Smug rеdditors praise acceptance of homоsеxuality in ancient times, immediately start pivoting when told it was limited to libertarians

13  2020-05-15 by ReddneckwithaD


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dude the Celts were genderfluid and Gallic druids were tränsfölx! I read about it in these 19th century books written by French mysticist perverts so you know it’s true

good morning I hate reddit

Glorifying bloodthirsty cultures because their people have gäy se̞x.

Reddit 100.

Plenty of cultures had different views on g3nder and s3xuality. The celts for example had a g3nderfluid culture, where same s3x love was more than appropriate, but h3tero g3nder mariages was the norm.

It's fascinating. But then Christianity bulldozed over most of Western Europe, America and a good amount of the eastern world. Destroying records that they judged "disgusting"


the celts

Of course he chooses a people who were complete illiterate until the Romans conquered them, and whose culture you can fantasize about freely.

But then also felt the need to point out that the records of such events were destroyed... so how did he know what they were doing?

“Destroyed by Christianity”

They literally were conquered by Julius Caesar lol

Well actually the Romans bulldozed Western Europe and weren’t Christian until Emperor Constantine, who ruled from 306 AD to 312 AD.

Julius Caesar took over Gaul from 58 BC to 50 BC and the conquest of Britain lasted from 43 AD to 84 AD.

So yes somehow Christianity destroyed those cultures 350-200 years before it was even adopted by the Roman Empire.

The guy going on about the Celts is clearly rubbing one out while he’s making up this absolute nonsense lol

I mostly know about mainland celtic culture so maybe this does not apply to UK celt.

Imagine staning for Gauls, who got run the fuck over, when you could be on the Picts-and-Gaels team. Who have the marked advantage of still existing.

still existing

Qu’est-ce-que t’as putain de dit à propos des Bretons, petit merde?

But yeah. The Picts may have written in actual moon runes that are so hard to decipher that until ~10 years ago linguists weren’t even sure that the Picts were Celts (or even Indo-Europeans at all), but at least they did write about themselves. Unlike the Gauls whom we know about thanks to a book literally written by the guy who subjugated them lmao.

tfw you can't rape children because christianity deemed it "disgusting"


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I remember the black forest butt fuck parties. I miss those times. 😔

That’s what the Germans fought so hard for at Teutoburg Forest. I’d probably enter the bereserkurgang trance too, if my right to büssy were ever threatened.

Weren't the celts a bunch of r@pist marauders who stole w*men from other tribes, or was that just the vikings and the Goths?

Yeah that was them, but Boudicca got her forces obliterated that one time so they’re absolutely based

Everyone on earth tried that. Some are just more fitting for fodder than fighters.

Oh man, just wait till they read Tacitus and see what the ancient Germans did with h*mos

I went to the wiki page on lgbt in Germany and its pretty interesting.

Brazilian trap socialite from 19th century.

Butch that served in four armies, escaped execution for desertion by playing the w*man card in the first, fucked prostitutes and her wife with a leather strapon without them finding out apparently and met her eventual end thus

In a final confrontation, the trial records say, Mühlhahn's mother "charged the defendant with being a woman and not a man", "ripped open her pants, examined her, and ... found not the slightest sign of anything masculine." Mühlhahn's mother provided the authorities with the artificial penis along with a "leather-covered horn" that Linck wore next to her body, which constituted part of her male disguise and allowed her to urinate standing up

Alma de Paradeda (1871 - 8 December 1906, Breslau), was a Brazilian socialite, known for the circumstances of her death (self-poisoning in front of a doctor, who after examining the body revealed she was physically male)

Metal as fuck, I wish today's 41 percenters had the balls to go out like that.

The only difference is that Alma was able to pass.

Non-mäyos often can pass very well.

I'm growing ever more convinced that Frederick I was a complete dick.


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fucked prostitutes and her wife with a leather strapon without them finding out apparently

I could imagine an old-time wife who had never seen another dick being this clueless, but prostitutes? Their job is literally to deal with massive amounts of dick.


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As far as I understand it, Caesar was really the first to bulldoze the celts, and they didn't have a written language or records.

Someone literally defending 30 year old men boning 12 year olds and saying the kids were "consenting".


this is their best argument for how progressive ancient cultures were


imagine not wanting to have a philosopher daddy destroy ur boipucci

Ever notice how when another culture finds something acceptable that our culture doesn't, that's a reason that our culture should change? Why doesn't the other culture change to be normal instead 🧐

Your argument is right, but you're american, and americans don't have culture.


our culture

Huh, I've literally spent 4 years thinking you weren't mаyo, kinda feel stupid now

I think it's cause yall built your culture by absorbing stuff from other conquered integrated cultures historically, so the mentality must have carried on

Ok groomer

Ancient sources are so back, and forth on the subject, it's rather near impossible to say any society took any hard stance. I can dig up accounts of Romans sentenced to death for homosexuality, and hold it up next to accounts of men being legally sentenced to sodomy, and those somehow came from the same culture.

Yeah and lots of ancient writers like Herodotus and Suetonius loved to tell lurid stories about perverts having orgies and stuff, so you can't just take everything at face value.

Wouldnt that make sense, though? Bottoming is bad so you kill bottoms. And because bottoming is so bad it is a punishment.

Pedos always fit at least one of three:

  • Gæys

  • W33bs

  • Pølitical extremists

You forgot about troons

Find me a trøid that isn't gæy, w33b or cømmie

Caitlyn Jenner

You can't be a trōid if you're an something that came out of Satan's v-word

White nationalists have a weird love for “aryan” (read: Nordic) things

Why not just say nordic? Why do you always have to be a condescending cunt? Because you know it won't win everybody over but it makes you feel good?

ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


  1. Smug rеdditors praise acceptance of... -,

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Oh man, that must mean ancient Greece was apparently full of demons 😯😯

It's strange when snappy matches a copypasta to a post correctly.


If you open Snappy's profile and sort the comments by top-this year, it actually happens pretty frequently

Whether he's sentient, or being run by a gnome sitting inside some machine, it's funny knowing he's capable of contributing better commentary than 99% of dramаutists

Who provides him with all of the copypastas?

PizzаShill, mostly

Who is that?

A drama hero. Some call him a thöt slayer other say he is the longpost king. In actuality he is a rëtärd like you and me

Oh ok


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I don't think the Greeks were having parades featuring nude men and massive quantities of sex toys

Uhhhhhhh the Olympics? And instead of a torch run the opening ceremony was the public buttfucking of a young spartan boy, idiot bigot.

Weren't the Spartan men one of those that did buttfuck each other when they weren't buttfucking their helots?

They were the manliest gæys of all history



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Wahmen werent allowed specifically because of the nudity.

Sex in ancient Greece really isn’t something to be glorified. For one thing, homosexuality and pedophilia were very closely linked. To be clear, I’m not saying anything like that is remotely true today.

Of course not

It's almost all that it was. There were no lesbian relationships, and they just had older men bang kids. It's not like they were marrying them later.

The Greeks just were a little early on properly embracing bussy.

They only fucked their thighs, actually. Bussy was generally considered demeaning to the beloved. They undoubtably reserved the majority of their bussy-fucking for the slaves.

In fact, they got so used to boys that when they married, the women had to cut their hair like boys to get the man's dong going. Truly enlightened people, Christianity has been a curse to humanity

Tomboy-ish women with short hair are hot, tho, ngl

Women are hot

be better

really makes you think 🤔

Snappy quote about homosexuals.txt

Never! Those two things can't possibly be linked




Cut him some slack, he’s an r-slur.

I am a big one





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By nature of calling it a "nazi dog whistle", one should always be highly suspicious of whomever shows up barking.

It's infuriating to argue with people like that because they are correct about the origins, and that small portion of people will use it as an ebin f@sh meme, but they're also r3tarded because in reality 95% of people using it don't even know the supposed n@zi connotations and it's just a funny meme for them.

Funny how that works


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smug redditors

Why say the same thing twice?

Lmao ancient Greeks had rape battles

To many Greeks, women were straight up not worthy to contend in the realm of pleasure. You could use them at your whim, but they were for little more than birthing and binding marriage for family. Real sex happened between men, during which they’d basically “fight” for the top position. Very steamy stuff and it’s in a lot of old societies.
