Why saying "black is beautiful" is important and different from saying "white is beautiful"

1  2020-05-08 by atmpls


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Black people get constant affirmation and credit for doing nothing but apparently we aren’t worshipping them hard enough smh

This is honestly a phenomenon confined to Reddit and it only happens because the average Redditor has rock-bottom expectations for black people.

Also twitter will pretend that graduating from high school and achieving above the bottom 20% is noteworthy for basketballs lmao

get constant affirmation and credit for doing nothing

Appropriation of white culture, smh.


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Do you need me to provide you a list? We both know you don’t want a list.....

You already proved how pathetic you are by replying to a 2 week old comment on r/drama, so it doesn't matter if you post your list or not.

Sooooooo you do or do not want the list?

I'll tell you in 14 days.

Yeah, maybe 100 years ago this was true for whites, but it certainly isn’t now. Self hating whites y’know.

It's literally an ad from an instagram model. lol

May Yakub arrive swiftly and cleanse the Earth of the filthy m*yo.

I think she’s Ghana do well

Fuck redditors and their lame ass puns

They're such fucking dorks it's unbelievable

You ghana get hurt bro

Never Ghana give you up

le epic troll song, you have my updoots kind sir!

bruh her chest is so flat, not beautiful at all 🤨

How do you do, fellow poors? So the basket goes here, right?

Because white people are actually beautiful and black people look like shit lmao.

The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. Why saying "black is beautiful" is ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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White people don't suffer from constant and ubiquitous cultural pressures to be another race in order to be beautiful.

Let's ask BPT and hiphopheads about this one lol

Let's ask BPT and hiphopheads about this one lol

So you want to ask a bunch of white people.

Exactly. Why do you think whypo want to call each other niggas so much? Racial inferiority complex caused by incessant systemic messaging.

Why do you think whypo want to call each other niggas so much?

Because whypo want to know how oppression feels like.

"Finally... as a minority... my dumbass reddit posts will be respected."

Black people aren’t oppressed

Kings can't be oppressed.


because we invented that word and melanated mike stole it from us.

White people don't suffer from constant and ubiquitous cultural

Only thing they suffer from is an identity crisis from being mutts

Hey, I'm 1/16th Cherokee, I know my heritage.

Cheekbone status: High

I'm always complimented for my high cheekbones. That's how I know I'm native.



(((ubiquitous cultural pressures)))


its because one of them is true 💅💅💅💅💅

Whites are ugly i stan my black queens

Black women look like men

That's why they are more attractive.

Bussy and pussy in one package, what a steal !

Does that mean they don't fuck their heckin pupperdoggerinos?

Thanks for providing more proof that black queens are better than mayoids 😊😊😊


Basic rightoid redditer has logged on

Nah, just recognizing that modern humans don’t have prognathism, it’s very much an atavistic early hominid simian trait. The more forward the mouth, the smaller the brain capacity. Scientific fact.

"Ackshually, humans don't have prognathism"

  • Some sapiens-neanderthal mutt

Me? Oh no honey, I’m Cro Magnon Rh Negative. Some European populations are nearly identical to pure Cro Magnon.

Meh, a mutt is a mutt.

Cro Magnon is modern human indigenous to Europe and south Mediterranean. While sub Saharan Africans are mixture of (perhaps) Cro Magnon and a phantom hominid species, not the other way around. The Out of Africa theory is a huge hoax.

"Ackshually, science and history are lies and I'm the special one."

Ok, mutt.

Out of Africa theory is not science or history, as it’s based on debunked and outdated research. Just Marxist propaganda to uplift those who after thousands of years had created nothing of real value, and to suppress those who created modern civilization and in the ancient past spread animal husbandry, agriculture, metallurgy, etc across the globe.

How does the OoA theory suppress Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Indians, or the Chinese?

Ancient Egyptians were a Neolithic white population, nowadays we know ancient Egyptians were same haplogroup as Western Europeans and more in common genetically with modern Brits than with modern Egyptians who have a large percentage of Arab and sub Saharan black admixture. As far as the others, they aren’t mutation, they are mixtures of different hominids. It’s well known fact that the human race isn’t a single race, we are a hybrid species. And some of us are purer than others for sure.


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Everybody already knows that white is beautiful. It's like saying water is wet.

SMH these dumb people

Did you know amy schumer is white?

I dont think she's human tbh

Isn't it/xer one of "them"?

Wh*tes have the other 11 months.

We invented all 12 months tho

If you literally don't point out I'm beautiful you're pretty much saying I'm ugly - mayoism

isn't that literally what "black is beautiful" is saying lol

I know dramatards are kinda peak tarded to historical context so even if i explained you'd be too stupid to understand 💅 have a nice day sweaty

historical copetext

White people = Beautiful

Woman in picture = Beautiful

Woman in picture = White person

Sneaky mayos.

Because nobody has to be psyop'd into believing the latter

Skinless is beautiful, the superior type of human.

World around ewe pilled


That thread is one of Reddit's brief moments of self awareness.

Any bets on when that thread is gonna get y’all’d? I’m saying some time today.

being a pussy and deleting comments


r/pics mods are subhuman.


Do they have an intern holding the curtain off camera?

Black white conventionally attractive facial features and a healthy BMI are beautiful.

ALL body sizes are beautiful you narrow minded plebeian😤

(this comment is sponsored by /r/antidiet )


Can we have a non-pussy version of reddit that's basically removeddit by default?


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Lol at the historical village picture, bich how much aloe you think thos nigga hav? think they got pools of coco budda? you got a basked in a basket and one leaf on yo head, why you leaving the village? you aint shopd.

This isn’t MDE you insecure m*yo

If you think this is racist it's because you think posing in some fake ass village picture is something only black people do and can be made fun of. If you knew like one black dude who talked about fake bitches before you'd know that this is merely sexist.


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I want to make mixed race babies.