Furry anarkiddie freaks out when his Steam profile is posted to r/cringetopia, runs back to several hugboxes to brigade the thread. Every thread listed is a goldmine.

150  2020-04-15 by The_Reason_Klob_Won


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Hello visitors from r/GenZAnarchist / r/BarkMarx / r/AnarchoCommunism!

All personal information in the original post is rightfully censored, and it's not against site rules to point out when a user is breaking TOS themselves from conducting a mass brigading attempt. Therefore, this post will not be removed, and any naughty brigaders in this thread will be reported to the Reddit popo. Have a lovely day! ^v^

They’ve been getting death threats on their Steam. Not censored well enough. Going to other subs for help in reporting this isn’t brigading and so isn’t breaking TOCs. What is, however, is allowing this targeted harassment to stand with all-out ableism within the title to boot.


unironically writing any of this

Are you joking or are you here to get milked?

Its actually not censored. You can copy a small segment of the Steam bio and do a Google Search to find the account (which many people have done). Not to mention that their censor of my Discord name and numbers are incomplete and easily legible.


You can remove the post, which isn't even that popular, and it would make no difference to your sub at all. Is it really that hard?

Shutup, pedo.

Who tf is downvoting this 👑?


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> Teenager's social media profile is cringe

Could it be?


For reals tho, I'm eternally grateful "cringe subreddits" weren't a thing when I was growing up

Things have really gone downhill. Even goth girls' AIM profiles in the '90s weren't this cringe.

I had some edgy shit on my myspace (🚨boomer alert🚨)

Nothing furry but some shirtless pics of my twink underdeveloped teenage body and loads of 'deep' metal lyrics

You know how I know you like bussy?

Because we're in /r/drama?

Because I fucked your dad?

Agreed tho I think the freaks have always been around, they were just sequestered to forums and places like deviantart. For some throwback cringe try googling someone’s name followed by “the hedgehog”

That's still a thing sadly.

For reals tho, I'm eternally grateful "cringe subreddits" weren't a thing when I was growing up

As long as you didn't post stupid shit, you're fine. The key for children and teenagers on the internet is to stop posting and lurk. But its hard for them to do that because they starve without some form of attention.


Being an anarchist furry warrants cringeposting, whatever your age.

why are teenagers identifying as communist anarchists (what?) anyway? strange times we live in

Furries shouldn't be allowed to have a political opinion.

Furries shouldn't be allowed


There wouldn’t be as many lolcows though

It should be listed in the DSMI.


Yes but also:

  • Bl*cks
  • Wh*tes
  • G*ys (* = A or O, you decide)
  • Not-g*ys
  • Foids
  • Moids
  • Troids
  • G*mers
  • Chads
  • Inc*ls
  • Bookcels
  • Moviecels
  • Christians
  • Muslims
  • Jews
  • Atheists
  • Anyone who isn't me
  • Me

Based Sikhs can vote tho, because they're based

I'd be chill with a sikhocracy

BRB converting to Buddhist.

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No u

Approved for effort


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This is antisemitism.

Dragged the evidence to my desktop, just in case the anti-evil operators nuke that post.

It's sad, but I think Cringetopia's day will come. They're probably in more danger than we are, because we're insular enough that Reddit can sort of pretend we don't exist :(

I copied down the evidence too, in case the person who originally posted tries to hide and act like nothing happened.

I entered the mainframe and discombobulated the converters to make sure this criminal never makes it another day thinking he can be a criminal and not a good guy like the rest of us cause if we all do our part we can do anything together.

You're like sixteen? I had a family member (he was like 13 at the time) come out as a furry. Can see bullying that shit out of him was the correct choice.

Early and often

taking any of this seriously


Someone tell ewe that he's got a job to do.

Welcome to /r/BarkMarx, a community of furries who want to seize the means of prOwOduction.

This is hilarious and awful at the same time.

It's kind of one big oxymoron - spending thousands on material capital like fursuits and yiff commissions doesn't exactly slot well into a communist system.

It's about untreated mental illness

Well actually in a communist system, they would all get to be fursuit designers and get fursuits for free

That sort of makes communism seem appealing 🤔

What the US thinks socialism is, pronoun kids with purple hair and hammer&sickle twitter profiles is at the opposite pole of what socialist countries looked like. To a point they didn't even change that much, see East EU and Russia, which are not particularly famous for their very progressive societies🥰

I don't get why so many people are anti-communist Why would you want to spend all day working for a fat cat billionaire who only collects money so he can improve his forbes rank and might decide to fire you if he thinks you might cut into his plans for a 5th yacht when you can work for the glory of your country and have all your basic needs met.

Because I have a whole lot more than my basic needs met. My ancestors spent centuries in slavery, there ain’t no way in hell I’m finna go back to being a slave to any man, woman, or state

Nonsense. You slave under capitalism for gains you'll never see. You do not slave under the state. You work for the advancement of humanity and your people. You will benefit from your labor in ways you could never image.

Are you actually trying to tell me that I’m at the same level as my great grand parents? Are you fucking insane, or am I just some “lowly negro who doesn’t have the mental capacity to know what’s best for him”?

That's what Democrats, communists, Labourites, and all leftists really think about you. Republicans, Tories and Conservative s have never actually met a black person, however, so you don't have anyone to vote for. My advice is to vote Libertarian in the hopes that he'll cut your taxes and legalize drugs so we can all smoke weed together on a rented yacht.

Yes I know that, my parents raised me well to not have blind loyalty to political groups

The slavery of the past is not the same as now but it is done for the same purpose of acquiring wealth at the cost of others. Do you think that because they now pay you a pittance that you're that much higher up? You work for the same families. The only thing that has changed is you're free to choose which family.

I think those are some poorly chosen words considering I own my own business. Tell me again just which family am I working for exactly?

Information I did not have access to. Congratulations on doing well for yourself but does it make anything I said any less true for most others. And even business owners can still be owned by those above.

Judging by the first hand accounts my Polish parents-in-law have given me, I think I’ll stick with the system that allowed me to pull myself and parents out of poverty, but so long as it doesn’t fuck with me, I wish you well with your communistic ideals

Do so then. It matters not to me. Just remember this when capitalism makes you obsolete and the corporations gouge us for everything and ask for more.

So just acquire wealth for yourself instead, it's called personal responsibility

Glad to see the flair fits.


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Why this fucker getting downvoted? Do better, r/Drama.

Bougie richtards are getting triggered by a bit of taxation and wealth spreadin🙄

rrdrama even has our own unironic asablackman businessowner 😍



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good bot /pet

Because scoreboard lmfao

Dude stop downvoting lolcows.

They're also posting on a corporate run website on their iPhones while ordering ten dollar coffee at Starbucks. Everyday the commies on this site surprise me with new levels of retardation.

Stalin wouldn't have stalled on sending them to the gulag. Hope that fursuit is insulated.

Oh no, weebs and commies. The two things I hate most

Holy shit, what if ewe becomes Jack the Ripper, but for furries? 😍😍😍

Extra drama in comments of cringetopia for round 356 of "Antifa isn't violent!!!"

The typical ant*fa type white boy in the video:

One objection to ant*fasc*sts stance on [free speeech] might be that giving the government more power to shut down the speech of some people arguably plays into some fasc*sts hands. And that's probably, uh, true, but it's not really what ant*fasc*sts are after."

Absolutely pathetic.

Antifa defenders have turned me into a super fascist. I would side with literal, actual Hitler if the other choice is even indirectly supporting this utter brainless.

I would side with literal, actual Hitler if the other choice is even indirectly supporting this utter brainless.

I mean, that's ridiculous. But have I recalibrated my opinion of Pinochet a little in the past 4 years from "indefensible murderous asshole" to "misguided, but understandable, helicopter enthusiast"? Maybe.

You’re just a dumb right winger then.

Fluff please put more effort into this kind of stuff. We don’t need another watermark



I’ve gotta be honest, even though the writing is cringe, that drawing is somewhat sexy, not gonna lie. Also, being communist is the least cringe thing you can be.


When did cringetopia become a chapoid sub?

Since it got brigaded today

‘Furriephobia’ is not on par with homophobia and transphobia.

One is bashing someone for a fetish, the other is bashing someone for a fetish.

As an actual artisan of bussy, you are correct.

The link is dead, can we get another one?

Lol what a pussy.


We could downvote it so that it gets less attention from @lt-right and other right-wing spaces inside of that Subreddit. And of course report it. I've already gotten some nasty spam and mail inside my inbox this morning."

What I said on another post.

Lmao he's literally asking for them to brigade.

Thank you for posting the links. On mobile client, the related discussions tab will simply back out to the subreddit where the discussion was on.

This dude is next level. How is it possible that such a human being exists? It isn’t even because of his political views, but his whining and begging of other subreddits to give him hugs and bitch with him. I’m glad people like that are just a vocal minority.

Mobile and new reddit posters btfo

You should be less of a cr1nge lord, it makes us all look bad.

You should stop being an 4ssh0le and learn a little about something called "mutual aid" before you start defining what does and doesn't look bad.

I shouldn't have to explain how its bad optics to rep your political ideology in the same place you post dogs with big tits.


Imagine saying "furry antifa radical communist" and not thinking that sounds incredibly badass.

Bring bullying back

Badass is not the word I'd use. I'm no longer allowed to say that word since r/drama is now a wholesome Judaeo-Christian family-friendly subreddit that any advertiser can feel proud supporting.

Lol, the cringetopia thread is a shitshow, either so many communists lurk cringetopia, or maybe they just call there buddies in whenever something they don't like happens.

I was told to leave this here too:RainOfPain125 is a power hungry megalomaniac who did everything to be a contrarian to annoy others (esp. becoming a furry and ancom) before getting tangled up in his own delusions.

A few years ago (4-5) he started an Unturned group dedicated to be anti-banditry, of course calling it *Rain Army (*note that he gave himself the rank of "High High Leader") , which over the years spiralled into an echo chamber and cult of personality. The group was of course mostly composed of children, and it was often used for brigading/raiding and spewing ancom propaganda. In early to mid of last year, Rain started to make the server more "ancom" in it's administration, only for the server to have a revolution of his own and have his closest "friends" make a splinter group. He then essentially purged the group and reinvited a certain amount of people.

From there on out, RA was essentially dead in the water and Rain moved on to make several ancom discords, of which he was essentially exiled from most from being too manianical, radical and unreasonable. I assume a very large part of the brigaders here are from his newer server, considering most are either furries and/or ancom, two things this subreddit is essentially against.

Other notes:

At 16, he basically admittedthat he'd like to fuck a 13 year old.

He is on an FBI watchlist (allegedly), and has had his initial discord account along with his first ancom server deleted from not respecting TOS (and)

He has an Interpol case after doxxing an italian kid.

He is incredibly stubborn, delusional and refuses to accept mistakes he makes, but that's not really something that can easily be proven with screencaps, so you'd have to trust me and about ~25 other people who had to suffer him.

Also hypocrisy related to debacle about democracy. Very, very long list of his shit.

Also you don't ever see a post go from about 130 upvotes to 0 and being 40% upvoted (at the time of writing) without this being brigading.

Only rightoid can pull off working under a preteen, shit's too cringe for leftoids 😎

Oh shit, thanks for the writeup (I'm the one who asked for it on Cringetopia).

The dude seemed a little weird from the massive overreaction to a post with almost no traction, but this is a lot more interesting and detailed than I thought.

This isn’t even a full exhaustive list of his shit, just highlights.

Posts like these are why we need to restore pinging and make /r/drama great again.

Wow that's p*thetic.


People that h@te on fvrries should be treated the same way we treat tr@nsph0bes or h0moph0bes. How hard is it to treat fvrries like actual human being?

Inb4 fvrryph0bia is a thing.

It's impossible. Furries hate themselves almost as much as we do.

Damn, now that's poor taste. Like, at least be a real furry and put up a femboy fox or something.

Lmao, what a loser that person is. Imagine saying "f*rry ant*fa radical c*mmunist" and not thinking that sounds incredibly badass.


I love when someone says Reddit is right wing or full of Fascists yet this site has like hundred communist subreddits and one I just learn about called /r/Barkmarx. May COVID 19 cleanse this planet.

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Furry anarkiddie freaks out when hi... - archive.org, archive.today

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Furry stuff isn't a fetish.. A lot of furries are completely SFW and like the art. Furry characters and artwork is very vibrant, colorful, and unorthodox compared to similar artwork of plain boring humans.

Doubt [X]

he furiously jacks it to his steam profile

this made me cringe unironically🤮🤮🤮

you should be less of a cr1nge lord, it makes us all look bad.

You should stop being an 4ssh0le and learn a little about something called "mutual aid" before you start defining what does and doesn't look bad.

This kid seriously thinks his fellow degenerates are obligated to defend him whenever he starts rambling about his Big Braintm political opinions.

And the worst is most furries probably agree with his Hot Takealso tm because of just how much of zoomer hugbox the furry community has become.

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FFS, autojanny, I literally all I did was edit my comment to tell people to stop downvoting the anarkiddie.

interesting take, but bad take. sorry friend.

Yes, you're here! Please respond to more comments and tell us about how bad our takes our.

Lol here's my fave from him:

Actually in a Socialist Society, the government would never tell you what to do or control your life. I don't think you understand anything you're talking about, and you're actually talking about State Capitalism such as what was practiced in the USSR.

You can talk to me about real politics on Discord


https://i.imgur.com/XddWL44.png lmfaooooooooooooooo silver 2



Karl Marx's punishment in hell is looking at modern communist's social media accounts.


I actually know this person on a Discord server I'm on, obviously he's a very controversial guy there. The people are currently considering kicking him out. Hope it happens.