Kids of stupidpol get mad at adults

1  2020-04-30 by Arrrdune


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He'll feel differently once he starts to pay taxes 😂

Personally paying taxes is what drove me to the left. That those tax dollars are being distributed so poorly really pushed me to wish for reform and improvement.

I never really understood people that became libertarians over taxation at all, they were too dumb and naive to attract me.


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Lmao, you are a buffoon.

I do pay taxes you smug moron.


This is libel, sweaty.


oh no write me up


I do pay taxes you smug moron

Imagine paying “””taxes””” 🤢 just be self employed and lie on your taxes so you can reap those govment benefits AND not pay for it 😎😎😎

Socialism is when you pay taxes and the more taxes you pay the more socialister society gets.

Socialick these nuts 😂🤣😘

Wait who is the childish one again?

Hopefully not his nuts. Or else you'd be a libertarian.

unironically tho

Ah yes Otto Von Bismarck was a socialist because he implemented welfare reform in Germany.

Son, I'm not talking about paying sales tax for a Nintendo game

Wanna see my fucking tax return?

Include your SSN so we know it's you

Sure its 69420911

you have to be an absolute sociopath (or extreme moron) to self-identify as a neoliberal.

Bro you're a commie


communism is literally fantasy lol

I could say the same about free-market Chicago school economics which constantly produces hot takes about how man is an island and society isn't real.

i have no idea what any of that means

Okay, then why are you arguing with me about political economy? Have you ever even read Marx? Probably not.

i don’t care about politics that have no existence in the modern world thanks 🤭

Neither do I but he's right.

Don't worry, neither does he.

Capitalism isn't a real thing.

Damn you’re living in full socialism already?

I reject the idea that the the ability to own private property is the defining characteristic of an economy. It would be like defining modern cars as round wheel cars to differentiate them from the square wheel cars some crackpot claimed would be more efficient. It raises the silly idea of communism to a level where it can be compared to current real world economic systems despite never being able to exist for any real period of time.

Private property and personal property are two different things. Personal property exists in communism. And no private property is not the defining characteristic of capitalism, the defining characteristic of capitalism is that it creates a society wherein all commodities are produced for value and not use. You should try reading some theory before you shit on entire branches of thought like a little baby.

I've read kapital, the criticism of what he called capitalism is fine, great at points but he does prescribe anything usable because he was a hegelian and thought his vision of communism was just inevitable in the way trade liberalization described by Smith seemed to be. He was wrong, just like he was wrong about phrenology.

Yes nobody takes the determinist parts of Marx seriously. Its just as silly as Fukuyama declaring the end of history.

Worked better than Karl Marx’s ideas tho 🤭 Imagine how ret@rded those must be

Tell that to the Chileans.

One of the countries with the highest living standards in South America? I’ll tell them 😎👍🏽

"muh living standard CIA economik freedumb chart"

Hey it’s not the CIA’s fault that you can’t comprehend charts.

Yes it is.

"muh Pinochet"

Gimme that 70% below the poverty line neoliberal shock doctrine daddy

CSE is a better school than you can get in so human nature wins again or something

Hooman naytur

I’m curious, how did you reach these conclusions about the Chicago School? Furthermore, how much “mainstream” economics have you studied?

I’ve studied about as much mainstream econ as you people have claimed to study marx.

I’m not sure what that means. If that means you have studied the basics of Economics, what attracted you to Marx’s theories? Do you subscribe to the labor theory of value?


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Unironically neoli🅱️eral is filled with some of the most smug retar*ds on earth and you're still making them look smart relative to you.


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The communist is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a layabout, parasite, ignoramus, NEET, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a manchild and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he shrinks back: “I’ve been found out!”

My ideology is only for GOOD smart adult white-collar wageslaves, your ideology BAD because poor people dumb and Venezuela!

Tankie engine go vroom vroom

"Everybody who is anti-capitalist is a Stalinist"- An emotional neoliberal's guide to the left


Do you think people aren’t basically wage slaves under communists regimes? Do you think they let people just not work? And it’s bad since it doesn’t work on large scales until a more technologically advanced society can sustain it but that’s another matter from your silly Venezuela poor people straw man.

I have no illusions about shitty state-capitalist countries but if you think that your neoliberal capitalist countries somehow produce any less suffering you're a fool.

We all at /r/drama are suffering a fool rn

Because this month, we are merciful.

Go on... let it all out...

I'm suffering your mom right now.

At least this thread has unironic title.

Look, commie... you couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe... I lost my train of thought, can you nationalize it?

look neolib we all know that daddy paid for your econ classes and now you think you're a big boy, gonna throw me out of a helicopter in Chile now?

I see neolib people.

I can throw movie references as anyone...

If r/neoliberal was a movie it would be Brazil.

If r/etard was a sub you'd be a mod

I’m flattered

if you think that your neoliberal capitalist countries somehow produce any less suffering you're a fool.

Except for how much less suffering there is, by every conceivable measure, lol.

Aight dude let's ship you off to a lithium mine in Bolivia and we'll see how much you love capitalism then.

I live in a capitalist country and I'm not being shipped to a Bolivian lithium mine, so I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

"my middle-class suburban existence is free of woe so capitalism must be great for everybody down the supply chain"

Alright dude let's ship you off to Venezuela and we'll see how much you love socialism then.

Venezuela has a market economy you mong they are socialist in name only. Just like how the US is free market in name only.

ItS nOt ReAl SoCIaLiSM

Yes and?

Socialism is when state own thing and say socialism!

A completely nationalised economy in a representative democracy could be considered a form of democratic socialism, since the people own the means of production through their elected representatives (like India from Independence until the 80s). Of course if it fails, you're gonna cry "NoT rEaL SoCiAlIsM yOu ShItLiB"

Imagine thinking representative democracy is worker’s direct control of the means of production.

Then what is? How do you suggest the workers take control of the means of production?

Through worker’s councils and syndicates wherein workers in a given field figure out what needs to be produced.


Oh no, is r-slurred.

lmao he thinks modern consumer capitalism doesn’t involve state intervention.

Never said that you brainlet, state-capitalism is the stupid copout you use when someone points to a failed socialist state.

I forgot only socialist states fail and market economies are perfect.

No, you forgot that socialist states fail like 99% of the time, while every successful economy is capitalist.

What are your metrics for a successful economy? Vietnam, China and Cuba all seem to be doing just fine. Let’s check up on the US where unemployment is skyrocketing past Great Depression levels.

Wait, suddenly China is socialist?

By your definition they are.

I never said "state intervention = socialism"

What is the Coronavirus pandemic?

Its cute how you think everything will go back to normal once the pandemic is over.

Are you brain-dead or something? The Coronavirus pandemic is causing people to file for unemployment. It will obviously take time for economies to restart once it's over.

Venezuela on the other hand tanked because of a little oil price fluctuation.

The oil economy here is also screwed lmao. Corporations are using this crisis to consolidate more monopolistic power and they’re going to find ways to fuck over worker’s protection during and after the pandemic. You’re an idealist pie-in-the-sky fool if you think there won’t be extremely negative longterm societal/economic repercussions of this. But of course the invisible hand saves all.

it's bad in AmurliKKKa too

First off, I'm not a burger. Second, last I checked, the US was much better off, and, uh, not a dictatorship.

When did I ever call the US a dictatorship? Fuck off europoor.

I never accused you of saying that, I'm saying Venezuela's economy got so fucking bad that Chavez and Maduro had to become authoritarians to stay in power. Maduro literally had to rig an election.

Yes Maduro is incompetent most socialists that aren’t plugged into the RT shitfest would agree.

Vietnam and Cuba are doing fine, while Canada, the UK and the US are right on top of the mountain.

India was doing "fine" under democratic socialism too, but the liberalisation of the economy made it really grow. Liberalisation is also why China is a superpower.

That is why Marx literally said that communism can only be achieved in liberal industrialized countries but for some reason all the revolutions took place in colonial or feudal economies.

So commies are dumb?

No communism had more appeal in countries where the economic divide was more stark, developed countries in the west negated any revolutionary potential because they created welfare nets that incentivized people to not go full revolutionary socialist. Which is ironic because the western liberal countries are the only ones with the technologically advanced productive forces to even be able to run a socialist economy. It’s a shit show.

Classic case of the Nirvana fallacy

Also Marx was not a utopian lol.

The Nirvana fallacy here is thinking socialism would be superior because capitalism is performing unsatisfactorily.

your brand of capitalist bullshit is a nirvana fallacy. I hope you get lynched by a mob of unemployed people since the US is so perfect and handling COVID-19 so perfectly. I will be in that mob, neolib.

Looks like you're sending a lynch mob of strawmen right now cause you very well know that my 8-year old sister could kick your limp-wristed Chapo butt.

I don’t even post on chapo you libcuck



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Oh no

God I love this sub.