Capitalist lays down how the world works. Reddit cöpe and sëëthës

1  2020-03-31 by _reason_biden_lost_


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This man has taken his prescription for harsh-light-of-reality-pills.

Quoting The Filth again, because it is always relevant: "The system must be perfect, Greg, because the system is all that there is."

It's also not very cute when they complain that the machine doesn't work, or should be destroyed. On the internet, of course, because no self-awareness. The machine is supporting 7.8 billion people. Not all perfectly, but in general a higher percentage of the population, and a higher absolute number of people, at the highest living standards in human history.

If you break the machine, how do you even feed them? Do they think the world will just sit down and collectively create Utopia because civilization as we know it comes apart?

I have a lot of guns, so I imagine if that happened I would end up with a significantly better lot in life then the limp wristed f-slurs who would be fighting me with their assault dildos.

Yeah, you're going to do better than those guys. The thing is, the transition from present, to Earth's carrying capacity without globalized, industrial agriculture would likely be one of the most horrific events in human history.

It certainly would. But people who know how to raise livestock and butcher it and raise produce will have a massive leg up.

The public high school I attended, TO THIS DAY, teaches how to butcher a chicken in FFA class.

By example.

They start in winter with eggs in an incubator...

The Filth

imagine reading anything Morrison shits out after his attempt to do magick with The Invisibles failed so incredibly hard

Which part? The part where he asked all his fans to do masturbatory magic to save the comic, or the end of the world stuff?

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Capitalist lays down how the world ... -,

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BuT wHaT aBoUt My HiV pOsItIvE sIx YeAr OlD wItH cAnCeR aNd A lUnG tRaNsPlAnT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I can’t find what you’re making fun of :(

Edit: never mind, I found it. Here it is for anyone else wondering.

So you're telling me that I should sacrifice my severly asthmatic 6 year old with a heart condition for the greater good? Fuck you troll.

I obviously didnt read the whole list and still saw several subs mentioned at least twice lol

You yelling at a 16 year old girl isn’t going to change the world.

So very close to understanding how stupid they both are.

Awareness level: 50%

Self awareness level: 0%

Based planetes reference

What is it? Anime or a dystopian YA novel?



The manga and the series are both good. They just change emphasis. In the manga, Aoi is a minor character who doesn't even appear until Hachi is about ready to quit Technora, whereas in the anime she's the initial main character until the show goes Kare Kano IN SPACCCEEEEE!!!.

Lolcow appears

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of your day is spent looking at drawings of underage girls?


So, what you're saying is you haven't learned anything from 2016.

I rejoined reddit in 2016 to laugh at all the crying. I've learned nothing.


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That show got so much right.

Corncels OUT OUT OUT

Daily reminder that iowans are less then 1% of the population, yet provide 40% of the drama

We get it, you live in Iowa

Iowa is turning into Oregon really rapidly. Des Moines is the new Portland.


De Moines: has an influx of young people in large part due to military members and their families

You: we are literally Portland right now!

Dude, I don't live there. I travel there a couple of times a year for the past 15-17 years. It's definitely becoming a hipster place. I think there are multiple reasons, and the military families are one.

Please enlighten me as to which city has seen a drastic reduction in hipsters in the past 15-17 years

Why did you ass get so raw because I've noticed how trendy Des Moines has gotten? Did you forget to lube up before your wife's bull visited last night?

Lmao, my apologies. I’ll let you and grandpa Tic Toc get back to talking about the good ole days when young people weren’t ruining America.

I can understand being nervous about that happening, though. Happened to Colorado, happened to Austin, I'm sure it's happening elsewhere. Californians spread like a plague and turn everywhere they go in to a shithole just like the one they fled from.

You don't have it in you to say to someone "I'm sorry, but we need to leave you behind."

Frankly, that's the difference between men and women, psychologically.

Galations 4:16

I'm not sure how someone that based can exist and not be banned by the janniecucks of /r/iowa but yet here we are

Galations 4:16

Yeah... yeah.

That's a good one. Very accurate.

wow someone said something you agree with on the internet, thats awesome dude 😅

/r/drama must know. And I recruited the lolcow as well.

He does have a point about the hyper-individualism among progressives. There's this bizarre left/right thing where the left is politically collectivist but socially individualist. The right is politically individualist but socially collectivist.

The right winger can talk all day about how the government cannot touch a single individual right, yet go nuts when a drag queen does story time at the library since it has an effect on muh culture and muh society.

The left winger politically cannot feel powerful unless it is a part of a group and talking as loudly as possible about solidarity, inclusiveness, etc. The leftist creature then personally is aghast to find that 199/200 women at the YMCA don't want to see his shenis in the locker room and demands special individual protections and privileges.

Power Process and Power Process respectively.


He does have a point about the hyper-individualism among progressives. There's this bizarre left/right thing where the left is politically collectivist but socially individualist. The right is politically individualist but socially collectivist.

Very well put, thank you.

I know Reddit Dot Com is teeming with parasitic NEETs who've never touched the workforce with a ten foot pole, but sometimes it still manages to surprise me.

Use chuck and sneed
