This is how you Chad through a misunderstanding

1  2020-04-29 by Mayos_side


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. This is how you Chad through a misu... -,

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So much Chad in one thread ♥️♥️

Idk if you’re being rhetorical or not, but just in case you aren’t:

That is such a friendly and polite way of calling someone ret@rded, and I will be sure to use that in future conversations.

Ok redditor

Rude and not wholesomepilled.

Nah. It just retarded itself since that is not what rhetorical means.

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Nah. It just ret@rded itself since that is not what rhetorical means.

No. Judgement is an important element of society. Without judgements people, freaks would run free.

Based and truth-pilled.

If you’re ugly dont cosplay

Why do this people pretend they've never judged people on their fashion sense? You can make fun of fedora losers (dead stereotype at this point) but NOOOOO NOT THE HECKING ALT-GRIL!!! NOT THE SEPTUM-PIERCERINO!!!

Goth girls can be cute though, unlike fedora wearing neckbeards.

One cannot deny this fact.

Neckbeards can be super adorable when they're spitting with rage at their Christian parents for saying no to the next Funko Pop. At least, I love to watch that.

I feel personally attacked

And no one is surprised. Also, good job on losing weight. How's it going during quarantine, have you ballooned back up?

Yeah, but you wouldn’t fuck a neckbeard

You don't know me!

Attractive men just aren't considered neckbeards regardless of fashion. Now that's called "getting the long end of the stick", son.

Only if they’re attractive. Are there any attractive atheists?

It's only appropriate to rage about cartoon and video game character clothing.

it was inappropriate to be b1ack in 1930

No it wasn’t. Bl4cks just had to stay in their section.

Based and segregationpilled.

The virgin millenials vs the Chad zoomer.

This is kinda dumb considering most famous people and artists dress in a way considered "alt".

These redditors are prime examples of why we need bullying early and often.


No. Judgement is an important element of society. Without judgements people, freaks would run free.


Man went beast mode in that comment section, man just went on and on replying with redditors REEEEEEing the whole way