Amerilard travels to rural shithole in order to force local residents to come into contact with her disease-ridden body; redditors are torn between admiration and horror

1  2020-04-20 by snallygaster


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People are unironically calling themselves “covid+”. End me, I can’t live with that level of stupidity.

There's nothing negative about being positive

There are covid chasers now?!

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Holy shit I can't believe how selfish some people can be. There's a really high chance that people in OP's hometown are going to die because of her and her husband, and she doesn't even seem to acknowledge that she placed other people at risk.

I bet a huge factor in the spread of COVID-19 is going to be povvo transplants like OP who can't take the heat and flee back to whatever flyover wasteland they crawled out of. Sad!

i live in rural land, outside a large metropolis and the people fleeing the city is massive. I dont believe in restricting their travel but i find it ironic.

>grow up in fent-infested flyover
>get a 4-year communications degree at the local state school, suddenly become enlightened
>can no longer live among the small-minded rurals, escape to the nearest big city
>spend years living well beyond your means in a cracker box apartment with 69 roommates so you can have a taste of ~culture~
>beervirus hits, get stuck indoors, reflect on your life and your values
>decide you no longer value city-dwelling but still value being incredibly self-focused
>flee to your hometown with the beervirus you picked up from a member of your roommate's polycule
>now the community you've suddenly decided to value is sick and dying


decide you no longer value city-dwelling but still value being incredibly self-focused


People would always be totally bewildered at whyi would do a 1 hour and 10 minute commute. Now i spend my days working in my garage, riding ATVs on muh propertah, and looking out at my beautiful view of the mountains. My coworkers cant even leave their house without someone dialing 311 on their bitch ass 😂

I still prefer being a rootless urbanite overall but I'll admit we felt like c*cks when we were all complaining about being stuck in our shitty apartments and my one friend who owns a house in the middle of nowhere on several acres was like "meh I'm good."


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It's amazing isn't it?

The whole covid thing has been sort of memeish in the rural areas. The only shame is that everyone is hoarding their narcotics 😭😭😭

I live in a flyover state and we are starting to get back to business. Kinda sad that NYC didn't get totally locked down so that people couldn't leave. We could've sent the Walmart meat trucks to the city each week.

fleeing the plague-riddled cities to your country estate and bringing it with you is a time honored tradition tho

True. It kinda does make sense to escape to an isolated vacation home as long as you don't make any stops on the road, order groceries to your door etc., but the people fleeing to their families or rural hospitals are absolute fucking morons and displaying the kind of callous disregard for others that's going to make the US get rekt.

That's what I didn't get about the common refrain from the folks protesting in Michigan who claimed the outbreak was mostly isolated to Detroit so the lockdown shouldn't apply to the whole state. Do they want the dirty city folks to bring the plague with them to their vacation homes in God's Country?

The worst part is that when 'rona inevitably fucks up their communities, they'll blame it on the city slickers despite making absolutely zero personal effort to keep it from spreading.

Wait are you a nanny stater snally 🤔. UK or Aussie?

This is a based take.

I rarely see you angry but it’s a treat when I do, Snally :)

COVIDiocy is making me go off the rails, swear to God. I don't think I've ever been so consistently butthurt about anything before.

There’s idiocy on both sides, remember that. “Both sides” may be a meme but in this case its true.

The polar opposite of the MAGApedes who marched in Ohio are the wimps who want to stay in lock down indefinitely because EvEn OnE dEaTh Is ToO mAnY, and would tell you that the economy is a social construct even as grandma loses her life’s savings because stocks are down.


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I'll soothe you granny,tell me which hole you want me to pound into jelly ?

snally cat be like grrrr angery why they cough no cough please 😡😡😡🚓🚓🚓

me say build wall for cities. keep city people in. they be happy no redneck, everyone else be happy no city losers.


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I keep seeing people who apparently do not understand the whole concept that if you catch it you can transmit the virus to other people. I don't know if vast swathes of the population are even more r-slurred than I imagined or if they're blocking out the truth out of desperation. Lots of people if they get cancer or something will suddenly get really dumb and start believing pseudoscience, so maybe it's like that.

This is the new big reddit thing moving forward. Rich, white hipsters, that are asymptomatic, having fun filled adventures exposing slews of people to the virus, and being ever so brave doing so.

That would be awesome, but most of reddit is riding the 'STAY THE FUCK AT HOME' bandwagon hard so I doubt it would gain any traction. It would cause a lot of awesome drama tho.

I think that the only reason the OP had any supporters is because she's posting on a niche sub and it's currently of the upmost importance to have the perfect birth experience uwu~ in granola mom communities so a few of the women in there have major blinders on.

But hey, imagine the various craft beers ruralcels could enjoy.

They craft their own beer. Bucket, yeast, sugar, transfer clear liquid to carboy after two weeks, add preservatives, freeze, remove ice, flavor to taste (add a can of juice concentrate or something), you've got 5 gallons of perfectly safe >30% firewater for $50 investment.

Flights to Japan are so fucking cheap and if I got stranded there for quarantine it would A-OK with me. Hotels are giving rooms away too... seriously fucking tempted.

What is hypnobirthing?

Sadly the post that inspired this thread has been deleted.

Listening to Taylor Swift while giving birth so you don't feel any pain.

I didn’t read any of it because long post and I’m at work, but holy shit her flair is FTM 4/10/2020 is she a Tran person????

Fuck auto mod

it's a sub for prego women, so no

I mean FTM can still have babies I thought. What’s FTM mean on that sub?

oh shit you're right.

i think it means 'full-time mommy' in this case. 🤢

Ahh ok someone else said maybe first time mommy too. Makes more sense than what I was thinking. But it IS reddit so can you blame me 🌈 🧦

Oh, 'first-time mommy' makes a lot more sense

I can't stand mom group acronyms

They’re almost as bad as the r/raisedbynarcissist lot. I literally don’t understand any post there because it’s half acronyms half cry posting lmao

They're the same acronyms, lol.

If you really want to roll your eyes go to /r/JUSTNOMIL, it's unironically one of the worst subs on reddit even when you can manage to understand what the OP is trying to say.

Ahh I think that’s the one I meant. They have like 150 different abbreviations I can’t keep up with. “Just went NC w/ FIL’s PGP hoping for RO soon” to me means you’re A.) a lazy sack of shit and B.) you think anyone who’s ever criticized your or gave you advice you didn’t like, is an abuser.

Just went NC w/ FIL’s PGP hoping for RO soon

I bet that this would get upvoted on r/theredpill.

I think you're conflating the "30 something chick who has to wear long sleeves in the summer" crowd with the "20 something social reject" one.

Wow, an entire subreddit just devoted to being a Korean woman.

It’s first time mom. Online forums for moms and pregnant women get off an abbreviating things for some reason


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Amerilard travels to rural shithole... -,

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