Dying AMC Theatres won't play ANY Universal movies EVER AGAIN in response to CEO's statement on Trolls 2 VOD success and subsequent contemplation of cutting out the middlemen

2  2020-04-29 by KingEggbert


Reddit thinks everything should be free

NO! As you can see, redditors are all too happy to buy Trolls 2: World Tour on demand

For the sake of my sanity, I'm assuming most of these people haven't procreated, meaning no, redditors are probably not the ones paying PVOD prices to see a shitty animated kids movie.

Are you seriously implying that bronies and their ilk wouldn’t watch this crap for “the plot”?

I am more familiar with the manchild puzzle-piece enthusiast demographic than I'd like to be, and I haven't heard any of those losers obsessing over the troll cartoons. They obsess over TV shows on the Cartoon Network that pretend to be for children but are actually targeting those developmentally arrested adults.

Or roleplaying purposes.

I assumed the opposite, they had kids and that's why they rented a kid's movie.


if they don't have kids they are probably p3d0phil3s

I sincerely thought this was a parody article when I read it yesterday. It's so extreme and immature that I cannot believe a major corporation made this decision so quickly.

That's not extreme at all. The only reason people put up with "the theater experience" of fat burgers munching on their nachos and yelling at the screen is the limited exclusivity.

If Hollywood makes same-day PVOD releases a thing, every theater chain that isn't bougie shit like Alamo Drafthouse is now relying solely on redditors who will watch every IMAX capeshit release 5x in theaters for revenue.

The technology in theaters is way better than what you have at home though.

That only really matters for stuff with lots of spectacle though. I can watch The Irishman on my computer and not miss out on anything

You absolute r-slur! 😠 The real spectacle of the theater is the sound system and the dynamic range permitted by a controlled listening environment.

Just get a pair of speakers for like $20

tfw you talk to someone on Reddit with an IQ of 3

Studios would lose a lot of money if they released the dvd. People would just share their copies with their friends and they would basically be selling 5+ views for the price of a dvd. On top of that companies already get to double dip with people seeing it in theaters and then buying the dvd anyway so I don't know why they would throw a wrench into that.

I can watch The Irishman on my computer and not miss out on anything

oh god, this is genuinely painful to read

Film is a visual medium, most good movies have some level of spectacle even if they aren't action movies. Scorsese is a really bad example as Silence was probably one of my favorite theater experiences of all time.

Yeah sorry that I don’t think that being able to count the wrinkles on De Niro’s face is integral to the experience

"why would I want to get a good visual experience out of a 3.5-hour-long motion picture"


I can get that without a screen the size of a house lmao and I can get it for cheaper and without having to deal with annoying people

Movie theaters are obsolete, and snobs are the only reason they stick around

you could just go to the theater on a weekday or during a less crowded time if people are that much of a nuisance to you

If you said your projector or 75 inch 4k TV was comparable then I would at least understand your argument even if I disagreed with it. But a gaming monitor with whatever small sound setup you have is literally nothing close to a theater.

I know this is a foreign concept to you, but the reason people don’t go to theaters in the middle of the week at 2PM is because they have jobs

My point isn’t that a computer and a theater screen are comparable, it’s that at a certain point the video quality has diminishing returns

You're right, I forgot that most people are working 20-hour shifts and never have any free time on working days

What are “business hours”?

you realize most theaters are typically open like 12 hours right?? have you never been to a matinee or late showing??

Matinees are during business hours, and I’m not going to watch a 3 hour movie at midnight because I know how to take care of my self

If you want to go to the theater that’s no skin off my nose, but you should be aware that they won’t last more than a couple generations

Then again I’ve though the same thing about radio for years now and that doesn’t go away either

even matinees on weekends are usually less crowded. But also, most movies are not 3 hours. A lot of people with normal working hours could still probably make a 6-7 PM showtime

If you want to go to the theater that’s no skin off my nose, but you should be aware that they won’t last more than a couple generations

the highest-grossing movie of all time released last year, you realize that right?

By your logic, Spotify should have ended live concerts but that obviously hasn't happened. The overwhelming majority of people do not have setups comparable to an actual theater and spending $10 to get a much better experience is worth it. I don't understand why people act like that's outrageous considering most video games are like $60 plus a $20 season pass

Actually I hate concerts too and can’t understand the appeal in the modern world, so the real problem is likely just that I’m a curmudgeon

Disco's best year ever was the year before it died.

the highest-grossing movie of all time released last year, you realize that right?

The population continually going up, inflation and ticket prices keep rising over and above inflation, so this kind of record-breaking will continue to happen every year(and for smaller records, every few months) regardless of movie quality or overall interest, until the industry collapses suddenly and without warning like a soap bubble.

Another example of the failures of capitalism. Why isn’t “I need three hours to catch the latest intellectual insights on society” a reasonable option?

You're getting upvoted and treated well because you're Masterlawlz. I guarantee if you made this smarmy and r-slurred comment on an alt you'd be getting railed right now lmao.



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which is why I admitted they would still retain the capeshit audience, yes. You can probably generalize that to massive blockbusters, period.

Do you think there's zero value in seeing non-blockbuster films in a theater? My best theater experiences were more way more artistic films than your standard superhero movie.


Maybe you're willing to go to your local mall's shitty cineplex to watch whatever children's cartoon movie you're so excited for, Lawlz, but most people wanting more out of the experience that munching popcorn and hollering will go to independent theaters if they can and otherwise stay home.

what a stupid argument, I was literally arguing in favor of the theater experience in general and independent theaters still fall under that umbrella

yet I was very clear to state that I was specifically talking about big cineplex chains like AMC in the original comment you replied to, tard.

The only reason people put up with "the theater experience" of fat burgers munching on their nachos and yelling at the screen is the limited exclusivity.

sounded more like you were talking about all of them in general

Following the continuity of conversation isn't your strong suit, is it? The original comment.

every theater chain that isn't bougie shit like Alamo Drafthouse is now relying solely on redditors who will watch every IMAX capeshit release 5x in theaters for revenue

you still implied that blockbusters and cape films are the only reason to go to the theater which isn't true

I'm sorry I impugned upon the honor of your favorite hobby, didn't realize it was your only reason to go outside.

"lol you enjoy doing things out in the real world and can afford it what a loser"


It's really fucking cheap to replicate a theater experience at your house now. I put up a 106" screen with 7.2 surround for under $2k. I'd never go to the theater if things were just released same day streaming.

It's really fucking cheap to replicate a theater experience at your house now.

It's still not close to equal though. Is your projector a 4K projector? Do you have Dolby Atmos? I have a pretty good setup for an apartment but it's nothing like you would find at an AMC.

Home theater technology is good but if you wanted something actually comparable to a real theater then you would be shelling out a lot of cash, at which point it would probably cheaper to just buy a $10 ticket and go a few times per year.

the theater experience is vastly different. the bitrate of a 35mm film is around 1.6 Gb/s uploaded to 4K, Blu-ray is around 40 Mb/s, and Netflix is at most 7 Mb/s.

yeah and 70mm film is well beyond any resolution you would find at home, I've seen some estimations saying it's close to 16k or something

>really fucking cheap


Sorry, not all of us are CEOs or whatever the fuck you're up to over there.


The future of theaters is going to be something along the line of Alamo Drafthouse. I hadn't been to the movie threater for years before I started going to places that serve alcohol and food during the movie. Now there are more of these kinds of theaters springing up.

Chains like AMC are fucked in the US. I wonder how long before they become entirely Chinese. That's probably the only growing market for movie theaters these days.

Time to buy stock in Regal and Cinemark


Regal Owner Cineworld Also Refuses to Play Universal Movies Amid ‘Trolls World Tour’ Dispute

shit's getting real

It's easy to talk shit when you aren't showing any movies due to beervirus.

What did you make of Trolls World Tour?

too heavy on the exposition, and james corden was ineffectual in his voice acting. it beats you over the head with the central thesis that the queen of the hard rock trolls and queen poppy are, in effect, taking part in class warfare. honestly I'd say Dohrn has yet to get back to the social consciousness he displayed in Donkey's Christmas Shrektacular. 3/10

Omg is James Corden in this? I hate that fat bitch

do you remember when Patrick Stewart dunked on him like ten years ago

Do you remember when Patrick Stewart dunked on himself by adopting shitbulls and also making Picard

homie's gotta eat 🤷

Selling out at the end of your life is a good thing.

How about taking a role in The Emoji Movie as a literal piece of shit

Lmao that was hilarious. A professional comedian completely flustered by some drunk old guy calling him a fat guy who was gay for the Jonas Brothers

Ok, but for a second when I started reading this I thought you were Masterlawlz.

this is, by a mile, the meanest, cruelest, shittiest thing anyone has ever told me on reddit. damn

My pleasure! :)

why would I watch that


Tin foil hat time: This is exactly the direction that MoviePass wanted the movies industry to move in.

This is the direction that (arguably) most people wanted the industry to go towards. Why the fuck would I pay 15 bucks for a ticket, 10 bucks for popcorn and soda just to sit in a crowded theatre with a bunch of noisy morons? Not to mention if you need to piss you just have to hope there's nothing important/cool because you're about to miss 5 minutes of the movie. Even if I had to spend 10 bucks on Amazon to buy the movie, at least I can watch it whenever and pause/ffw/rewind in the comfort of my own home.

Stop being poor. I like having peace and quiet for 2 hours.

Stop being poor and buy a house. Have all the peace and quiet you want.

Having other people with you makes this less fun.

ur squalid multigenerational tenement doesn't count as a real home.

Get un-poor and get a reasonable house with a children's wing for the nanny to manage and some bare modicum of a passable home theater.

Bro I make more then you.

I want peace and quiet from the wife while watching a movie while teenagers provide me food.

bro ur poor and squalid tenement says otherwise. U are so poor u have to pay 15 dollers to escape ur hell-house for 90 minutes. Get a respectable job and provide ur family a decent home

Listen bud. I understand your home was built in the 70s, but not everyone lives like you.

Actually it was build in 1843 but idk what that has to do with ur poverty

Have you considered installing central air and possibly having modern electrical appliances?. I understand 30 grand is a lot of money to “people” like you but the quality of life would justify it.

My home is an oasis of comfort and luxury I don’t know why u keep trying to change subject away from your squalid overcrowded hovel that u have to pay money to escape in 2-hour increments

What’s 50$ for 2 hours?

It is money that u are paying to go sit in a sticky room cleaned by incompetent teenagers and share furniture with a room full of randos who talk on the phone and make noise while watching capesh*t

And that is ur pathetic excuse for a respite from the living hell that is ur excuse for a home

Stop being poor

Stop being poor, make enough money to buy her shit so she ignores you stepping out and go spend time with your gold-digging mistresses.

Never ceases to amaze me how hard of a time people seem to have with not taking a piss for 1.5 hours. Why is that such a common complaint? I don't really like going to the movies either but it's not due to some inability to control my bladder.

I stopped going to the cinema after Star Wars Episode 3, I have hysterical reactions to explicit or implicit violence against children and mistakenly thought a fucking space soap opera would be safe, ended up getting kicked out. At least I’ve not seen a superhero film since the batman one with Arnold Schwarzenegger

Are you telling me you haven’t seen The Boss Baby!?!?!

I almost watched it but it turns out Netflix is hawking some counterfeit version that's actually a TV series and not the film I expected. While I was upset at this, I remained subscribed to their service until last week when I accidentally watched a show where people cook with cannabis and I hated everyone involved so much I had to stay in bed for more than 24 hours

Lol he even resorts to claiming universal isn't negotiating "in good faith" wonder which side redditors will flock too... 🤔

Rip AMC. Now all the other theaters will snatch up the kiddie bucks and even more people will stream the films online.


AMC is just going to skip showing the Halloween Movies, Purge movies, F9, Minions, Croods 2, News of the World , Six Dreamworks Animation Pics, Blumhouse Pics and Jurassic Park..

good point but


Regal Owner Cineworld Also Refuses to Play Universal Movies Amid ‘Trolls World Tour’ Dispute

drama brewing 🍿👀

This is EXACTLY what the studios want. Everyone has internet and a laptop now, no one wants leave their house to pay upwards of 15 dollars per person (including concessions) for a subpar, crowded experience. Movie theaters need to die already.

I just realized that same-day PVOD going mainstream means the days of watching a shitty cam torrent of some blockbuster are probably over. Box Office revenue in general is probably going to take a hit, if the pirate version is now HD stream rips.

TV shows already deal with this and they don’t lose so much, so it should be ok. Plus, studios get more money than they lose because the theaters don’t get a cut.

Very good point!

Watching TV doesn't require a one-time payment per new episode though.

Who said they'd not switch to a subscription model? It's more profitable that way anyway.

Stop being poor.

I’d be willing to pay 15 including snacks if I could sit on my couch and watch the damn movie on my TV when it came out! I just don’t want to go somewhere and be stuck in a room with sweaty nerds and babies.

Don’t go when the movie is popular. Enjoy paying some kid to make you popcorn and a hot dog and enjoy your free nap time.

Does your theatre not have upgraded seats?

No, since I hate dubbed movies and I don’t live in an English speaking country, I have two choices; a garbage overpriced kitschy 80s built cinema with one screen that shows OVs, or a not-so-garbage but still overpriced nice cinema with 3 small screens that looks more like an opera house than a cinema that also shows OVs. Both experiences are terrible, because either it’s small and overcrowded, or big and overcrowded. Also I’m one of those people that actually enjoys kino (yes shoot me), so I would like to pay attention to what I’m watching, thank you very much.

Okay you are excused since you have legitimate gripes.

That sounds terrible and I hope the new pvods are better for you

Thank you sir. Unfortunately I am not a burger and do not live next to a 43 screen Cineplex IMAX 3DFXX Supermall the size of the entire fucking city I live in. There is a few cinemas that SOMETIMES show OVs but I refuse to go to them because all the poor roaches go there, at least the little boutique cinema has mainly expats and people with half a braincell to spare.

Sir, I will help sponsor your green card to get you out of Somalia

Hahaha, well, you’re not far off. Unfortunately my girlfriend is a die-hard patriot and absolutely refuses to leave this place (and hates America, as everyone here does). I may become a leaf in the future but my prospects for becoming a burger are slim to none, if I am to stay with her.

Bro think of the double dip: you could have delicious 🍔🍔🍔🍔 AND amazing bussy 😍😋🍑

Honestly hoping movie theaters don’t go under as a result of this. They introduced a moviepass-like thing at regal a few months back so I was going usually at least once a week. Watching new movies at home, for me, just isn’t the same as going to the theater


At least I won’t get called out for eating baked beans during the movie if I’m watching at home.

so AMC basically is choosing to suicide bomb themselves because they are mad that they are irrelevant?

Damn y’all are missing what’s going on here. AMC can boss these people around like Tony Soprano obviously they’re set on future cash flows and feel they’re crucial to Universal’s bottom line. This is a power move from a position of strength, weak company CEOs will bail or blame on the virus.