The eternal c*pe continues as ch@pos REE at clean energy donations

1  2020-05-11 by newsmachineplus


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. The eternal c*pe continues as ch@po... -,

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I honestly have no idea anymore if Bill Gates is a super good guy trying to fix the world or the worst guy ever killing people in labs and profiting.

I somehow think he believes only one of those.

Imagine curing diseases in Africa and not being progressive enough to satisfy some redditards

Still not as progressive as going vegan and donating to Bernie.

A true progressive also makes sure to stay at home on election day

I wish he'd kill people in labs 😤

It's an example of having a Harry Potter-level of understanding of morality. People you agree with are heroes and people you disagree with are cartoon evil villains. They don't think there can be anything in between.

I remember a state of continual whiplash in McCain's final few years of life. As if you can't just view him as someone with positives and negatives, he dashed wildly from saint to sinner and back again in the minds of Republicans and Democrats sometimes from week to week.

Take it a step further too: the bad guys can't contribute to the solution, but the solution must also punish them.

Everything Gates does is inherently wrong, and the right course of action will be one that makes him worse off.

Ni🅱️🅱️a is bragging about his UCF econ degree. UCF is the school you go to if you couldn't get into UF or even 🤮FSU🤮.

Econ is what you get when you can’t get a finance or accounting degree

I also have a certificate in technological entrepreneurship.

I think this is the saddest attempt to make yourself look credible I’ve ever seen.


posts frequently in r/herpes


ideal vessel

We get it, he wants to fuck a 12-year-old girl.


Good morning.

I didn’t think it was possible to hate tankies even more but this did it

Why hate them at all?