the RNC ($76 million). They're getting smoked in fundraising by Trump. They brought Bloomberg on board to help subsidize the cost.

Bernie raised like 35 million himself over the last couple of months.

Compared to Trump, who has the backing of the RNC, that's nothing. Bernie does not have a relationship with the DNC.

And that's another reason why the DNC brought Bloomberg on board...they didn't have the cash to go up against Bernie. Nevermind go up against Trump.

There is a very decent chance that he will champion whoever wins the primary and use that to dunk on Donnie.

I think that's definitely his plan. Even Bernie who he knows is a communist.

Funding communism to "save democracy" own the Trumpers?

He needed to do it to steyer but now hell never get the chance

Tulsi got a delegate too. She’s in it to win it!

8 More Years! Long live Donald J Trump!

And Biden takes Virginia instantly. Let the cope commence.

Biden wins DC suburb. Shocking really.

*Also with 39% in Bloomberg is beating warren in Virginia that’s good stuff.

It's also the fact that it's in the South and ... well, you know.

The North Carolina result alone is embarrassing, and it should be grounds for Bernie to wrap his campaign up.

Only NOVA is a DC suburb. The rest of us fucking hate NOVA.

Cry about it country bumpkin

Wow. As a Bernie supporter I'm pretty disappointed. This is a repeat of 2016. Black voters have once again proven that they are ignorant af and do whatever the DNC wants. Total sheep. Black sheep.

Looks like I'll be abstaining from voting this year. Definitely not voting for Biden.

Thanks a lot, blacks.

13% of voters.....

Bernie "Empty My Nine on the Low Information Line" Sanders

This isn't a racist caricature of a black person im just doing my low info voter impression

They are voting against their best interest?

Based quadposter


Not really, they're just voting against whitey's interest. lol

They are voting against their best interest?

They are voting against their best interest?

Sanders supporters gonna go from feeling the Bern to burning crosses

Thea are gonna go from feeling the Burn to filling the Urn because Bernie won't survive another 4 years.

They are voting against their best interest?

Black sheep.

Sanders/Duke 2020

Wow. As a Bernie supporter I'm pretty disappointed. This is a repeat of 2016. Black voters have once again proven that they are ignorant af and do whatever the DNC wants. Total sheep. Black sheep.

Looks like I'll be abstaining from voting this year. Definitely not voting for Biden.

Thanks a lot, blacks.

Wow, the only thing this post was missing were the words "uppity negroes" and a confederate flag patch.

Welp, Bernie won California by a huge margin thanks to a Hispanic turnout. It's Biden supporters turn to have a fit over a minority group that doesn't vote their way. His supporters on reddit are already having a meltdown over Biden loss in California.

As a Bernie supporter

(X) Doubt

Since you're new to this I'll help you out. You call them niggers when you're racist-posting


Berniebros on suicide watch.

Fuck Raytheon acres

I hate this state I am no longer Virginian

I am moving back to Mississippi

Fucking reptiles

Um wouldn't Mississippi be the more conservative state?

Better fascist humans than libtard reptiles

Wtf when did you get so based?

He's always been this way.


8 More Years! Long live Donald J Trump!

I need someone to tell me how Bernie can still win

Sorry, no refunds! ^v^

Lmao, Bernie stans really blew half their incomes on this senile commie

And they talk about MAGA grifters on Twitter making a few hundreds bucks.


Wins California big edges Biden in Texas Warren drops out but boomerburg doesn't. Legit still very possible.

Sorry I mean wheres the reason_biden_won account?

Biden is losing pretty badly in Texas right now. He coming in third place right behind Elizabeth Warren.

Another round of votes got reported and hes leading in Texas right now

hes leading in Texas right now

He barely leading Elizabeth Warren by 0.1 percent. It looks like Biden going be duking it out with Warren for second place tonight. If we're lucky he may be fighting Bloomberg for third place tonight.

No he's beating Bernie right now, not beating Warren for second

(think we're looking at different results right now though so what you're seeing migth be ahead of what I'm seeing).

No he's beating Bernie right now, not beating Warren for second

Umm, that's not true I just check the results right now. Bernie is beating Joe Biden by 6.3 percent. Biden barely holds on to his second place by 2.3 percent. Biden falling behind in Texas right now.

Yeah what you're looking at must be ahead of what I'm looking at right now. 538 is what I'm seeing and has Bernie and Biden both at 26 right now, so what you're seeing must be ahead of them. Probably a big batch of strong for sanders ballots landed.

Actually what I'm looking at is the votes being counted. Realclearpolitics still show Bernie slighting leading in Texas by 6 points. So what your looking at must be ahead of what I'm looking at right now.

No 538 is now at what you're seeing. Bernie is ahead with 20% of the vote.


He just won lmao

Yep, he barely won by less than 4 points.

I swear, Warren 2nd in Texas must be Republicans registering as Democrats and voting.

Match me! Go canvassing! Make calls!


He can still win in 2016, chud.


That branch of mathematics hasn't been invented yet...>!but it will be if you match my donation to Bernie!<

It has. It’s called IMAGINARY NUMBERS.

biden has a heart attack and dies

You know who's already had a heart attack?

The Chad kike who survived it?

He can win if you match me



Failing to excite the single most important voting bloc in the Democratic coalition is Good Actually.

By joining with Hillary and Jeb and forming a Nazbol👌👌

By getting more delegates. He's only behind by about 50.


Side note it’s going to be hilarious when people will look back and blame sanders for both of Trump’s elections

Bernie's the fall guy, Donnie is playing the long con and is actually still a democrat


Can someone PLEASE tell me if the old white guy is winning?

That’d be a yes on all fronts.

Thank god no wait mayos are bad

Yes, all is right in the world.


old senile white guy

They are but Warren is still in it

Broke: following Super Tuesday on r/politics

Woke: following Super Tuesday on r/SandersforPresident

Bespoke: following Super Tuesday on r/drama

Your trusted source for balanced spergposting

COPE & SEETHE SALT MINE AHEAD (I ain't checking for trolls, so keep that in mind)

I'll vote for Trump before I vote for Biden. I'm Fucking serious.

I can’t imagine a Biden vs Trump. I just can’t. I wanted a revolution and it’s just tears and depression

I'm out of this fucking thread. Stop acting like the end of the world that Bernie isn't winning borderline-Confederate States full of old black religious people.

If Bernie doesn't win the nomination I'm voting for trump.

If this ends as badly as it looks like it might (Biden winning plurality/popular vote), then I'm gone within the next three years.

I'm trans, my wife and I just got married in November. I'm less than three years away from being done with my master's in nursing/NP. We have money saved precisely for this. Every day I feel less and less safe in this country. I can't afford to pay for my transition without bankrupting myself, my wife and I are both surrounded by Trumpsters in our hometown. I can't do this anymore. If Biden wins, I have no confidence in his ability to defeat Trump. If Trump wins, my existence is in question (or worse).

I'm rapidly losing what little bit of faith I still had in this country. I'm disgusted by the way people are voting tonight. Expected, unexpected, whatever. I'm just running out fuel fast.

I'll continue working hard for Bernie in Missouri though. Knocking on doors, sending text messages, making phone calls. Whatever more I can contribute, I will. But I'm losing hope here.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I'll vote for Trump before I vote for Biden. I'm Fucking serious.

This kills r/politards

Pocahontas was in on the conspiracy too:

I’m saying it now.

Mayor Pete screwed us Klobuchar screwed us Bloomberg screwed us Joe screwed us The dnc screwed us

But the one that really hurts is warren screwed us. This solidifies in my mind that she’s a dnc plant to split the progressive vote. She couldn’t even stick with her commitment to not use a super-pac in the primaries. Her agenda is clearly the DNC’s. It was all along and she has no interest in the movements goals. I feel sorry for all of her backers. They like us believed in her and her goals and she fed them snake oil.

I mean they are clearly right. The only function of Warren staying in at this point is to steal bernies votes. Probably a good part of why bernie is doing so bad with foid voters right now.

I like that it’s the progressives that screwed themselves by being greedy lol

And the DNC is keeping Bloomberg in to steal the "subtle racist" white coalition from Bernie.

How did you know I'm for basedberg :o

Imagine being so far up your own ass that you can’t say ‘people voted for their candidate’ but rather ‘why didn’t they vote for mine’

4 years later and the right-wing death squads meme is still real to these people.

They're really dumb though because the map is gonna change in a few hours as the western results come in. Bernie may very well be ahead after commifornia comes in.

He's leading Texas too. I'd like Bernie more if his supporters weren't such fucking retards.

Good for dramacoin though

I'm overdosing on dramacoin.

I can't afford to pay for my transition without bankrupting myself

“the american people should pay for my wound and sweet tits”

Can they even name a single trumper that killed a tranny? It's like 90% blacks.

Holy fuck Reddit is a really sad place.

I'm less than three years away from being done with my master's in nursing/NP.

This says a lot considering many of these programs are only two years.

I don’t know what I want more for Bernie cope. Biden crushing him in the primary, no contested convention? Biden or Bloomberg taking it from Bernie in a contested convention. Or, Trump dunking on Bernie in the general.

Definitely Biden in the primary. They’ll just go with boring “rigged system” shit if the convention is contested.

Like the national DNC wouldn’t rig a primary. Lol.

Everytime we lose it was because of cheating.

They wouldn’t prefer it.

Berntard C O P E

you severely overestimate the DNC's competence

We’ll get some sick Daddy tweets out of that though and the accompanying seethe

all of the above work for me tbh

I love how way more black voters supported "Stop and Frisk" Bloomberg than Warren, the darling of Woke Twitter. Lol

Because he never culturally appropriated anyone. That's the real issue.

Anyone but Bernie drop-out and their delegates all vote for Hillary.

The best would be Bernie winning the nom, making neolibs seethe and cope. Then he beats Trump, making rightoids seethe and cope. But then all that just to get dunked on by the Turtle blocking anything and everything he tries to pass through , leading to 4 glorious years of Berniebro cope and seethe.

This sub isn’t ready for this level of enlightenment

Let's be honest, Trump becoming Bernie's vice would peak dramacoin.

I'm fine with all of these lol

It's finally her turn.

Sanders is 3% ahead of Bloomberg in Alabama among black voters. Youtube ads>everything else.


lol this is the best bait.

This is art, my man. Holy shit


I hope someone won a prop bet on tulsi getting at least one

Does this mean she makes the next debate? Hopefully.

This means she's back on the debate stage btw unless Perez changes the rules.

Thay did lol

Bloomberg got his first ones too 😂😂😂

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We need an armed revolution, we tried the peaceful route and were annihilated.


And they think they won't be annihilated if they take on the US government with bike locks and milkshakes?

Honestly, I'd be pretty psyched to see this.

I mean hypothetically, and I'm in no way endorsing this or saying anyone should, nor would I ever, but think about it. Congress is basically a bunch of old dudes sitting around in a lightly guarded room in the capital that they do public tours of fairly often. Old fucking building, mostly wood, has a weird little midget door at the end of the hallway in front of the main meeting room. You could have a suicide bomber midget hide in the midget room and come out the midget door when congress is congregating and then BOOM.

The midget door is real BTW. But really, a revolution could easily go in and fuck up Congress, the Senate, or the Supreme Court if they had the element of surprise and were organized. It's not like there are commanches and B52s circling all the important buildings in DC at all times, there are like a couple police officers, a shitty metal detector setup, and security guards wandering around in there. Speaking from experience, having been in all those buildings and having met senators.

The president is really the only guy that'd be difficult to get if the BernieBro revolution's goal was to kill every sitting official. The White House has snipers, bunkers, connecting tunnels, the Secret Service, Air Force 1, and who knows what else.

The only reason shit like that doesn't happen is that people aren't angry enough yet. Takes a famine to spark a revolution, that's what they say. No BernieBros are gonna go get shot in DC because they're a little assmad when they can just continue doing their jobs, eating McDonalds, and going home to play their Switch.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

But really, a revolution could easily go in and fuck up Congress, the Senate, or the Supreme Court if they had the element of surprise and were organized.

Hell, a handful of Puerto Rican separatists walked in and shot up a session of Congress in the 1950s.

Jimmy Carter swooping in 20 years later to make things right.

You’re on a few lists now.

Yeah probably.

These are the same people that fall apart when you call them the wrong pronoun lol

i thought they hated guns lmao 😂

Gunning down boomers because you want someone else to pay your student loan debt

Absolutely based

they said the same thing last time 🤣🤣

The problem with all these neo lefty movements is they vote to disarm themselves and are against the 2nd amendment.

can someone let me know when they start blaming minorities for being low IQ

Someone said "I guess southern blacks are as conservative as the white"

I like watching them try to find a woke way of being mad that most black voters aren't extreme leftists lol

As someone from the south that’s reasonable.

That's neither wrong or racist, white liberals are just in denial about it.

What Massachusetts is doing is unforgivable.

Yeah, I aint voting Biden in general. I'll take another 4 years of Trump, thanks.

The DNC abuses us and other true progressives in the party. Fuck them.



If he gets the nom, Trump can have another shitty four years in the oval office.

Increasingly disillusioned with democracy in this country. And this country, in general. It's turned to shit.

Really disappointed as a Virginian. We did a lot for Bernie out here and he was up just days ago. The media should be ashamed for propping Biden up the past 48 hours.

Absolute cope and seethe. I love it.


Oh my fucking god.

Already posted this but in the wrong thread.

Honestly tonight’s results really made the decision to end my life in the next few years that much easier. No health care for a person like me with chronic illness. No change no revolution just corporate talking points. My life is practically over as a lonely person on the autism spectrum, but I was hoping before it ended I could be apart of something special. I guess not.

I really hope he decides to keep himself safe.

True. The fight will never be over, even if Bernie becomes president. But I think everyone is nervous. Hopefully, this is a nice smack to our behinds, so we can volunteer harder.

volunteer harder! wheezes


It's over for berniecels.

It's been over since 2016.

Did it ever begin?

How tf are Hilldawg's odds improving? At this rate she's going to cuck Bernie again.

It's like she's some kind of succubus, so entangled with him after 2016, that any failure on his part gives her success, regardless of the logistics of the situation.

If Bernie has a plurality of voters and it goes to a brokered convention, the DNC might go back to Hilldawg. If Dementia Daddy (D) has a plurality, the superdelegates will probably just go with him.

the DNC might go back to Hilldawg

I didn't realise how much I needed this. If she actually beat Daddy the second time around, we'd need to invent new measurements from how much salt would come out of the_donald.

That would be hillarious, but if she got the nomination at the convention, it would be so scandalous that there's no way she'd win. It could potentially destroy the DNC for years to come.

The question is, if Bernie gets a plurality of the delegates, does the DNC hate Bernie enough to fuck themselves just to fuck him? He's a risk to the DNC establishment, but fucking him out of the nomination is going to be even more of a shitshow for them.

Anyway none of this matters if Biden has a plurality.

The question is, if Bernie gets a plurality of the delegates, does the DNC hate Bernie enough to fuck themselves just to fuck him?

Absolutely. They'd rather be seen as somewhat corrupt (they already are anyway) than actual socialists, people will forgive them more easily for the first, and after Trump is gone, they'll have a much better chance at the WH. Cucking Bernie and running Biden could lose them 2020. Running an actual socialist and losing their grip on the black vote could cost them '24 and '28 as well.

Bernie fans are mostly young and have piss poor turnout, they'll grow up and become centrists in an election or 2. The DNC don't care about pissing them off.

The moderate wing show out to vote, and are more pragmatic, they accept that politics is fucked but they make their choice anyway. They will also probably be somewhat happy that Sanders got fucked over, even if they don't admit it out loud.

At the end of the day, there's no other option in the U.S., it's a 2 party state to the extreme. The DNC could pretty much do whatever it wants and roughly half the country will vote for them come election time.

Literally all they care about is healthcare. Any other plan would placate the Berniebros too.

It could potentially destroy the DNC for years to come.

I'm voting Hillary now!

I don't see not giving him the nomination as an issue. If various moderates get 70% of the vote, with none above 30%, and one far left gets 30%, there's obviously far more support for the moderates, despite the plurality.

Bernie + Warren might add up to more than 50%, you never know. Plus, it doesn't really matter to Bernouts how logical the DNC's case is or not. If Bernie gets a plurality but doesn't get the nomination, they won't vote for whoever the nominee is.

Clinton higher than Mini Mike LMAO



How the fuck is Killary still in the game?

SLAY Kween 💅

Didn't those same charts give Trump like a 2% chance of winning?

No, the betting odds had him at about 30% IIRC, which is what my screenshot is based on.

How tf is hilary there and ahead of mini mike

How does Hillary have a better chance than Bloomberg?

NOBODY I know is rooting for Joe Biden and I live on a big college campus with a lot of people. This is totally rigged.

SO close to self-awareness, then whoosh!


Wow rightoids stole a leftoid meme? That’s a first

It's almost like reddit is a bubble 🤔 no wait everyone else is wrong.

The pinko fags over at the Chapo Suck 'n Swallow are currently in "it's not over yet" mode. Another couple inches and they'll be over the edge of the cliff and into full meltdown.

the r/politics cope is amazing right now.

This shit needs to be archived to compare it to a month from now when the entire frontpage is only articles about how Biden is literally the greatest candidate to ever run for president.

It's like 2016 all over again. God I love burger politics.

The Basketballs sure do love Biden

I can already hear the Berniebros tying their nooses

Haha they won't say it directly but it's definitely what they mean.

It's like no one (Bernouts especially) learned from the last election that the internet doesn't represent actual real life voters. Too much fake noise.

Of course they didn't. Their thread is 2016 all over again.

"Everyone I know is voting for Bernie."

"I don't know anyone voting for Biden."

"Everywhere I look all I see are Bernie stickers."

Wigwam mommy begging for crumbs even though defeat is inevitable

Can't wait to see the berniebro meltdown over her refusal to drop from the race

Sanders fighting for civil rights only for basketballs to cuck him at every possible opportunity is quite possibly the worst long term investment ever made.

Is there anything more cucked? Think about it logically

Think about it logically

I fall asleep to Ben Shapiro ASMR every night, I can’t get more logical

Called it

You can't get a Dem nom without the black vote. You also can't get the dem nomination by fucking off to Vermont for 30 years.

lmao Biden winning basically everything

reddit is mad, and I just checked SA and they're even more mad. this owns.

Reddit is always shaken when they get reminded that this site and Twitter aren't real life.

Imagine getting wallet cucked by a 78 y/o socialist 2 cycles in a row because ‘muh student debt’ I’d be seething too

Donating to Bernie in the hopes that he’ll take care of your student debt has a major “throwing good money after bad" vibe

This is why you’re better off with scratchers and cigarettes

Bernie voters couldnt handle being that cool.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.

Blacks absolutely demolish socialism.

The main upside to this will be that stupidpol might actually go back to being a decent anti-idpol sub, rather than a 'bernie is being ratfucked' spamfest. I swear they have more conspiracy theorists than /r/conspiracy over there.

I don't even dislike Bernie, but that sub got annoying real fast since they put up that automod sticky comment 4-6 weeks ago. They're in full campaign mode.

Posts like this are good though.

Tulsi got a delegate in American Samoa, how many did JEB! get last time?

Edit: JEB! got 4 can mommy Tulsi beat Jeb! ?

ChadJeb! is due for a comback 2024. There's also George P Bush for the Republicans.

I want Biden to win just because the smuggie cope from Berniebros will be so great.

r/stupidpol on absolute suicide watch 😂🤣🤣

Who are they gonna call retards now but for themselves

Can anyone else not understand half the shit Dementia Daddy is saying right now, or have I never—holy shit, the crazy vegans just showed TF up, and I just forgot what I was saying.

Redditors! THIS IS IMPORTANT! Do not be fooled by mainstream media! THIS WAS A DOMINANT PERFORMANCE BY BERNIE! I get all my news from the most trustworthy source (/r/politics) and the only results that seem to have mattered was Bernie winning a massive upset in his home state of Vermont!

By my count, that means that Bernie has won ALL OF THE NEWSWORTHY DELEGATES! We must ride this wave to the White House! I just sold a couple of my old Xbox 360 games and will be donating the $5 to Bernie. Fricken match me!

Just sold my bad dragon dildo so I could match you!

I love how mad Bernie bro’s are about not being given their gibs.

Black voters have more integrity then Bernie bro’s

Wait the Keebler elf is back in the game?

He’s running in the Alabama primary to be the Republican candidate for the senate seat.

Shit I didn't place any bets on that.

Yo, I live in Alabama. Just voted. We're all holding our breath that anybody but Moore or Sessions wins.

Haha Saban btfo

He makes enough to start his own country if he wanted.

/r/Libertarian on suicide watch.


Tell people that Bernie should drop out in this thread for maximum seethe :)

my contribution:

I got -20 in one minute can you beat my high score?

Amazing. They're so triggered by Hill-Dawg even still.

so many replies

what a legend

how do you feel that this is how you choose to spend your time?

Lmao they so mad. I think shitposting and making retards mad is a great use of time.

Let's see how long this will last before being taken down.

Yo I don't see your comment. Maybe you're shadowbanned?

Huh, I was wondering why no one was biting.

not long apparently. already nuked.

I think they auto-filter posts with keywords. My comment was:

Sanders supporters, I wouldn't worry. You guys can get through this.

!National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

What's the big deal? You're encouraging them to use services available to them, free services mind you.

Bernie will take the nomination and win the election, but during his inauguration he's going to have a cardiac arrest

Bernie will take the nomination and win the election

(X) Doubt

Let me dream

A hotep king from NJ will pop him during his stump speech because we can't allow (((them))) to keep winning

He'll have his microphone stolen by a gay disabled trans autistic Muslim vegan midget during his inauguration.

Bernie winning CA is great for dramacoin. Will keep the Berners a sliver of hope to eventually get fucked at the convention while they screech conspiracy and stay home with their tendies while OG dementia Daddy chads his way into 4 more years

Does mcfluff really think that Bernie would have a better chance than joe in an election?

I mean, of course mcflubb thinks that. Most extremely online people do.

Most extremely online people do.

I am not extremely online tyvm.

You're a mod of a sub called "TayTayGifs", have nearly 50k karma and have only had that account for 10 months.

Are you a boomer? Oh are nmx? I know Eva is it narcissistic to not have Eva in there name.

Can't think of anything to say...."boomer" drips out of my mouth like drool from a Pavlovian dog.

More so I could decide what you consider extremely online or if you’re just disconnected. That’s rookie numbers since most of it comes from drama. Also did you get my OnlyFans invite and sign up?

I am not extremely online tyvm.

52k karma in 10 months.


The most important number for Bernie people to look at is North Carolina. Bernie's performance there has been fucking embarrassing, and it's an indispensable state for the Democratic nominee to win.

Edit: Also holy fuck he got butchered by Sleepy Joe in Virginia. If you think that Super Tuesday was anything other than a failure for Bernie, you are high.

Can't the Bernster still come through if he beats Biden in CA or TX? Why is NC so important?

NC is a state that matters in the general. CA is probably the safest Democratic state of them all, and TX isn't going to be a battleground for at least 8 more years. Bernie is struggling in states where the Dems need their base to be energized.

Sure kinda. The centrist dems would get on board if forced because all the GOP will offer isn’t trump and we’d have better chances in the independent and dying areas in the rust belt which basically made the difference last election. Honestly I was thinking about going to Joe but he started talking for the first time in a few years and I’m not sure I want to listen to 4 more years of some old mans dementia no matter the party who gets the executive.

Bernie did horribly in North Carolina, an important state, and we both know what his problem there was. How do you propose he solve that?

It was Bernalds time 🤮

Which is a bigger scam? this or Scam Citizen!?

It's a clever troll to get more money out of those berniebros. I can't hate on the hustle.

Will Bernie be eligible for 2024 too, if he's alive can he run then?

This is brutal findom on an unprecedented level

People bought gold for his Reddit account?

That settles it: Im throwing my morality away to be a grifter. The money seems easy as fuck.

Lmao Sleepy Joe just had some vegans try to interrupt him

I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




  1. Super Tuesday Thread -,

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It’s OVER for Bernouts 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Obvious troll. Check their account.

Believable though.

great, betted on Biden (as an autist who looks at discrepancies between models and how ideologue Bernie Bros bet), it's free beer money for college lol


It's just bet.

He didn't say he wrote an essay

give an europoor some slack lol

He better get a refund from college

Ability to make smart bets >>>>> English.

I am an europoor, I get my college education for free 😎

one of the perks of being in a welfare state that bribes people with goodies

Hello fellow redditors!

I'm foreign and new to the game!

Please tell me which team person i should cheer for!

The really old white guy with white hair.

You obviously now have to cheer for Bernie now

A Jew getting cucked by a Cherokee. Thanks Warren.

Get ready for hundreds of here is how he can still win articles. They haven't finished milking the millennials yet.

Biden is Allah's chosen alhamdulillah

Literal autist going to commit sudoku because commie grampa isn't going to beat Biden.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in Texas ???? This is so fucked.

Hahaha I love how this copypasta is still on point.






If Biden wins the nomination and loses to the honorable Mr trump it will be the end of the democratic party.

Prediction 1A: If Biden wins the nomination through those important people votes it will also signify the end of the democratic party.

People were saying that in 2016, in the end the bernouts will bow and suck the Democratic Party cock till the next election.

I guarantee there will be a day where politics shifts from all pro-bernie posts to all 'insert nominee here' posts and never post anything about bernie again, like they did with Hillary last year

Elizabeth split Bernie's progressive votes.



"I quoted an English poet, but let me quote a real poet now" - Joe Biden.

There are two lessons I have tried to teach my kids that I always stress:

Don't talk shit until you know the outcome is fact.

Don't say shit like you know shit unless you got facts.

Seeing Bernie fans on Twitter in Cope/Seeth mode makes me glad other parents didnt teach these kids this, because reality dunking on these little shits is dramatastic.



Berniebros stopped LARPing as Civil-Rights-Activists and are going full „Day of the COPE“ as we speak.

8 More Years! Long live Donald J Trump!


Imagine posting a link to Google.

In what scenario do you see Trump beating Biden?

In a matter on 24 hours, Biden has this primary lock, stock, and barrel. Can't wait to see r/sandersforpresident go into full seethe in a few weeks when they officially lose

Trump is gonna fistfuck Biden. This will be WWE level entertainment.