4  2020-05-07 by TheLordHighExecu


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Destroying your child's shit to punish them is an absolute smooth brain move.

Hate the idea of mommy ruining your toys? What will you bring to show and tell?

I'm sorry your mother was too much of an alcoholic to act like an actual adult and discipline you properly.

Other way around. Mom was an anti-drinking immigrant who disciplined me with math lessons.

imagine being an immigrant child lmao

you can do better than that

his taxes paid for your mom's welfare. show some gratitude

Nah my parents were skilled workers. They came here because there literally weren't enough intelligent people to fill their positions


smart man

I've made enough Indian friends or acquaintances to make your story familiar lol.

Literally every single pajeet has the same story, no individuality


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They did it the legal way? What a bunch of idiots, lol no one does that anymore

hard to jump over the atlantic ocean

should have been born in south America. Classic mistake

There weren't enough smart people willing to fill their positions at half the market value.

Ah so you're an anchor baby

Ehh not really. My parents already had a green card before they had me

Anchor baby

n1gga my parents were already permanent resident status ret@ard. That's what they do you are skilled worker. Don't be upset that after 3 generations of smoking crystal meth and working at walmart you still dream of day where you can pull in 40K


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Based Bakchodi

What will you bring to show and tell?

usually a giant demon

You can't bring your mom's boyfriend to show and tell, even if he touches you in your bathing suit area

dont tell me what to do

u rite, so sorry


If something similar happened to me when I was 9, I'd be pissed too.

You seem like the type of n1gga to call social services on your mom for putting you in time out

Maybe they should get a job 💅💅💅

They could if the government didn't force them to stay in school.


Literal fascism TBH.

based and vagrant-pilled

What if I'm punishing them for playing Minecraft?

Then your doing it right

Luckily this literally happened in Minecraft, so nothing was actually destroyed.

The weak should fear the strong.

It's absolutely retarded, but also not backing up your 1 year old, thousands of hours save is even more smoothbrain.

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TBF, 9-year olds have pretty smooth brains.

t. Literal child

It's based

reddit thinks everything is abuse

Except drug abuse, because that’s just normal when you’re “adulting.”

"It's just weed, bro"

And pornography and sexual addiction.

Honestly it's pretty fucking mean to delete something that they have poured countless hours into, regardless of what it was.

If I found out my son wasted a year playing with virtual blocks I’d smack him in the mouth and make him start running laps.

Then he becomes the star quarterback smashing mad slash and developing a new life skill every week...

Or, he recedes into his hole, finds solace on the internet, becomes whatever today's equivalent of a tumblrina is and identifies with that.

Don't love your odds on this one

You forgot the option of "racist femboy"


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Or the other side of the coin, antiracist [insert pronoun here]

What's wrong with your kids having fun?


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That is how you turn your son into an /r/drama user

Ideal path would be to have "maybe I went too far, son" arc and play with him, helping him rebuild it while talking to his son and giving him advice.

And they're right. Life is suffering, but you're supposed to deal with it and find joy where you can.

That kid will probably enjoy his second build more than the first.

He'll enjoy his second dad more as well.

The drama rightoid, he does not think, he does not understand, he can only feel and react. He sees pain, inflicted on a helpless child and it reminds him of his own childhood. A stinging pain, a jealous longing for the only kind of attention his parents ever showed him is building up in him, like a faint memory becoming clear again, like a washed out photograph's colors coming back again. He does not know how to cope with it. So he begins to type. "Reddit thinks everything is abuse".

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This father in 20 years: "My son was so ungrateful, he left home the day he turned 18 and hasn't spoken to me since. Kids these days..."

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since this site is dominated by children, but I see this reddit fantasy posted often. I’m pretty sure a bunch of vidya, porn, and reddit addicts need their parents more than their parents need them.

It's not that unrealistic though. Not speaking with them ever again is extreme but having minimal interaction with them in adulthood is pretty realistic. I have a great relationship with my dad because I want to, not purely out of familial obligation. I enjoy seeing him and make time to do so.

My mom I still talk to but I feel a lot less desire to do so and would probably never take time off work to visit her unless it was for a huge family event or a funeral or something.

Deleting a Minecraft world to own your own is the ultimate cúck move

A lot of people don’t realize that Minecraft is art. Destroying someone’s art because they slept late is not okay

Video games are not art.

Based and Ebertpilled

How many video games can you build the Taj Mahal in?

Literally no one is impressed when you show them your minecraft "art"

No one is impressed when YOU show them your Minecraft art. Don't blame the game just cuz you suck at it. Just think what our benefactor/richest Jannie would think about your statements.

It's like showing someone your pokemons


I had to google that. Nerd.

You're just lucky you don't have to use it for work.

I took a class on AutoCADD years ago and it was the single most boring thing I've ever fucking done, I swear

I had a job for a few months updating electrical schematics in AutoCAD. I just couldn't bring myself to do it any further. Even when everything was working as it should, it was mostly just connecting dots and text editing.

That's true. I was looking at trade programs after I left high school and a lot of them sound fine on paper but would be miserable to do for a career just like that. I considered being a stenographer (court reporter) because my typing speed is really good but that involves sitting in a chair in absolute silence typing mundane legal jargon for hours on end.


Dwarf fortress

Well you can in Taj Mahal Builder Simulator 2011-2017


“the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

It definitely can be

My mum literally destroyed my sketchbook once because I did something which made her mad. She bought a new one later on feeling guilty and shit

I mean, some games are basically a moving painting

Some say parenting is also an art. If so, this man is a modern day Michelangelo.

I read parenting as painting and had a fucking stroke

I don't think anyone says that about painting, unless they are talking about hose velvet WWF paintings.

I agree with you, fuck all the boomers, who think they are better, just because they don't play video games. Way better hobby than sitting in front of the TV.

Having a healthy sleep schedule trickes down into every other aspect of life. The kid can cry shit and cum, but his stool is gonna be looking heck'n healthy do to his healthy diet and lifestyle.

It's only bad parenting if there wasn't a warning before. Punishments should be consistent.

Nah, that kids gonna die from an opoid overdose by the end of the decade.

That's such a dick move. Completely insane because the kid was only 9

Can't have been that impressive

Except nine-year-olds are the only ones with both the free time and the desire to make something ludicrous in Minecraft so it might have been pretty cool tbh.

You underestimate those autists that recreate entire cities in Minecraft.

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor



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Really stupid move. It doesn't matter what you personally think of another person's possession; if it was important to them, destroying it would be devastating.

Nah fuck you Minecraft is for autists

My parents didn't get any of the laptops I owned, they were gifts from my boyfriends, and even as an adult, they would take them away as punishment.

What kind of teenager has enough money to give a laptop to their girlfriend? Not one teenager too, multiple teenagers.

maybe they weren't teenagers?

Even as an adult

Implies they weren't before. They could've been pre teens I guess. 🤔

imagine knowing what a voxel is