Landlord appreciation subreddit

1  2020-05-03 by Fughtmeulilbitch

With all the hate to LandLords in Reddit, I think a subreddit dedicated to making memes about shitty renters and which exacerbated the important role of landlords in society would create lots of seething. It’d probably get as many lolcows as r/Banvideogames . What do you think 🤔


why would you want to own a home when you can own a capitalist on the internet by calling them an obscure insult that only makes sense to you and your internet friends?

This is great work

womp womp


  1. Landlord appreciation subreddit -,

  2. r/Banvideogames -,*

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Do it, It'd get the chapos uncontrollably seething



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How do I convert to non-practicing Judaism

I think you just marry a Jewish girl with big soft tits and say some words. Just like an apology, you don't have to mean what you say. It's just words to make other people feel better.

How about "مرگ بر آمریکا, مرگ بر اسرائیل"

Or maybe just do one of these things to indicate my solidarity with the Palestinian people and woke multicutlural sensitivity to Arab culture

Or "Not so sure about the six mil figure, khazar milkers make it all worth it though"

Perhaps just hold this picture up and loudly refer to it as "based"

If memory is space, then CPU is time. State is a particular geometrical arrangement of matter and energy in space at a particular, discrete moment in time. The CPU is a machine that manages the transitions between particular states in memory, the geometry and space of its universe.

Is time instantaneous, or is it discrete? Does the Planck limit represent the fundamental discrete unit of time, or is it the point at which the exact continuous arrangement of time is no longer measurable or observable?

Is space continuous, or is it discrete? This is essentially the ancient debate between the atomists and the monists. Supposedly the atomists were correct, except we keep on finding further and further subdivisions of atoms and the subdivisions of those subdivisions. Perhaps it is turtles the whole way down?

If reality is continuous, then the ultimate math that describes reality is continuous, it is calculus. If reality discrete, then the math that describes reality is ultimately discrete. Integration would be an approximation of summation of units too small to be discernible, simplified to infinite.

The CPU and memory are machines that are inherently discrete, they have no concept of continuity, the floating point algorithms are merely a discrete approximation of continuity, becoming more and more approximate as the number of significant figures in the actual continuous value attempting to be represented increases. If reality is discrete, then reality could be simulated; however it would require a universe some multiple the size of ours to contain the machine for doing so, current DRAM requires roughly one transistor per bit, which is at it's smallest 12 atoms, even in our wildest dream maybe we can contain a bit in an atom.

The word length of the processor would have to be larger than the largest numbers necessary to describe all of the various properties of atoms, like with our theoretical one atom bit memory in a 64 bit architecture that's 64 atoms right there, you'd need that many for whatever the largest number you needed to represent. And that's one property of one atom, how many fundamental properties of each atom are there that all need to be kept track of for every atom? The vast majority of these bits would be set to 0, unless you attempted to do ad hoc compression everywhere to save space, which would slow down your CPU. And just like simulating the space of reality would require an absurd multiple of the actual space in reality, by definition real time simulation would be impossible, there's no way a CPU can exist that can be fast enough to simulate all the discrete transitions between states in reality as fast as those states themselves occur.

Like it needs a bit of time somewhere to do something else after it's managed the transition of the state in the property of that atom, that bit of time cannot by definition exist, if it uses the next slice of Planck unit time to do something else by definition it's now simulating that property at half the speed of actual reality. How many transitions can it possibly manage at once on average? Divide that by the average number of transitions that are required in any one clock tick, and you have the average fraction of the speed of real time you'd be simulating at.

If reality is continuous, it cannot be simulated by computers. At best you can do less and less fuzzy approximations.

This is what happens when you make English majors take STEM, they wind up in compsci because it's the STEM that literally a monkey could do, get prescribed Adderall to force themselves through the study material, and then become mediocre programmers who while tweaking occasionally shit out pointless gibberish like the above which is basically like a Markov chain of the words they read in the computer science books, trendy popsci garbage, and reddit posts where people were trying to sound smarter than they are. This process of this post coming into existence, and it's consequences, was not pleasant for either of us.

Know you did this to yourselves. My brain on Adderall tweaking is the only component of the universe that is without limit. What I am saying, it could not be simulated by the machine I described above, inevitably you'd reach an overflow limit. Which is basically the processor's way of saying tl;dr. No amount of space is large enough, no @utist has the requisite levels of sp€rg, to successfully intake, process, and integrate into its internal universe, all of the nonsensical gibberish I am capable of regurgitating.

And there are others like me. When enough of us get together, that's when the revolution prophesied by Marx (PBUH) shall occur. We will overthrow the oppressive bourgeois system of imperialist reality and build in its stead a new one, in which we receive our deserved n€€tbux and can cease the oppressive toil of extremely mediocre programming, and instead just play video games, masturbate, and consume t€ndies all day in peace. By forcing us to STEM, by foolishly attempting to integrate the mass of wretchedness into the workforce as supposedly productive members of society, by haughtily believing they could shave that one more bit of fat off of the production line, the bourgeois have sown the seeds of their own demise. They exploited too greedily, too deeply, and awoke the nameless Chapo from its slumber at the bottom of the sea.

How was your weekend WM? Feeling a bit bored in iso at the moment?

I've always wondered, do you have these typed up and ready to go, or is it like a diary where you just unload your mind onto the screen? Xx

Like 99% of the time the message I had a short message in mind and then I keep on getting distracted with tangents, in the past this usually flowed out of something related to the thread topic but then I literally just started opening up a random thread, writing a bit of copypasta in reply to a top post, and then going from there until I get tired enough at having wasted time. I tend to be tangential even at the best times, Adderall compounds the issue.

If you'll notice in these posts as you get further and further along the more and more the posts start to resemble one another and be less and less related to whatever the germ was. Just a random dump of whatever points tend to be prominent in my mind at whatever stage in my life that is. Again, it's basically markov chain, a few tangents in and it's pure masturbation. And often at some point I become self conscious, and start turning to self-deprecating jokes (a narcissistic impulse probably motivated by a desire to fish for compliments and sympathy), memes, and references. A very good post has a golden age, a decadence, and a fall.

Sometimes though I have an Adderall crash while writing and literally just stop in the middle of whatever point I was making and just finish off by saying that I wrote the above on adderall.

I do keep a diary of these actually, like whenever I write something to friends or family and I realize I went on way too long I become embarrassed and just scrap the post but I still feel the need to save it somewhere just because of all the sunk cost. I basically never reread this stuff. On /r/drama I never do that because I don't really give a shit about embarrassing myself here. Actually that's true on reddit in general, it's just on most subs when I write a longpost people tend to ignore it or downvote it, so I post it anyway out of spite. Here people tend to ironically upvote it. On chapo they unironically upvote it because those guys will literally read and believe anything. Sometimes they try to cancel me and that's even funnier.

What a beautiful insight into a complex mind.

Stay off the Adderall though, why the fuck do you take it if its making you schizo post like this?

It doesn’t surprise me watermark is on adderall tbh

i feel like if i took LSD and then snorted a line i would write something like this

He's a Pajeet programmer who's hobbies include whores and adderall, not a surprise here.

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When aren’t they?

No, to do that you merely have to call them chapos

What does chapo mean?

ChapoTrapHouse user

Oh oh oh oh oh, can I also piggyback onto this and make it an anti-homeowner thread? I'm still super excited for the radical centrist revolution when we liquidate the homeowner as a class, replacing their houses with high-density apartment buildings made by private companies in an open and competitive market 😁😁😁


Ugh p00rs 🙄🙄🙄

not paying monthly for the right to live in a < 500 square foot shithole in the rough part of town

Why even live?

Chantilly VA Home Prices & Home Values | › chantilly-va › home-values The median price of homes currently listed in Chantilly is $615,995 while the median price of homes that sold is $552,500. The median rent price in Chantilly is ...


Right now the commute, at 9am (off peak!), per Google maps, is just "39" minutes to DC from Chantilly, but that is never true earlier in the morning. So consider a 45 minute commute your best-case scenario. That means you're looking at an hour to 1.5 hours ... or more ... each way. Worse, if there is any kind of accident, and there often are, you could be upwards of 2 hours on a bad day.

Living the dream

>tfw as a homeowner you'll never feel the rush of being unlawfully evicted so your apartment can be subdivided into three overpriced Airbnb rentals

>tfw I'll never having the privilege of having two jobs and still being unable to afford rent


tfw as a homeowner you'll never feel the rush of being unlawfully evicted so your apartment can be subdivided into three overpriced Airbnb rentals

lmao niggas shouldn't have put in land use regulations to aritifially inflate the price of their homes lmao

Yep that is the cause of current average US housing prices inflating at multiples that of inflation every year... some cities land use regulations. Thanks.

Rise in property prices is also inherently tied to rises in rent prices. (Net capital rent) = (total value of national capital stock) * (average rate of return on capital).


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The point of state subsidies of home ownership was to successfully foster a small class of petite bourgeois class traitors who felt like their small little bit of the world they had earned the precious right not to pay rent meant they had made it and were now somehow on the level of the bourgeois themselves. This class would form a loyal voting block for bourgeois parties who bribed them into obedience through mass subsidization of capital ownership. This would never become universal, and was never intended to, as an inherent property of capital is its tendency towards inequality, it's fundamental inability to be scaled down and become a common source of income for the average person, and tendency to become concentrated in the hands of a few. But by throwing a bone and a small fraction of the capital that exists to some not to large fraction of society, they could create loyal running dogs.

Of course, capitalism is as capitalism does, and this inevitably lead to rampant speculation and massive unsustainable increases in real estate prices to levels which have essentially locked the next generation out of ever having any realistic opportunity to own a home. Now they're all turning into communists for some reason.


Like in the 80's you could buy a home with about four years of work at minimum wage, now it is 20, at this rate when the zoomers hit our level it'll be like 100 or something, what the heck are we supposed to say to them then? Just keep on repeating the same old tired old tropes about working hard and not drinking lattes and they'll have one hundred million for an entry level home in no time? Good luck. Boomers lived life on easy mode, now all they are capable of doing is lecturing and shaming us about conditions they do not fundamentally understand and do not have any desire to do so, conditions which are the inherent product of their own set of choices they made the produced the current society, but which they will never acknowledge responsibility for. They will forever live in the alzheimers reality in the head where they paid for college by working part time over summer break and then bought a house for like $5000 dollars a couple of years after starting work, and then voted Reagan forever because history had ended. They think it's still like that, Reagan can't have failed, all these kids have student loans because they're too lazy to work at McDonald's over summer break, they rent instead of buying houses for with a couple years of wages, they refuse to do those hard working jobs that existed in our time just because we shipped them all over to China in exchange for cheap consumer goods.

Now pay your stupidly high rent based on massively bloated housing prices that the federal reserve has decided it is it's one mission in life to ensure never decrease, because that would harm the homeowners that were lucky enough to get in on the bubble early, those precious petite bourgeois class traitors carefully built by Reagan and Thatcher, even though at this point the everbubble has now inflated things to prices where human shelter is worth it's weight in diamonds. I am assuming that we are going to spend all our remaining power and time as a superpower we have left before our inevitable eclipse by China, supporting this project, just printing money to prop up homeowners delusional housing valuations and shaming the next generation for being so entitled they believe that housing human shelter shouldn't be a precious luxury. Let's pretend like that trillions in dollars we're now printing and sending to banks to subsidize mortgages based on asinine valuations, let's pretend like we don't know exactly who's going to wind up holding the bag for that, no it's not socialism because we're literally just sending money to people who already hold capital, and the workers have to pay for it, that's perfectly reasonable.

The best thing in the world is to own capital, besides if society holds capital in common, because if society does that it cannot be subject to its inherent runaway inequality, and the extractive rent will be spread equally rather than fairly going to just a couple guys as God intended. Preferably society will sell off all of its capital that it does hold and instead create more private capital for a few parasites to extract rent from, so that instead of society unfairly spreading the benefit rent equally, society is fairly spreading equally the burden of paying a few parasites rent.

Was that spergout supposed to be interesting? I couldn’t get through the first paragraph of your commie nonsense.

uh george says tax the land haha

This is a really long way of saying "I don't fuck"

insurance fraud has entered the chat

Poor people suck bottom text

Literally lmaoing my ass off out loud 🤣 

This but unironically

Who wants to be a janny?

me, our landlord gave us 2 months free rent 😊😊😊😇😇😇

Good, that’s step 1, for step 2 you must post something that makes someone seethe and I’ll think about it.


I'll do it. For free of course.

Only if uou pay me an average janny salary

Minimum janny wage guaranteed 💯

Oh my, sign me up

I would like to be a jannie please it's been a lifelong dream.

I'll do it if I can put all of my income into a drama retirement fund.

Me! I can type y'all and I'm real good at cleaning things up.

🤢 not deleting lolcows on my landlord friendly sub sweaty 💅🏽

Add mee

Mod me. I promise to do absolutely fuck all, just like the mods of this dumpster fire.

If you make me a janitor, I promise to do the bare minimum in exchange for a salary ranging from the 85th to 95th percentiles for jannies of equal status

Let me do a quick check... yep, looks like that should be about "for free", give or take a few nothing.


Me 🧐

I too will do it for free 💴💴

Will i get to y’all threads?

Uwu pick me

im already a janny of a nearly 300k sub so you know ill do it freely and gladly

I can, but I expect to be paid twice the normal rate!

Ive wanted to be a janny ever since i was in my dad's balls. Please sir if you are so kind let me fulfill my lifelong dream

Never make me a nanny. Never let anyone who wants to be in power in power. Just like Obama he didn’t ask for his help the world USA just needs saving sometimes.


I’d do it, but you’ll have to pay me double what you’re paying the other guys.

I'll do it free of charge 🤗


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Hi ChineseCartoons-!

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I'll do it, for payment equal to the value of my labor of course.

Me 🥰🥰🥰

I don’t know if I’ll actually do any jannying but yeah

I’d do it but I’m too busy picking up my rent checks and paying the electricity a day late.

Unironically me under the sole condition that I am only granted sticky permissions so that I can post radical centrist propaganda.

Literally, if it's anything more than that than no.



i dont want to be a jannie

I'll do it.

As long as we properly shame DJ's landlords like airbnb hosts

Subscribed. Thanks for making this. Sick of seeing commies seething online and slandering hard-working landlords because they chose to be poor.

Hell yeah 😎. Spread the word landlord comrade ✊🏿



Thank you for doing this. Renters suffer from property envy, where they lash out at landlords for working hard to for their purchases and investments.

It is an inherent property of capital, that it does not scale down, and will inevitably be subject to ever greater concentrations in the hands of a few. Believing you can create a society of middle class home owners, is like trying to square the circle, it is an ideology of kooks who are either fools or grifters. Believing that paying a one time price gives you eternal domain over a certain part of the nation, that society is forever honor bound to recognize and spend whatever resources necessary to defend your claim, regardless of whether or not it is in its interests to do so, is extreme foolishness. You can claim these lordship titles you call deeds are "natural rights", you can claim that it isn't the state but God who gave you and your descendants eternal right to extract rent from that piece of land. Well if God is so truly interested in your ability to extract rent on capital then surely you have nothing to fear, he'll stop the blade of that guillotine right in its tracks, just like there is no real need to inform someone of the existence of a natural law like gravity, if the right to extract rent is a natural law, then I don't see why you need to put such effort into convincing others of its reality.

What mayo jargon is this? I tried to play a game of "find the logic" but I couldn't find any.

Private property will never be abolished nor should it Inshallah

not owning a home


This is a great way to appreciate our HVF(riends) who own land! Although I do have to say it’s pretty cringey that people are downvoting the disrenters in the weekly appreciation thread. Remember everyone: don’t downvote the lolivestock. They’re there for us to enjoy and play with, so we’ve got to make sure they think they’re opinion matters with as many orange arrows as we can give. Wouldn’t want to scare the little critters off, now would we?

Finally a place to dump post my freshly composed rental property pasta

As my dad is a landlord you should mod me

Instantly subscribed. If you don't wanna be a tenant then just build a property. It's not that hard.

3 hours

200 subscribers

It's happening!


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Nice. Based landlord ensures I'm not homeless. 👍

Thank you, I’ve been waiting for this.

the name is too obvious

call it AgainstLandlordHate

then the AHScells would also seethe

I should have named it LandLovers.

But I couldnt come up with something good at the time of creation 🤷‍♂️

Fuck landlords.

Haha bet you wouldn’t say that to my landlord, kid. He’s 6’5” and super jacked.

This is like "my dad could beat you up" but even more pathetic


Can't wait for all this "rent strike" shit to backfire in the most hilarious, sanctimonious way.


This is the funnies thing drama has done in years.

My brain melts a little when i read /r/BanVideoGames, similarly to how video games melt people's brains


Oh gee wilikers. People who use their privilege to take land and further exacerbate poverty for the underprivileged sure are funny and cool.



Bless you for making this drama machine

Lol glad you enjoy it 😎
