B@sed Rutgers professor and /r/Drama m0d candidate, Dr. G, gets the race card pulled on him by a disadvantaged cheater.

1  2020-05-02 by Iowa_Hawkeye


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ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


  1. B@sed Rutgers professor and /r/Dram... - archive.org, archive.today

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I'm just blown away there aren't more Chinese students involved in this.

Some might say that Rutgers is a better university than the average Rice-cell can manage to get into with their 50-80 TOEFL "I like Lamp" score. However I've known a few Rutgers graduates and they were all pretty spastic.

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I personally love passing gas- my reasons are mostly around how it pops and bangs out of me, like two big sheets of wet skin flapping together with a staccato sort of noise that you just can't enjoy anywhere else.

I especially love doing it on the bus and locking eyes with someone near me, whilst I force it out of me. Its one of life's simple pleasures that costs nothing. You should enjoy every fart you do. Because one day you'll be dead.

I'm just blown away there aren't more Ch:nese students involved in this.

Some might say that Rutgers is a better university than the average R:ce-c€ll can manage to get into with their 50-80 TOEFL "I like Lamp" score. However I've known a few Rutgers graduates and they were all pretty sp*stic.


Reminder that Elizabeth Warren is a Rutgers grad lmao.


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I think it's possible that Chinese students who cheat would use different methods of cheating than non-Chinese students. I'd bet there are plenty of Chinese language websites they can use and the language barrier would serve as an extra blanket of security.

But I wouldn't know anything specific about Rutgers, they're way too low ranked for me to have considered them lmao

In Canada, universities are using special weighting system to balance the grades Chinese students get in "their" high schools during application process.

Over time unis like Waterloo realized that they have a massive number of Chinese students who got in with 95% from HS and then 1st year of uni, they drop like fucking flies that they are.

they drop like the fucking flies that they are

Fucking lol


Math department at Waterloo is still 90% Chinese


Helicopter parents and text books at home.
Freedom and drugs in the dormitory.

Much simpler explanation than cheating.

Bateaters use wechat to cheat because you need a China ID to create an account.

lmfao no you don’t?

i’ve done it on an australian phone number tf you on about

Yeah you don't the chinese version of wechat on your.

it doesn’t even matter. we chat is just chinese whatsapp.

if you cheated via whatsapp, it’s not like your university is going to try and subpoena whatsapp.


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My mother uses wechat and she doesn't have a Chinese ID.

Did she download it from the app/play store? then its not the WeChat bateaters use.

She downloaded it in China when she came to visit me and discovered whatsapp didn't work.

Look, you're going to have to accept you're wrong on this. Try to do so without making a mess of the carpet.

If you think I haven't already accepted that I'm wrong about everything I type then you are not welcome in my ardrama

You keep on being you.

I'm just blown away there aren't more Ch:nese students involved in this.

They aren't idiots was how they cheat

Yep, saw it in some of my courses where we'd take exams electronically in a huge lecture hall.

The tests were simple too, I aced everything and I didn't even go to the lectures for that class.

Arabs from the UAE, Saudi and Qatar were notorious from cheating at my university. They actually had a code with pencil taps in one class

I won the undergrad research competition because the only other project that was comparable to mine turned out to have been entirely faked by the Saudi kids. Like they just didn’t do any of the research and just made up all the data and results. Was almost impressively ballsy cheating

Isn't what they did a reflection of how most of the world works anyway?

Except for the fact that they were caught and faced minor consequences, yes

We should applaud their progressive "this is just human nature, deal with it" stance on cheating and beatings.

Nah, the world at least starts with a working prototype before horrendously butchering it and pretending that they didn't. Management gotta manage, what do those lowly engineers know?

Military training advisors hate training Middle E@stern nations for exactly this reason.

Arabs will literally put more work into cheating than studying and acing the test would have taken.

Chinese students know basic calculus already

I've worked in a Chinese highschool and, trust me, the ones who don't do well in the Gaokao and end up having to study abroad cos tbey can't get into a good university back home are not good at math.

So you're saying a sexpat😳

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Imagine having to go to the richest most prosperous country on earth because you didn't score high enough in your totalitarian hell hole.

It's true tho: the Chinese who wash up in American universities are the ones not smart-hard-working enough to get through their insane high-school graduation exam.

There's a difference between people who go in a scenario where the college pays for them(Mostly for PhDs, some for Master's) and those who pay their own way to a foreign uni.
Foreign unis love the latter, I remember during some screwdriver attacks in Australia they suddenly began distributing pamphlets for unis there at our school because incoming student numbers were falling and they pay the most. But pretty much everyone knows why they are going there, no one goes to study for UG at a no name college halfway across the world paying 100X what they would back home if they had good options back home. Hell we even have medifags who don't get in then go off to E Europe or China to study there, then they come back and can't pass the qualifiers.

East Asians are generally academically clever and work hard. Universities unironically have to be racist when it comes to entrance tests to stop them from being overrun by Asians.

Imagine being surprised that they didn't cheat.


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😂😂😂 ya 😂😂😂 right

Chinese/Indians already have cheating systems setup that don't involve Chegg. While these people were copying the answer from Chegg, they were probably sent a completed test with multiple ways to answer each question.

All Chinese students cheat, but not by using chegg. Each year of students keeps all their class materials and just gives it to the next year. There's some sort of hivemind going on where all Chineses care about helping all other Chineses.


Not the case. Chinese students will share if you ask them, since the more eyes on the material the easier it gets. The reason you see a hivemind is because FOBs from the mainland can't speaku da Engrish. In places with more proper immigrant Asians the cheat groups encompass everyone in the class.

You rite. My Chinese buds in undergrad would always let me have copies of old tests but I'm a good boy who would white out the answers on my copy so I could do the test questions myself to learn.

There's some sort of hivemind going on where all Chineses care about helping all other Chineses.

This sounds awesome but it isn't true. Ch:nese society is heavily built on a concept called "guanxi"- you help others out so then they have to help you in return. There's a whole network of favors and kickbacks built up in a lifetime- obligations to others but also a bunch of people you can call in a pinch. Far from being a hivemind it's more a very complex structure of enlightened self-interest.

Race consciousness. Like class's, but without the disgusting p**rs.

Why don't they enlighten themselves to actually learning the material instead of how to cheat?

Tfw you'll never have an insectoid hivemind to help you cheat in class. 😒

If they cheat, they would not be caught using chegg. They already have their own system.

In other words, whoever got caught in this is not because of racism, it is because they are idiots.

Lmao Chinese students cheat but not in fucking Calc 1, they start calculus fundamentals before high school.

The Chinese students are smart enough to use private chats and do it in a different language.


Man i love lamp is such an old meme

I love desk.

I agree, this is really not fair: those people deserve to be compensated for 80 avg. IQ and should be allowed to browse Muh Cheg during exams, even in-person.


I love how these kind of posts try to be ultra-woke but then end up sounding racist as shit when they imply that minorities are so stupid that they need to cheat. I don't know how anyone typed that with that little self-awareness.

I respect your opinion but you're in an overwhelming minority

OP calling a minority a super minority, BIG YIKES!

Look you stupid fuck, you’re a stupid minority okay? Why are you pretending you were smart enough to not cheat in the test? I’m white I think I know what’s going on here.

Blacks can't do math

Maths is racist. Fact.


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This weird lil' motherfucker's brain is irreparably broken. They spend virtually all their their time on Reddit looking for opportunities to apologize on behalf of wh¡te womxn (actually pretty based 😎). As far as I can tell they're a person of trans who fetishes bl@ck wømen and has projected their own self loathing and image issues into some sort of bizarre progressive stack-themed racial inferiority complex. Take a look, it's one of the most uniquely pathetic post histories I've seen on here in a long time.

I sincerely hope this isn't offensive, and if any POC wants me to delete this post l have no problem doing that.

Black women are just so unbelievably beautiful. Beauty that, as white women, we will just never be able to achieve. At best, we can only hope to have a superficial, base level version. To have such grace despite suffering such hardship at the hands of our people is truly inspiring.

Black women are just so unbelievably beautiful. Beauty that, as white women, we will just never be able to achieve. At best, we can only hope to have a superficial, base level version. To have such grace despite suffering such hardship at the hands of our people is truly inspiring

I mean seriously, this is like some rejected dialogue out of that Key and Peele horror movie. What specific combination of mental illnesses and subculture socialization leads to thinking so disordered that you would share this opinion? It's transcendently repulsive, like some sort of bizarre white guilt tesseract.

BONUS ROUND: [lolcow newfriend is feeling vv lonely and gives their own riff on the cth private sub copypasta](reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/gakw51/in_30_minutes_at_830_pm_edt_raskhistorians_will/fp1awmd/?context=3)

ok but isn't this pretty obviously a JoeKeskold-style troll, i mean, they are saying they had thoughts of self-harm from /r/AskHistorians being down for one hour, could they be any more obvious?

I don't think so, the use pattern seems wrong. Usually troll accounts are younger with more regular posting. If they were posting bait, they had tons of opportunities to follow up on anybody who bit, but they hardly took any of them. The biggest thing in favor of the troll argument is that they've been here six years and don't seem to have found circlebroke, the troidosphere, or lefty Reddit. Personally think/hope they're just a braindead sad sack, but you might be right.

that seems to argue in favor of a different but known troll flavor, a drive-by shitposter.

YES! This. So much this. This is how we should treat ALL racists.

You behave in a racist way - you break the social contract - you get expelled from society. Instantly. No second chances, no debate about context or 'but they're kids'. Done. Finished. Your opportunity for a good life is now over. It ended when you decided to be a racist.

Enjoy providing for your family, if you can even have one now, without graduating high school and having this be the first thing that pops up when people search you for the rest of your miserable life.

As White folk we need to start facing consequences for our actions.<

How about this one? Feels a little too performative to be real but it definitely could be.

That one could easily be real, sure. But even watermark gets off tons of legit-seeming dumb comments right here in our /r/drama, yet we know he's jez playin when he occasionally goes a bit too far. Much like this guy claiming trauma from 1 hour of no history questions.

What specific combination of mental illnesses and subculture socialization leads to thinking so disordered that you would share this opinion?

I don't know, but I know it's mental ret@rdation that leads to taking bait this obvious.

I don't know how anyone typed that with that little self-awareness.

They don't know they're dumb, they just think math is rayciss

Wokiest are statistically one of the least diverse political groups in the nation. Ironically, POC wokies are basically tokens

I know for a fact that discussions happened yesterday in the PRRC Zoom in terms of persuing action against Mr. G and possibly demanding his resignation

tfw you get busted cheating on a test and just 24 hours later your demented mind has twisted reality so much that you now think it's fair to demand the professor's resignation for catching you

googled PRRC btw

The Paul Robeson Cultural Center provides opportunities for students to receive a culturally diverse and enriching educational experience by showcasing the contributions of African-Americans to American culture and the international community through literature, science, activism and the arts.

They are showcasing cheating 🤣

They are literally using the fact that the people who were caught cheating are upset as a proof that they were mistreated.

So its where they all post their mixtapes and link their soundclouds?

Yep. Dealt with something like this when an employee tried to retaliate when we had disciplinary action against him. He didn’t think to himself ‘look what I did’, but rather ‘look what they did to me.’

The funniest part is that you know this professor is a complete woke leftoid himself.


Dr G is so goddamned based.

It's a super blatant troll but hey, he's hooking them some how

some how

considering they go to rutgers and use reddit that shouldnt be a surprise

13% of the student body does over 50% of the cheating.

Nah you got a few other small % to add on to that

Pretty sure Chinamen make up more than 13% of the student body.

* 53%

I also think that Mr (Yes, mister) G needs to speak up clearly to us. Not make posts gloating and humiliating people when he feels like it and then hide in the shadows when things become inconvenient.

Not even calling based Dr. G a Dr.

It's funny because none of them will be doctors now.

Thanks Dr. G!


It would be sick if he added at the end:

furthermore there were ZERO Chinese students caught cheating, and that’s not just because they weren’t, I spoke to many poa (people of asian) students who were just cheating in a more sophisticated and sneaky way.

cheating in a more sneaky way

So it were (((those))) people of asian


A reflection on our darkest hour

I love this community. It is why I chose to moderate it. It is also why my co-mods made that choice and all the mods before. Today has been r/Rutgers’s darkest hour. The things we have seen have been downright crazy

As we ride out the last week of spring 2020, I ask everyone to take a minute of every day and do nothing. Close your eyes, and breathe. We live in unprecedented times. And with unprecedented times come unprecedented occurrences. The events today will be remembered by some as comical, others bovine, indifferent, maybe even distressed. Online school has everyone anxious, from the change in responsibilities to the events happening around us. It would be absurd to say it hasn’t affected everyone in some way. So take a moment, and breathe.

A friendly reminder to abide by all site rules. Just because we are in a pandemic does not mean they can be skirted, and very few of you have, but it goes without saying

You are the community we create. You decide what kind of community you want that to be. Stay safe -Desh

I love this community. It is why I chose to moderate it.

But surely one would choose to moderate such a large forum for the monetary compensation provided? I'm confused.

Your confusion will only grow when you realise they do not receive recompense.

While I STRONGLY agree with protest as method of invoking change, I would ask that you please do not inact another protest of this type.

People depend on Reddit, and this sub, for companionship and even just for 'routine'.

Shutting this sub could have caused many people to self-harm or worse. Personally, I experienced many intrusive thoughts during the protest - and have only now regained my composure enough to write this message.

Just a gentle request for thought and compassion.

🤣😂🤣 this fucking guy.

have only now regained my composure enough to write this message.

This generation, male and female, are like a bunch of Victorian era ladies that fall on their fainting couch and require smelling salts when they hear an inelegant turn of phrase. Can you imagine what will happen to this country when they are in charge and we face a threat from a less gentile country? Their invading army will only need to misgender them causing them to commit suicide in order to conquer this country without ever firing a shot.

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Liberal arts schools man. Not all of the students are like that, but there are more that are.

I go to a liberal arts school... 90% of the student pop is normal but 10% is insane


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What are you working towards, a bachelors in gãy sęx?

Actually lesbian trans body dance therapy

isn't rutgers a middling public school tho?

Looks like it's been public since the 40s or 50s, but was a private liberal arts college before that. The question then becomes how long it takes a school being public to get rid of the liberal arts influence.

Hahahaha oh no no no no no

My first boss in Korea went to Rutgers and he managed to get trapped in his own office after he fitted a lock to the door with no inside latch.

It is. It has delusions of grandeur because one of its campuses was founded in 1766 tho.

Imagine being founded as a private institution a century before Cornell was founded as a land grant institution, but getting snubbed by the Ivies while Cornell was allowed to join. 🤣🤣🤣

If your continuing existence is dependent on Reddit's glass servers working at all times it's probably time to just finish the job.

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay. You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.

You are silly, or humorless or reactionary.


ofc this is downvoted.

the absolute state of arrdrama

They took the, “Reddit is a privilege not a right” pill

That "collage" could use a extreme g*mer moment


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THAT'S IT! I can't take this anymore! Someone, anyone, please make Dr G a m0d. I don't *care* if he doesn't know what we are. I don't *care* if he literally won't do anything as m0d (honestly that can only be a plus).

He effortlessly causes a perfect balance of c*pe and s*ethe. He embodies our essence perfectly.

Careful man Mr. G is my alt

Just look at this guy's reddit history. He's clearly a troll and so many people are being baited.

Had me hook line and sinker until I checked out her, she identifiers as a tr@ns woman, post history.

I actually think it she might be something much worse than a troll...I think we found the Giga Redditor.

Somebody posted 4 months ago about meeting up with her IRL in the MtF sub.

I'm always wary of meeting new people but I had such a fun girly day today with uSLASHJudgeJudySwag and uSLASHPetuniaProudlock. We did absolutely nothing other than sit together in Monument Park putting the world right and drinking coffee yet it was the most fun day I've had in years.

I guess the motto is sometimes you have to take a chance in life. I did and now two strangers who were (supportive and hilarious!) words on a screen have now become sisters.

maybe its just a legendary gigatroll

nah what am i saying i think im C😂PING at this point

> but I had such a fun girly day today with uslashJudgeJudySwag and uslashPetuniaProudlock.

> such a fun girly day

> gilrly day

...you literally can't make this shit up

Link to dr G post

That’s it sweaty, Dr. G is officially CANCELLED.

In a statement from the Title IX campus office has authorized that all professors allow students that fall under a protected class to be allowed full access. Students must submit a DNA sample before finals in order to determine their wh*teness to see it they are disqualified.

As a result of these new changes, we regret to inform that test scores have not improved.

This may be the first seriouspost I've done in years, but coming from a white dude I actually feel bad for you guys. Like, deadass there many ways in which minorities have it worse in the US and those things need to be addressed. My issue is that I don't always know how to differentiate between the genuine and the bullshit accusations of racism in any given situation, sometimes it is obvious (like this) and other times it's not. Sometimes I feel like its somewhere in between.

Throw in the fact that, in certain institutions, a lot of these accusations will be taken seriously no matter what and it starts to get really worrying. If I was the professor I'd be hitting up a lawyer fucking TODAY and keeping my fucking head down because this could seriously raise a fucking storm and possibly ruin his life if they can create a narrative of racial discrimination.

Idk what to do man. How do you navigate a topic with this many landmines?

Gross. Ick. Punching down. Maybe, just maybe, this is so important. Does anyone else? I just felt the need to spread awareness. Daily, friendly, not so friendly reminder that you are a good person and they are extremely suss.

Nigga if you cheating and get caught you not black

Dr. G

they ain't showing this nigga respect

/r/drama should write to Ted K. and ask to get Dr. G to Hall of M0d Fame of /r/drama

That's the only way.

"This is textbook Antisemitism. If this man's surname wasn't Feldheim, it wouldn't be on the front page. That is a fact. People are so jealous of us - and it kills them to see us make a profit."

From the post history. Every time.

black cheaters matter

Why is it that less than thirteen percent of the student body are involved in over fifty percent of academic integrity violations?

Best of all, OP is a white Jew.

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Best of all, OP is (((white))).

African American students are massively underrepresented in Mr G's class (and on campus, but that's for another thread) yet somehow almost all of them that I've talked to were caught up in the cheating scandal


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Honest question, why does this matter? If you go to a low-level university like Rutgers, you're just one of the millions of disposable masses anyway, no better than an ant. Why do we allow these people to have individual subreddits? They should all be put into one big subreddit, '/r/edudrones'.


Damn, Dr G. look like that? I never imagined a Redditor to look like this!



If looking up an answer to ensure you're providing the correct solution is cheating then maybe Academic standards should change to better serve the students paying thousands of dollars to attend university.

Stop being so poor.

Imagine going to college

Was Me. G a swimming instructor?


Couldn’t even spell ‘pursuing’ right.




Is the original thread gone