Woman proclaims height ≠ important, then dates a tall guy. Manletcels rage.

1  2020-05-04 by EggonTurdaryen


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Woman proclaims height ≠ important,... - archive.org, archive.today

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That's a fucking dude making fun of w*men for always saying that..look at his profile

Look at his username, it’s obviously a dude

My man be riling up the vertically challenged

As one ought to

wow they really took the bait on that one. like read the username lmao. redditors, man

Short redditors are worst redditors. Really highlights the comorbidities of dwarfism.

And that's why all manlets should be forcibly converted to homosexuality or transgenderism. Removes shorties/incels from the gene pool.

that's cruel, you can't force them all to be transgender! Just force half of them and put them all in an enclosure so they can date each other. It'll be like a utopia for them and we can watch it like reality tv, call it little brother or something, maybe hunt them for sport.

manlets are the easiest group to trigger lmao.

Must be their short fuses.


Just imagine them bunching up their little hands and stamping their little feet haha

Adorable 😍

It's like having a little brother

The seethe is funnier when some munchkin f*id goes to r/short to talk about how w*men don't care about height while she's dating an NBA player


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b8 eaters

imagine actualy being under 5'7"

imagine being under 6’3 lmao

tfw 6'2" subhuman-cel king of the manlets

dude, I'm 5'7". Do you think we're average height? Lmao


I've recently been going on Omegle and catfishing manlets, it's really worth it their BMI is almost always over 30, and when you call them what they are they scream in pain.

I like making fun of manlets but why does every thread about that turn into reddit pun humor

It's because they're all nerds. Have you ever been stuck with a group of nerds? They are poorly socialized and exclusively communicate through references to media they consume and other easy to remember pre-made remarks like puns and "dad jokes".

Reddit "humor" is on par with fart jokes. This site is so a*tistic that any irony or sarcasm must be tagged with /s otherwise you get angry nerds seething in your inbox.

I once made a sarcastic comment on a car related thread that automatic tránsmissions (apparently robojánnie doesn't like car parts) should be banned. I didn't include the "/s" tag because I'm not a spérg and I got a ton of downvotes and salty replies.


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Every thread on the defaults turns into puns and forced pop culture references. R*dditors have absolutely no creativity and will laugh and clap at anything they recognize.

Everything's been already said on the topic, and because reddit.

the worst part about puns is that they've infiltrated r/drama these past few weeks. this very thread has a sh!tty pun with more upvotes than the parent comment. We act like we're better than the average r-slur than congratulate the use of horrible puns anyway


slash you slash gracierl


Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and bet that this is a dude.