8  2020-05-05 by WyPippo


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The coach is paid $651,132.00 because the college generates a ton of money through their football program. Maybe if those morons majored in something other than gender studies they would understand that.

It generates a ton of money, but all that money goes right back out again paying for the stadiums, trips, crooked doctors, steroids, bribes, lawsuit settlements, abortions, hushmoney, and hookers (male and child).

I bet if you got an honest accounting of all direct and tertiary expenses that only the most popular teams would actually be a net revenue gain for the school.

hookers (male and child)

Are you confusing college football players with ancient Greek aristocrats?

Why do so many libertarians have names starting with J?

Jon and Jand Paul would like to have a word

based US politicians

The Polish pope John Paul II was a based American politician? I underestimated his skills

Jonathan Paulius the second iteration of the Jonathan Paulius was a swiss-army knife, and a based one at that. Do not underestimate him.




Bring me Spiderboy!



No no, that's a coach man, the libertarian awakening comes later in the career, after the brain has been pulverized into slush.

You either end up diddling kids, commiting an incorrect Sudoku, or hitting someone with the gat (Aaron Hernandez).

Or you end up incredibly based and declare mayo w*myn unfit for any sort of public duty; may Allah smile upon Antonio Brown.

Antonio Brown must have some fucked up brain damage after that hit by Burfict.


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can you say rapey?

Even after all that, leather ball game still generates more revenue for the school than majoring in bitch.

le leather ball tehe tehe

This ignores the impacts on enrollment tho. Alabama pre- and post-Nick Saban is pretty different, for example.

I bet if you got an honest accounting of all direct and tertiary expenses that only the most popular teams would actually be a net revenue gain for the school.

Do you have any actual proof of this, or is it a just-so story to rationalize the stupid opinions you want to have?

Do you really have to ask? Most people, even at crappy mid tier schools, are introduced to their college of choice through sports in some way or form.

Which of my propositions are you supporting? It's not clear and I want to know how rude to be in response.

Pick whichever one makes you madder.

I'm going to go have sex with an attractive white woman, instead.

Me too. Wanna high five while balls deep?


We're just gonna throw her away when we're done, so why not?


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Nah, you underestimate how big sports are in the states. College teams make a ton of money (lol but no money for the athletes xD) just off the merch, seats, and tv rights/whatever. Add in all the people who will go to a school just because they have a popular team, and they're good to go.


You're missing the important thing the money goes to, administration, you know, the people who decide the budget. University administration is unironically probably responsible for about half of all the things wrong with the world.

Sports programs are a cash cow for most universities because they don't have to pay their players. Instead they reward them with nice amenities, like gyms, locker rooms, swimming pools, and fancy gifts (don't tell the NCAA).

what kind of """gifts"""?

Giant bags of money with dollar signs on the side of the bag.

Their girlfriend suddenly gets a cushy job in the department

There are like maybe 10 college football teams that turn a profit, and every other sports team is subsidised by football revenue. College athletics are a drain on college finances

this is incredibly false and it's not even funny. a ton of college football teams turn a profit simply due to the increased enrollment.

Ok sure, but I'm saying that a majority of football teams aren't turning some major multi million dollar profit. If you aren't a blue blood you probably are in the red on the balance sheets. And it's probably those same schools that are getting the largest marketing boost from their programs that are having the effect you are talking about

And tv rights

generates a ton of money

Gender Study Major dont know what those words mean

Maybe if those morons majored in something other than gender studies they would understand that.

If they were able to understand that they wouldn't have majored in gender studies in the first place.

Please don't use more significant figures than your source of data

Lol you don’t know shit about the economics of college athletes most major sports teams are big losers and black hole money sinks for the university, except for the major sports schools they do not have a positive return on the vast sums of money wasted

It’s also bc D1 football schools have to compete with literally the fucking NFL to keep coaches anytime one of theirs runs a decent option play.

Football and basketball programs are also probably a net positive for minority enrollment at most schools, tbh

Has any gender studies program produced anything of value, ever?


Wtf i love gender studies now

This is bad for dramacoin.

I dated someone doing her PhD in gender studies for a while so I feel qualified to tell you the answer is absolutely not, unless you count the generation of thousands of pages of contentless jargon to be something of value

How much did she talk about Foucault and Derrida?

Foucault sometimes but never heard of Derrida. She gave me some books at one point so might have been in there

Did she tell you irl to read a book?

Those thousands of pages of jargon serve the purpose of padding out bibliographies with sources.

Nobody verifies the sources, and even if they tried they would find themselves digging through a rabbit hole that spans many generations of academic drivel.

Not to mention the actual theses are based on word games that can only make sense in hyper specific contexts.

Hey they can take that degree and work in a student union for at least 8 years!

It's finishing school for rich white twitter scolds.

So no, emphatically.

Gotta earn those blue checkmarks somehow.

It has produced activists who successfully fight against giving any support to male victims of domestic/sexual violence. That's a win in my book.

Majoring in gender studies is the only way to be prepared for the glorious mayocide. Every other degree is useless.


This but for everyone, constantly, or face execution.

implying gaees are strong enough to lift a weapon


A dildo is not a weapon.

Dildos are dick replacements and dicks are absolutely weapons, therefore dildos are weapons.

How can anyone take you seriously when you've clearly never played San Andreas?

Haven't you heard of bears?

Guillotines monsieur/ madame/ xer

The ram ranch boys alone could take down every Dramat@rd alive.

I don't know what country that flag is for but all the bitches from there are hella ugly

I don't understand how you can't be embarrassed af to put that on a resume.

By being dumb enough to believe the stuff they teach you about how oppressed you are.

If you're part of a grievance group, you're already "the saved", and thus bring about greatness by your mere presence.

Protip: Just identify as non-binary and self diagnose a mental illness and you instantly get enough progressive stack points to not get purged.

Honestly it does. Since eliminates shitty majors that disproportionately affects POC. Now with AA they can replace mayo's in good majors.

college football is essentially a marketing department for the university.


Having high quality faculty, specialty science programs and successful alumni is so 19th century.

Cut all of the degrees and become a NFL team

Why stop there? Dope up all the beefy youth and settle international problems with a steroid football league. Trade in helmets for shivs as well, a right proper blood bowl where you can keep the skulls of your enemies.

At that point do you need a ball? Just cut off someone's head and use that as the ball. It would be like the coin toss, but more brutal.

The best part is that the football program no doubt actually helps less fortunate kangs.

I wonder what the demographics of those departments was? 🤔🤔🤔

Collège football is one of the major reasons poor people in horrible situations are able to get out and get a college education.

There's nothing white people hate more than the black man bettering his position.

Is /r/fragilewhiteredditor the place to make fun of fragile white redditors or is it a place where they go to congregate?


CÝckèd cÝckoldrý

where is /r/fragileblackredditor ? 🤔

White people aren't so insecure they need to make fun of black people. Reality does that for them.

You can find it at /r/whitepeopleoffendedonbehalfofblackpeople

Reddit admins took it away from the racists who created it. Then, the reddit admins gave it to the right kind of racists, the woke racists.

My favorite thing though, is that there's a subreddit with only one post, and zero comments. But that triggered reddit so much that they had to quarantine it. The sub is "blackfathers"

hahaha perfect


I don't see much making fun. I don't see any fun at all. No jokes. All seriouspost seething.

Hope that answers your question 👍

I'm pretty absolutist on free speech and am having trouble finding in what way this could be seen as a free speech issue. Like conservoids aren't demanding there be conservoids study courses.

Declining to pay people to promote a certain message is literally the same as cutting out their tongues.

Yet rightoids complain about websites and universities censoring them all the time.

But leftoids aren't being censored, one of their impressively useless departments is just being rid of. I'm sure if a gendoid wants to give a lecture on why penoids are actually just really tight vaginals and balls are upside down overs they'd be allowed to.

And rightoids aren't being censored, one of their impressively useless subreddits just got banned. I'm not a rightoid or a crazy "suck my girldick" leftoid but I don't really see how one is ridiculous while the other isn't.

it's weird you see them as related in anyway at all besides the word "conservative"

See what as related?

subreddits being banned/quarantined vs university departments being closed

You're right, subreddits being b& is way less important

i agree but i feel like you expected that to be like a gotchya or something

I like to think of myself as chaotic centrist ^_^

it's the edgiest way to be easy going

Your mind on leftism folks

> Call myself a centrist

> "This is your mind on leftism"

This is your mind on rightism

I call myself the King of England

Lmao okay what's your argument?

...that it's weird that you see them as related because of how different they are...

You're wrong and dumb but okay.

killer argument bra

Ok well like I said you're wrong and dumb.

okay what's your argument though?

That you're wrong.


The comments that say you're wrong.

prove it

Already did.

F+ Snally contributes in class but fails to show his work

My work is where I said you're wrong.

The school's guidance counselor would also encourage you to investigate the potential for a oppositional defiance disorder diagnosis

Sorry that you're too wrong and dumb to read.


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Stop censoring the lolcows.

Stop complaining about censorship, platforms have the right to determine who uses their platforms.

If you don't want to be silenced then make your own platform.

Wait no, not universities. That's different. I can't make my own university.

They’re not eliminating the engineering department.

eliminating african american studies

bruh just watch wakanda movie like 130 times. Same thing.

If the word yikes is in the title then any point they make is automatically made invalid

there's a lot to unpack here.

These people literally just hate min*rities and wom*n. Despite being 77% of the population wh*te people only make up 56% of college athletic scholarships. ßlack people? 13%/21%.

So let's talk about football. Football rakes in more money than the next 35 sports combined. Football literally bankrolls every other university sport, except maybe a really good m*le basketball team. If that weren't bad enough, Title IX literally only works because of football. You take away such a big sport full of m*n, suddenly it's federal discrimination to have more fem*le athletes than m*le athletes. You think wom*n's bowling or horse riding is sticking around? Goodbye!

In conclusion, any gender studies professor who complains about football is a bigot because football disproportionately helps wom*n and bl*cks.

Shhhh money isn’t real to the rotchilds

can't tell if this is seriousposting niggardry or top r/drama content

that's how you know it's the latter


ßased und Ðeutschepilled

axing the gender grifters, more money for the football chads

The first good thing I’ve ever heard about Ohio.



If you wanna study black people or women, just join a humanities/social sciences department and focus on them. It's like half of the point of these majors was to just have a college degree with your demographic on it lol.

You ever just think “man, if these people died it would be pretty great”?

I mean, yeah, it's funny to see gender studies eat shit, but he's got a point about the sports programs. Spectator sports are unhealthy for society. It is to weak men what porn is to cuckolds.

Before you mail in a comment about getting picked last for kickball, save your stamp, because I've had this argument with stupid people before.

Spectator sports are unhealthy for society. It is to weak men what porn is to cuckolds

You can just say you're dumb and fat, no need for the extra words friendo.

I hope you at least got free shipping.

Open up the door it's real

I looked, but it wasn't there. Are you sure you got the right trailer? It's the one with the baby stroller full of stagnant water in the yard.

It's the one with the non-stop pop-pop of stainless steel

> Spectator sports are unhealthy for society. It is to weak men what porn is to cuckolds.

Do you have trouble talking to people at work about anything other then work and then wonder why you aren't promoted?


Counter culture is so mid 2000s

No, it's where I make most of my friends. I probably won't be promoted though. Thanks for reminding me.

Sorry bud. Promotions are hard.

They are, but I'm competent, so I'll hold any ground I gain.

why are amerimutts so OBSESSED with blacks? they even have an entire field of study dedicated to them


why are amerimutts so OBSESSED with blacks? they even have an entire field of study dedicated to them


It's an anglo mayo thing to burn money on the pity pets.

One of the studies there is "critical whiteness" wtf is that. Are you supposed to criticality damage mayos there?

We have some whites over here who spend their entire lives figuring out how to keep black people from beating them up through sheer appeasement. Niggardly behavior.

Mutt's Law

>using yikes unironically


I look up to those who major in cultural, arts, political, and humanities studies. The right especially likes to make fun of them saying they're "lazy" and their "easy degrees have no use". None of that is true. We NEED cultural studies because it brings attention to history, and ways to prevent humans from repeating it. Politics/cultural studies majors go on to work for the UN or do research on our society. They are adding value to this world.

Meanwhile STEM is truly the easy way out, because you're just doing rubbish which you will never use after graduation, in exchange for a guaranteed job. Look at all the people flocking to CS and engineering. I'm willing to bet half of them are too scared to pursue what they really love.

holy shit i'm crying

the amount of delusion being spouted here to not address the fact that this dude spent 60k on a degree that will not get him a job is impressive.

He's doing a classic motte and baily manuvere.


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Nuclear level take.

Would be based if true though. Would actually give us good Dramacoin yields

I use things from my statics, machine design, systems, programming, etc. classes all the time at my engineering job. You know what's truly useless to me is the stuff i skimmed over for an easy A in my required humanities classes I had in school.

I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.



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11k votes for the most blatantly racist sub on reddit. Doing a great job out there, AHS!


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What happened?


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What will the middle class wasters do now that they can't get totally worthless degrees?

They should get rid of them, its pretty damn unethical to indoctrinate kids that they will be fine as long as they go to college, and then charge them a bunch of money for something that is essentially worthless.

Everyone wants to blame the kids, and while they aren't blameless people forget that young people are r slurs and will make awful decisions. But here you have grown adults who are basically predators targeting them. If they really want social justice stop scamming the youth

Only in Burgerland college football/basketball overshadows academics.

studying how black people enjoying crack and meth is good for society is academics


It's so nice watching their false idols burn


The fed papers are right their models show you guys are all going to go super fash and start zig hieling all over the place. Look at this thread


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Heil Hillary! May the Aryan goddess triumph over the blonde J e w.