Rosa Parks leads a group of Karens and their kids into mass suicide by 🍺 virus. 🚔 are unable to stop them

1  2020-04-23 by dramasutra2020

A group of Karens decided to disobey social distancing orders and hijacked a closed off parts with their mayo spawn. Th

When kind police officers asked them to leave, they talk about taxes, vitamin D and picnics.

** The woman arrested is a notorious anti-vaxxer. She raises hell with her son's school on vaccinations. Idaho can allow children who are unvaccinated under religious and belief grounds. crazy.





First of all, I've met many liberal women, and they love babies. They're actually caring of them and teach them acceptance. Instead of teaching children Homophobia and Racism, they teach good values on acceptance, this doesn't go for crazy feminazis who hate men, but genuine and good hearted left wingers can raise children to not be a madman who shouts about homosexual amphibians. Or some fat guy on YouTube called "No Bullshit", who is a crazy fat fuck who hates people from the LGBTQIIA community because of "too much letters" or they're "alphabet people"

Liberal women can actually raise a child into someone who isnt a conservative degenerate.

This but mostly unironically


I miss the time when alphabet people meant glow-in-the-darks.


The only thing that surprises me is that the cops weren't sympathetic to the fringe group shit. Doesn't everyone outside of Boise belong to one?

Ammon Bundy

Truly one of the giants of drama. For anyone who doesn't know

I still think that "Welcome all illegal immigrants" Bundy was the best drama Bundy. Who would have thought that defending Libertarian policies would make Libertarians seethe.

His boys probably wished that he'd been Ruby Ridged during the standoff after hearing that one.

Lolbertarians are all tards with no principles. They're "conservatives" that just want to smoke weed. Idaho is not sending their best, folks

They're "conservatives" that just want to smoke weed fuck their Children openly, not just at Church.

It's what the Founding Fathers would have wanted 🦅

lmao, forgot about that. What do you think they did with all of those dicks and all of that lube?

Good question, what would you do with dozens of dildos and 55 gallons of k-y?

And amusingly enough they happen to be sold out right now I guess people being confined requires something to do other than talk

what would you do with dozens of dildos and 55 gallons of k-y?

A patriot would weaponize it, maybe to a tune similar to punji sticks

I think this Sarah Brady is the same Sarah Brady that writes anti vax romance novels. Look up the novel Healer(the gifted)

The fact that he's still a free man is kinda why I ignore all complaints about antifa protesters no matter how many garbage cans they knock over or milkshakes they pour out.

The great thing about living in Oregon is that there's total impunity for both kinds, except for that one Bundy supporter who got put down by the FBI.

If you aren't willing to die for an empty shed in the middle of nowhere who everyone forgot in seconds, are you truly a rightoid?

This r-slurred Karen shit actually makes me kinda wish Zyklon Ben were right, and the government really were as tyrannical as he thinks it is. Like, I actually would be fine with treating vaccine resistance as a criminal offense rather than a civil one.


Ammon Bundy

All I can say is that I can't wait for his character arc to play out to its logical conclusion. 😉

Wait, that Ammon Bundy??

If you're still on B*omerbook, the Meridien Police Department's page is an absolute warzone right now, and it's great.

Nevermind, it got nuked.

Honestly there are ppl posting it on bomerbook so everyone can see the sitshow

Lol, escape characters

You know I’m tempted to just start being antivax just because it annoys redditors who “FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE”




What triggers this bot?

Penis size

I've seen someone speculate that it fires off once in the evening each day at a certain time but I'm not 'tistic enough to know if that's right.

Twice a day




Thank S*gan that the internet came together to finally separate science from the scientific method.

Rules and standards? Lol, /r/gatekeeping 😏

Wow. I can't even believe the ignorance that's coming from your thick, inbred skull. Only a dilapidated, unenlightened dotard would even dare to spout such inane, low IQ stupidity.


If you had even bothered to keep up with recent medical news, you would know that you are not only mind numbingly wrong, but idiotic as well. I heartily laugh at the very thought of you attempting to utilize your underdeveloped peabrain.

Thankfully, I am an informed and educated redditor, I'm writing a dissertation on the subject as we speak. It toils the mind to even attempt to decipher the workings of your underpowered and inferior brain.

Don't even attempt to reply! It will be in vain, as I have already blocked you and reported you to the moderators for spreading harmful disinformation. Good day!

Why do we need to insist on preserving the lives of those who clearly don't want it? Maybe if we let nature take its course we could evolve.

I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Rosa Parks leads a group of Karens ... -,

  2. -,

  3. crazy -,*

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always this f*cking brady