The bong is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a slob, has-been, irrelevant, fat, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him “the 51st state” and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out!”

1  2020-05-08 by Can_The_SRDine


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Freedom tastes a lot like high fructose corn syrup huh bongs?

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. The bong is immunized against all d... -,

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It's great how all you have to say is one slightly incorrect fact about Bongland and then you'll have a queue of Bongs telling you all about the long history of how Scotland brutally oppressed the English and the UK is actually three separate countries. Yawn.

Scots are pathetic larpers. They're just the English but poor.

Rename Scotland either Tescoland or.... Poundland-land.

actually three separate countries.

This is bait


... There's four constituent countries in the UK. Bong, northerm bongs, sheep bongs, and blowy up bongs

delet this

No u

I’m English and I hate the Scottish. Or at least I hate Scottish people who move to London and never shut up about how special being Scottish makes them, like that is somehow exotic in the one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Also applies to Yorkshire, now I think about it. Worse, if anything.

Yes you're right. I've never met a Scotsman who hasn't bored me to tears about how he's Scottish. After a few tries anyway and a bit of "What's that mate? Sorry? What did you say?"

As if we're all meant to be amazed at this specimen from far away lands. Wow. You call lakes lochs do you that is very interesting.

And how can a nation manage to be so smug and have a chip on their shoulder at the same time? Scots truly are the Canadians of the British Isles.

Texans. Delusional about their own importance, full of bluster despite having done nothing to justify it, and not even independent.

New Yawwwwkers too who move to Florida to live for cheap and figure out that sitting in the sun all day ruins your skin and nobody wants to listen to them bitch all day with their shitty Long Island accent.

Lol this reminded me of GlobalTexan arguing against Cucknited Kingdom about gun rights yesterday

Actually, Wales and Scotland were the first victims of English colonization. 😔

It's great how all you have to say is one slightly incorrect fact about Bongland and then you'll have a queue of Bongs


You enjoy nibbling on my tasty bait, mate??

Bait? I even read your comment I saw a chance to dab on bongs and took it, it's an automatic response at this point?

Scottish/English relations are kind of like English/American relations. The bigger side looks at the smaller one and goes 'aw cute'. The smaller side however spends most of their time mocking the bigger side. See 'anyone but England' every time there's a sports competition.

England and Scotland come together finally to seethe at your comment 😂

Oh wow another insecure Ameripoor 😴 😴 😴

Brits have always been lardarses compared to Europe. For some reason the muslims have everyone beat though. See how red it gets towards Turkey.

At least the Turks are stuffing themselves with good-tasting food. Imagine getting obese on British cuisine.

What the hell even is British “cuisine”? Shitty fish, French fries, rainwater, Earl Gray tea, and depression?

Deep-fried Mars Bars.

Prawn cocktail crisps.

If that product is insufficient for a global invasion and occupation I'm really at a loss for what could be

Loving the idea of a burger calling anyone "fat" :D :D :D my sides