Small argument over black people's intelligence.

1  2020-05-11 by Standard12


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Small argument over black people's ... -,

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Stupid kid shouldn't have graduated top of his class. Fuckin traitor ass bitch exposed his entire race.

Liberal minstrel shows

🐴 👞

They’re so magical and exotic 🥰

Don’t forget that the achievements of the individuals who happen to share your race won’t compensate for the fact that you haven’t achieved anything in your pathetic life.

This mayo might be selfaware

That was the only right answer there.

P.S. Looking down on other minorities won’t compensate for the fact that you’ll never be white LOL

Based and racepilled.

you’ll never be white

Why would anyone want to be the next minority

Canadian student


Basketball leafs shouldn't even qualify for being black.

hes not even african american

I’m guessing Nigerian

Isn't this based solely on grades? I'm curious what you mean it took them too long.

he pulled the uno reverse card

I got lost and did not bother finding my way out. This talk about race has overstretched my bussy and I am too tired to restrengthen it with kegel exercises

Bravo gav1n, thats some masterful bait

I saw that headline and chose not to read the comments because I knew it was going to be filled with racists and accidental racists virtue signaling