Despite making up 0.1% of the internet janit0r population....

1  2020-05-13 by 2Manadeal2btw


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Despite making up 0.1% of the inter... -,

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I bet it's a lot of hard work to maintain so many quality communities. Surely these industrious ladies and gentlemen are well-compensated for their efforts.

I heard they're getting a 50% bonus for working extra hard during this pandemic

These guys actually are getting paid. GB is for sure. He got a job basically because he had the most karma on the site. I don't know if I can link anything, but you can search his username and see it.

Not sure why Reddit allows this since it destroyed Digg.

Isn’t he being chummy with an admin the reason we lost pinging? Or one of the reasons.

One, yes, but let's not discount how our own unique flavor of a*tism and fondness for personal safety advice played a role.

Social media is controlled by a small group of people who decide what becomes viral and what doesn't, people's votes and choices have no value at all

I am shocked. Shocked I tell you. We totally did not know this since 2005.

Sounds anti-semitic.

Only anti-semites will see it that way. Get on the train prisoner.

I wonder who that small group of people are, guess we’ll never know 🤷‍♀️

bruh its just cuse they're super smart and work really hard

Whole lot of people on that thread haven't heard what the j@nnie financial compensation package consists of.

This website is such ass

Haha even the internet is an oligarchy. Except instead of getting the top companies and luxuries, all they get is 1000x the normal pay

1000x you say? Mmmmm let me run that through my calculator....

That must be some pretty substantial compensation! Unless...

the mistake of OP was posting that info to that particular subreddit.

How much would that change if the admins just banned Бардфинн and Галлоубооб?