Intersex Chad dominates cishet sub with his Reddit achievements

1  2020-05-01 by AuntyAbortion


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Have you publicly called out the CEO of Intel for the untrustability of their encryption blackbox silicon? Have you explained at an ELI5 level the feasibility and utility of peer-to-peer communications network routing? How about explaining fast fourier transforms to a college kid? These are just the things in computer science I've been gilded for.

That doesn't count the parts where I picked up the comment of an actual climate scientist that demolishes every single claim made... Or the two years worth of reddit gold other people gifted me just for being the flagbearer of that comment.

That doesn't cover where I kneecapped a transphobe's Loaded Question in an AMA in /r/science. Oh, and then there was the one where I explained morphological diversity and the evolutionary basis of intelligence in Aves and Mammalia.

That doesn't cover the comments where I haven't been gilded, like when I shredded the methodology of a trash poll conducted to produce misleading public support figures on the question of whether trans people ahould be allowed to use a restroom.

This is pathetic even for l*rdfinn.

Have you explained at an ELI5 level the feasibility and utility of peer-to-peer communications network routing?

He thinks answering an ELI5 post somehow qualifies as a life accomplishment that others would envy? Okay.......

me have you know me get reddit point. me better than you.

Never, in all my life, have I ever seen someone in more dire need of a paying job.

Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Intersex Chad dominates cishet sub ... -,

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In their mind:


> God Mode ON!

While in reality you couldn't be more "*"-slurred

me smart, me cool, me think reddit represent real life. people like me reddit, me cool person real world.

This...Is this not a copy pasta?

A lot of things just made sense if it isn’t.


B-slur only speaks in pastas.


Account suspended for targeted harrassment.

Что «Бардфинн»?

This...Is this



And all that work smashed to pieces with one line:

There, there, PHP is sort of like programming.

Fuckin wrecked

There, there, PHP is sort of like programming

I searched high and low for the lie, for it was not in sight.

that's pretty cringe bro

Interesting hypothesis, at least superficially.

But digging deeper I note that you don't have any gilded comments, which suggests the Reddit community don't find any value in what you have to offer.

Did more than 10,000 Redditors up vote you for saying trans rights are human rights?

No. And I'll have you know I once contributed to some source code for the right click menu on Windows 2000 and I've kept the same keyboard ever since because I'm unemployed and can't afford a new one, so you had better pay attention to my capitalised letters because all of them require opening the character map, searching, copying and pasting.


I once contributed to some source code for the right click menu on Windows 2000

No way this tard worked for Microsoft.


Have you used M$ products? It makes sense, especially if it's Winblows.

snappy. now


The thing is, that once someone has been a scientist, they never stop being a scientist. They never stop thinking rationally and critically

This person works in a stem field and never interacted with someone who had a serious mental breakdown?

Makes me think they might be full of shit.

This person works in a stem field and never interacted with someone who had a serious mental breakdown?

They're interacting with themselves on a daily basis.

Wow! Have you publicly called out the CEO of Intel for the untrustability of their encryption blackbox silicon?

This is a very interesting way to say you've made a Reddit comment.

He was also Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2006.

I unironically think they are someone who's had a serious mental breakdown.

Apparently used to have a 6-figure sysadmin job back in 2001 but is now permanently unemployed and must have written millions of words essayposting, doesn't sound like someone fully in control of their lives to me.

I'm too lazy to dig up links but they've made posts to twitter about having been locked up in the psych ward on more than one occasion.

It's on Reddit as well. I have since found a lengthy comment explaining how he was a psychiatric inpatient for a while after a breakdown stemming from being raped by his girlfriend.

He doesn't hold any aspect of his private life back. Literally know more intimate details about his inner demons than I do about my own wife's.

Penny also claims to hold multiple patents used in purportedly ubiquitous devices but for some reason I'm not able to find anything matching her name(s) as either an inventor or applicant searching the USPTO full text and image database.

he post many time about mom. he mom hate him (it not surprising) so he probably cry cry about mom and lose job. me no say he lose friend because he no have friend before either.

I don't believe they ever had a job remotely close to what they claim. I have a engineering job working mega projects globally. Massive budgets, lots of regulation, constant travel, and extreme stress at times. In the course of 16 years, i have had two nervous breakdowns. You don't just loose your job in a high pay, high skill, difficult to replace postion because if a nervous breakdown.

It's too fucking expensive to replace people like that in these positions.

If the breakdown's bad enough and the person in question has inadequate social support then they can end up dropping out of society on their own volition though, or getting fired if the company is unsupportive, they're thought to be a danger to the workplace, their behavior is consistently inappropriate, they're not getting better, etc. I could see a mid-career unappreciated/overworked sysadmin having a breakdown and never managing to recover, just slipping away into the internet fantasyland BF now occupies. It's really easy to keep living like an invalid when you have an internet connection and no friends or family to help pick you up.

just post "lmao retærd" and spare your keyboard Jesus christ


you post many word. why use many word? me use few word, people like few word because people no read many word.


Didn't Бардфинн once claim to have a kid? I hope the other parent has custody.

Also, assuming that you indeed are talking about whom I think you’re talking about, I’m starting to think that there must be a correlation between identifying as träns (especially today, now that it’s become a social movement) and being genuinely mentally ill—and before you try to clean me up, I’m not saying that tränsexuality is a mental illness, I’m suggesting that mentally ill people are likely to latch on to the träns community.

I don’t mean mood disorders either, I mean genuine psychotic disorders where you truly lose your connection with reality. Chris-Chan’s behavior for the past 5 years is a good example of what I mean.

We are all personally attacked right now and lash out because you utter the truth.

It's hard for me to imagine someone who "sat on peer review" (not an achievement, by the way, even students are given papers to review) could genuinely believe such a statement. Even moderate contact with the peer review process will teach you that a lot of scientists are full of shit and are more interested in gaming the system and pumping out a lot of citations than they are in thinking rationally and critically about their own assumptions.

Its not even academia. In the private sector, mental health issues are not unique.

And don't get me started on how engineers are fucking experts on shit well beyond their fucking discipline.

And don't get me started on how engineers are fucking experts on shit well beyond their fucking discipline.

Doctors are the exact same way.

If you’re a coauthor on a single paper on x subject you’re almost guaranteed to be asked to be a peer reviewer for similar papers for like 5 years. It’s the thankless jannie task of the academia world

The thing is, professor pass on peer reviews to their students all the time. If you submitted a paper to a conference, odds are a Ph.D. student who never published in the field will be reviewing it and deciding if it gets in or not.

me think academic have many problem and no about real learn anymore.

me was read comment and think "who dum dum enough to think comment matter?" then me read name and me realize dum dum the big dum dum who cry about mom and reddit all time. then me laugh and me feel glad me not anything like that dum dum.


Due to repeated abuse from users who file flood false harassment reports, you are not allowed to use the term [Bardfinn] anymore. Please do not use this term in comments, postings, or whatever.

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Sort of nice to see _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ actually arguing with someone instead of just locking every comment.

How'd you even find this

A kind and talented nerd released a new PushShift web interface allowing us to search for comments by user again.

I used to use but they removed the option to search by user due to pressure from "victims of harassment", which rendered it completely useless.

Instructions for use:

  1. Choose your favourite lolcow

  2. Type in their name

  3. Choose an insightful word or phrase that may indicate drama.

  4. Enjoy the lolcow drama gallery!

Lmao thanks. I just did a quick look for Bslur with the word “tráñsmísic” and the second result he commented “Träñšwômêñ are b1ological wømën” 😆 and of course the long post after that I didn’t read that’s probably bad science to back up xer absolutely bonkers statement.

I'm probably one of the most pro-troid people here and even I think that's a fucking RETARDED statement.

The “întersex” story is eerily reminiscent of “Jessica” Yaniv’s claims to have been born a hermaphrodite.

It's amazing for padding out a character's backstory.

He has a fully functional vagina which was sewn up at birth.

Depsite this, somehow fathered a child (search for "wife" and scroll all the way down. Link to comment no longer works)

Still plays Second Life

His character looks like a cheap Real Doll knockoff

Had an abusive mother who abused him so severely it somehow led him to being raped?

His rapist was a 5'2" girlfriend of his. He claims he is 6'3" and she tied him up with "fluffy handcuffs" and raped him in their cruise ship cabin.

He claims to be a retired scientist as well as an out-of-work sysadmin following a mental breakdown that required a week in psychiatric hospital.

It is SO funny. I knew he was a productive cow, but there's a goldmine here.

This is brilliant ... but it kinda needs to be moved to a different, more freewheeling site (you know the one). We needed to keep ourselves safe, and we all know that there totally are retärds on this sub who would send Penny le epic funni PMs.

And god damnit, I refuse to lose /r/drama in the middle of a lockdown.

Lmfao holy shit if super powers were a thing, his would be “mentally ill”


you can make ur Second Life character whoever u want it to be

so i just love that he made his character look like an Oklahoma dive bar hostess, then set the titty slider to maximum

This description is uncanny.

I'm aware of the site. I was wondering what compelled you to even search this out in the first place. Weirdo.

I'm a drama poster in lockdown 🤷‍♂️

Probably search for some even weirder stuff later when I've clocked off from "working fr home".

You are truly doing God's work.

I’m glad to see that, should I get y’alled, my contributions will remain visible for all time.

Um, sweaty, Penny Barfdimm clearly uses she/her pronouns.


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Hi jaredschaffer27!

This is libel, and harassment - a civil tort, and a violation of the Reddit Content Policies.

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Sysadmins are the engineers of IT. A lot of them have a messiah complex and highly skilled ones are inevitably socially awkward


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Going up the thread is the real gold

Or we could look at our respected /finnslur/gilded and /veritasserum/gilded comments and tote up just what we have each done on Reddit that's in the scientific spirit.


This is literally how this manbaby wants to measure his achievement.