4  2020-04-27 by texanapocalypse33


Euros: "nooooo, you can't let digital companies take their userbase's data as a form of payment, that's a violation of privacy and civil righterinos!"

Also Euros:

Excuse me? The i*les ofically left Europe at the start of this year.

yeah, about 30 years too late. They had continental jackboots enmeshed into their law system long before bongxit had any chance.

Precisely. Leaving the EU won't do anything for the bongs because, at this point, the Eternal Euro isn't something they can get rid of anymore. It is stapled to their souls.

I would feel bad for euros but they did this to themselves lol

Burger cops would have the mercy to kill him

Sadly the only reward the cop would get for such a act of bravery is being called a class traitor by a chapocel on Twitter πŸ˜”


Except they'd have to bt him to dth.


You know this isn't about the virus anymore when they're not even wearing masks.

Doors are a Mossad psyop

Words cannot convey my contempt for Bong cops.

Dude bad teeth lmao.

Is this a third world country?

Why are crossing guards busting down a door?

FFS just become the 51st state already or become v for vendetta. We can call it something fun like "Anglosphere Union" or something like that.

ffs just become the 51st state already

Thank you no, my country is utterly fucked already without adding the societal poison that is bong "people"

Same except my country is already stupid and obese enough without having to be under the USA's wing.

5 eyes m8

There's an interesting interpretation that 1984 takes place in an isolated England and the rest of the world is completely fine

It was always supposed to be a novel about a dystopian future singularity where people are slaves and society is structured in a way that that will never change. But I suppose it makes no difference whether Airstrip one is JuchΓ© or not.

Today marks the first day I've ever agreed with a troon on twitter. What the fuck is going on?

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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IngSoc p*lice are so fucking pathetic.

Just mooch out of their with their tails between their legs.