World news thread brings out Reddit’s oddest pet cause. Outlawing male circumcision. One brave soul dares to go against the grain.

1  2020-05-01 by istural


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No one cares more about another man’s dick than a redditor

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. World news thread brings out Reddit... -,

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Choice ????? Who da fuck willingly chooses to cut some of their dick off ? Isn't it the parents making the choice ?

I’m drawing a blank, but I swear I’ve seen this response before on a different topic on this site but was labeled as “b1gotry”



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Did Iceland back down? What cowards.

Ugh why do these stinky MRAs always make it about them???

Shit idk maybe cause FGM only happens in shithole countries whereas male circumcision happens in places that should know better and is actually relevant to the people posting on this site

How dare people who've had their genitals mutilated act like they have some business being mad about genital mutilation lmao

I support male circumcision because reddit hates it more than a healthy population should.

they aren't healthy theyve been circumcised dumbass

You think about our cut cocks more than we do. That isn't healthy.



Why does that make you support it?

It's because they're all p*dos that think of the genitals of children far too often.

Great minds think alike.

That's why I support fossil fuels and am pro-life


Mah granpappa cut a piece of mah pappa's dick off and mah pappa cut a piece off of mah dick off too. Ah won't stand for no namby-pampy liberal degenerate campaign to take away a father's right to cut off a piece of his son's penis, I just won't.

You guys 😂 it's only normal because you think it's normal.

A lot of them literally say "I want his to look like mine" like bruh what's goin on over in burgerland

like bruh what's goin on over in burgerland

They are fat and stupid is all we need to know 😂

Europoors mad that all the porn they consume has cut men that women prefer.

Come to r/penectomy for all your circumcision needs 🤗

r/wholesome r/mademesmile r/sounding

Why would anyone support the non-therapeutic circumcision of babies?

its peak redditer shit that doesn't matter

I love when they bring up cases of adults that got the cut (mazel) and the complaints of loss of feeling, ergo it's bad. What they conveniently leave out is most post neo-natal operations are after the damage is done.

It literally does not matter lmao.

It's been an internet debate far longer than Reddit's been around.


the dramanaut seethes

Prime europosting hours. It’s to be expected

well, i was surprised. maybe i shouldnt have been

They’re just mad because European girls prefer American cock.


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Yeah, because Burgers think that anything said in a British accent is classy.

Only if they are getting paid.

i support male genital mutilation because of how many burger daddies are like "😮 i'd love to finally try uncut, cum over"

Why do Americans on reddit come out with these obviously fake family stories about how their cousin had dick cheese problems due to not being mutilated? They act like talking about that casually to your extended family is totally normal and Americans don't shower daily

Well, europoor baguettes, pasta n***ers, and gallegos only shower like 3 times a week.
